public DataTable ResDataTable(DateTime startOnDgv, DateTime endOnDgv) { //public List<ReservationInfo> FilterReservationByDgvDate(DateTime RangeFrom, DateTime RangeTill) //SELECT* FROM Product_salesWHERE NOT(From_date > @RangeTill OR To_date < @RangeFrom) //MessageBox.Show(start.ToString()+"my start date"); //MessageBox.Show(end.ToString()+"my end date"); ReservationDataService reservationDataService = new ReservationDataService(); List <ReservationInfo> myReservationList = reservationDataService.ShowAllRes(startOnDgv, endOnDgv); ReservationInfo me = myReservationList[1]; //string query = "SELECT id, room_id, customer_id, description, startDate, endDate, totalPrice, lengthOfStay, rate FROM reservation WHERE NOT (startDate > @end OR endDate < @start)"; string query = "SELECT, room.roomNumber,, res.description, res.startDate, res.endDate, res.totalPrice, res.lengthOfStay, res.rate " + "FROM reservation res " + "INNER JOIN room room " + "ON res.room_id = " + "INNER JOIN customer cust " + "ON res.customer_id = " + "WHERE NOT (startDate > '2019-01-31 00:00:00' OR endDate < '2019-01-01 00:00:00')"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@end", endOnDgv); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@start", startOnDgv); try { conn.Open(); using (MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd)) { sda.Fill(dt); dt.Columns.Add("CalcDays", typeof(Int32)); dt.Columns.Add("TotalRevenue", typeof(Int32)); // dt.Columns.Add("TotalReserveDays", typeof(Int32)); //dt.Columns.Add("CalcDays", typeof(Int32)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { List <string> computeValues = FilterResForMsr(myReservationList[i], startOnDgv, endOnDgv); dt.Rows[i][9] = computeValues[0]; dt.Rows[i][10] = computeValues[1]; //dt.Rows[i][10] = 19; //computeValues.Clear(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString() + "Filter reservations failed"); return(null); } } return(dt); }
//if a existing reservation is clicked public ReservationDataPresenter(AddReservationView form, ReservationInfo myResInfo, RoomInfo myRoomInfo, CustomerInfo myCustomerInfo, MyButton resButt) { _form = form; //public void setValuesBasedOnReservationId(string roomType, string roomNumber, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string description, decimal lengthOfStay) form.setValuesBasedOnReservationId(myRoomInfo, myRoomInfo.RoomType, myRoomInfo.RoomNumber, myResInfo.StartDate, myResInfo.EndDate, myResInfo.Desc, myResInfo.RoomRate, myResInfo.GroupStatus, myResInfo.AmtPaid); form.theCustomerInfo = myCustomerInfo; form.theReservation = myResInfo; form.referenceButton = resButt; form.EditForm = true; }
public int verifyCustomerInfoAndCreateReservation(CustomerInfo Customer, ReservationInfo ResNow, ReservationCalendarForm calendar) { string query = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE name=@name"; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)) { // Execute Scalar returns the first column of the first row cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", Customer.Name); conn.Open(); int CustomerExists = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); if (CustomerExists > 0) { MessageBox.Show("customer with the same name exist please choose " + "another name"); } else { // user clicked no try { CustomerDataService customerData = new CustomerDataService(); //insert into customer long lastInsertedCustomer = customerData.InsertIntoCustomer(Customer.Name, Customer.Company, Customer.Address, Customer.Phone, Customer.Email, Customer.Passport, Customer.Nationality, Customer.Gender, Customer.BirthDate, Customer.BirthPlace, Customer.Comment); ResNow.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(lastInsertedCustomer); long lastInsertReservation = AddReservation(Convert.ToInt32(ResNow.RoomId), ResNow.CustomerId, ResNow.Desc, ResNow.StartDate, ResNow.EndDate, 0, ResNow.TotalPrice, ResNow.LenghtOfStay, ResNow.RoomRate); if ((ResNow.StartDate.Year == ResNow.EndDate.Year) && (ResNow.StartDate.Month == ResNow.EndDate.Month)) { //ReservationCalendarForm calendar = new ReservationCalendarForm(); RoomDataService roomDataService = new RoomDataService(); RoomInfo selectedRoom = new RoomInfo(); selectedRoom = roomDataService.getRoomInfoById(Convert.ToInt32(ResNow.RoomId)); string myRoomId = selectedRoom.RoomId; calendar.findFirstcell(ResNow.StartDate, ResNow.EndDate, lastInsertReservation, ResNow.RoomId); //calendar.createb( } MessageBox.Show(lastInsertReservation.ToString() + "last inserted"); return(Convert.ToInt32(lastInsertReservation)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } MessageBox.Show("not good"); return(0); } }
/* * // filter reservations according to there start and end reservation dates * // return back a list of items for the datagrid to use * public List<string> FilterResForMsr(DateTime startDateOnDGV, DateTime endDateOnDGV, DateTime resStart, DateTime resEnd) * { * List<string> ItemsToInsert = new List<string>(); * //if date of reservation occurs inclusively in datagridview * if (resStart.Date >= startDateOnDGV.Date && resEnd.Date <= endDateOnDGV.Date) * { * int * } * * // there is backflow from previous dates * // aka if a reservation ends on this month but starts in a previous month * else if (resStart.Date <= startDateOnDGV.Date && resEnd.Date <= endDateOnDGV.Date) * { * * * } * * // if there is overflow on next dates * // aka if reservation starts on the month now but ends on a later month * * else if ((resStart.Date <= endDateOnDGV.Date && resStart.Date >= startDateOnDGV.Date) && resEnd.Date >= endDateOnDGV.Date) * { * } * * // if there is overflow on both ends * // * * else if (resStart.Date <= endDateOnDGV && resEnd.Date >= endDateOnDGV.Date) * { * } * else * { * MessageBox.Show("an error has occured"); * } * } */ public List <ReservationInfo> ShowAllRes(DateTime start, DateTime end) { //public List<ReservationInfo> FilterReservationByDgvDate(DateTime RangeFrom, DateTime RangeTill) List <ReservationInfo> listOfReservation = new List <ReservationInfo>(); //SELECT* FROM Product_salesWHERE NOT(From_date > @RangeTill OR To_date < @RangeFrom) //MessageBox.Show(start.ToString()+"my start date"); //MessageBox.Show(end.ToString()+"my end date"); string query = "SELECT id, room_id, customer_id, description, startDate, endDate, occupied, totalPrice, lengthOfStay, rate FROM reservation WHERE NOT (startDate > @end OR endDate < @start)"; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@end", end); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@start", start); try { MySqlDataReader myReader; conn.Open(); using (myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (myReader.Read()) { ReservationInfo resInfo = new ReservationInfo(); resInfo.ResId = Convert.ToInt32((myReader[0])); resInfo.RoomId = (myReader[1]).ToString(); resInfo.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32((myReader[2])); resInfo.Desc = (myReader[3]).ToString(); resInfo.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader[4]); resInfo.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader[5]); resInfo.Occupied = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[6]); resInfo.TotalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[7]); resInfo.LenghtOfStay = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[8]); resInfo.RoomRate = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[9]); //Desc = (myReader[2]).ToString() listOfReservation.Add(resInfo); //MessageBox.Show("DSAFSADf"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString() + "Filter reservations failed"); return(null); } } return(listOfReservation); }
// Step 1: need to filter out reservations according if dgv month and year is present in the reservation // Step 2: Add this information to the datatable // Step 3: When MSR loads send Datatable // step 4: DataTable should consist of /* * public DataTable CreateMonthlyReport(DateTime end, int month) * { * * * * //FilterReservationByDgvDate * //return dt = MSRFilter(dgvStartMonthDay, dgvEndMonthDay); * * } */ public DataTable MSRFilter(DateTime start, DateTime end) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //SELECT* FROM Product_salesWHERE NOT(From_date > @RangeTill OR To_date < @RangeFrom) string query = "SELECT id, room_id, customer_id, description, startDate, endDate, occupied, totalPrice, lengthOfStay, rate FROM reservation WHERE NOT (startDate >= @RangeTill OR endDate <= @RangeFrom) AND room_id=@room_id"; using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RangeTill", start); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RangeFrom", end); try { MySqlDataReader myReader; conn.Open(); using (myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (myReader.Read()) { //newRow = dt.NewRow(); ReservationInfo resInfo = new ReservationInfo(); resInfo.ResId = Convert.ToInt32((myReader[0])); resInfo.RoomId = (myReader[1]).ToString(); resInfo.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[2]); resInfo.Desc = (myReader[3]).ToString(); resInfo.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader[4]); resInfo.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader[5]); resInfo.Occupied = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[6]); resInfo.TotalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[7]); resInfo.LenghtOfStay = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[8]); resInfo.RoomRate = Convert.ToInt32(myReader[8]); //Desc = (myReader[2]).ToString() dt.Rows.Add(resInfo); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString() + "Filter reservations failed"); return(null); } } return(dt); }
public List <string> FilterResForMsr(ReservationInfo item, DateTime startDateOnDGV, DateTime endDateOnDGV) { List <string> itemsForDgv = new List <string>(); int calcDays = 0; int calcAccMonth = 0; int totalResDays = 0; string roomNumber; //if date of reservation occurs inclusively in datagridview if (item.StartDate.Date >= startDateOnDGV.Date && item.EndDate.Date <= endDateOnDGV.Date) { calcDays = item.LenghtOfStay; calcAccMonth = item.TotalPrice; roomNumber = item.RoomId; itemsForDgv.Add(calcDays.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(calcAccMonth.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(roomNumber.ToString()); //itemsForDgv.Add } // there is backflow from previous dates // aka if a reservation ends on this month but starts in a previous month else if (item.StartDate.Date <= startDateOnDGV.Date && item.EndDate.Date <= endDateOnDGV.Date) { if (item.EndDate.Date == startDateOnDGV) { calcDays = 1; calcAccMonth = calcDays * item.RoomRate; roomNumber = item.RoomId; itemsForDgv.Add(calcDays.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(calcAccMonth.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(roomNumber.ToString()); } else { MessageBox.Show(calcDays.ToString()); calcDays = (item.EndDate - startDateOnDGV).Days; calcAccMonth = calcDays * item.RoomRate; roomNumber = item.RoomId; itemsForDgv.Add(calcDays.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(calcAccMonth.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(roomNumber.ToString()); } } // if there is overflow on next dates // aka if reservation starts on the month now but ends on a later month else if ((item.StartDate.Date <= endDateOnDGV.Date && item.StartDate.Date >= startDateOnDGV.Date) && item.EndDate.Date >= endDateOnDGV.Date) { if (endDateOnDGV == item.EndDate) { calcDays = (item.StartDate - endDateOnDGV).Days; calcAccMonth = calcDays * item.RoomRate; roomNumber = item.RoomId; itemsForDgv.Add(calcDays.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(calcAccMonth.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(roomNumber.ToString()); } else { calcDays = (item.StartDate - endDateOnDGV).Days; calcAccMonth = calcDays * item.RoomRate; roomNumber = item.RoomId; itemsForDgv.Add(calcDays.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(calcAccMonth.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(roomNumber.ToString()); } } // if there is overflow on both ends else if (item.StartDate.Date <= endDateOnDGV.Date && item.EndDate.Date >= endDateOnDGV.Date) { calcDays = 31; calcAccMonth = calcDays * item.RoomRate; roomNumber = item.RoomId; itemsForDgv.Add(calcDays.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(calcAccMonth.ToString()); itemsForDgv.Add(roomNumber.ToString()); } else { MessageBox.Show("an error has occured"); } return(itemsForDgv); }
public DataTable Occupancy(DateTime startOnDgv, DateTime endOnDgv) { ReservationDataService reservationDataService = new ReservationDataService(); List <ReservationInfo> myReservationList = reservationDataService.ShowAllRes(startOnDgv, endOnDgv); ReservationInfo me = myReservationList[1]; RoomDataService myRoomDataService = new RoomDataService(); int amtOfRooms = myRoomDataService.GetAmtRooms(); int days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(endOnDgv.Year, endOnDgv.Month); int potentialNights = amtOfRooms * days; //MessageBox.Show("My amount of rooms" + amtOfRooms.ToString()); // THe feilds we want a room.roomNumber, totalRoomNIghts of all, potentialNights // totalRoom nights of all is equal to filter running total of calc days // potentailnights is equal to daysInMonth * amtOfRooms // amtOfrooms is to mysql count(*) // string query = "SELECT id, roomNumber from"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@end", endOnDgv); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@start", startOnDgv); try { conn.Open(); using (MySqlDataAdapter sda = new MySqlDataAdapter(cmd)) { sda.Fill(dt); dt.Columns.Add("TotRoomNights", typeof(Int32)); dt.Columns.Add("PotentNights", typeof(Int32)); dt.Columns.Add("OccPer", typeof(String)); int roomNightsMonth = 0; //dt.Columns.Add("CalcDays", typeof(Int32)); int theHell = 0; for (int i = 0; i < amtOfRooms; i++) { for (int x = 0; x < myReservationList.Count; x++) { dt.Columns["TotRoomNights"].DefaultValue = 0; //dt.Columns["Occupancy"]. List <string> computeValues = FilterResForMsr(myReservationList[x], startOnDgv, endOnDgv); if (Convert.ToInt32(computeValues[2]) == Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i][0])) { dt.Columns["TotRoomNights"].DefaultValue = 0; //Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["field_name"]); theHell += Convert.ToInt32(computeValues[0]); dt.Rows[i]["TotRoomNights"] = theHell; //dt.Rows[i]["TotRoomNights"] = Convert.ToInt32(computeValues[0]) + Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["TotRoomNights"]); } } theHell = 0; dt.Rows[i]["PotentNights"] = potentialNights; /* * roomNightsMonth += Convert.ToInt32(computeValues[0]); * MessageBox.Show(roomNightsMonth.ToString()); */ } foreach (DataRow items in dt.Rows) { if (items[2] == DBNull.Value) { items[2] = 0; } } foreach (DataRow items in dt.Rows) { decimal roomNights = Math.Round(((Convert.ToDecimal(items["TotRoomNights"]) / potentialNights) * 100), 2); string format = roomNights.ToString() + (" %"); //MessageBox.Show((Convert.ToDouble(items["TotRoomNights"]) / potentialNights).ToString()); items["OccPer"] = format; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString() + "Filter reservations failed"); return(null); } } return(dt); }