예제 #1
        public void OnCancelTableReservation_ReturnSuccess()
            var bookingId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var bookingDetail = new BookingDetail()
                BookingId = bookingId,
                BookingDate = new DateTime(2015, 08, 29),
                CheckInTime = new TimeSpan(13, 30, 00),
                TableId = 1,
                CustomerDetail = new Person()

                    FirstName = "Balachandar",
                    MobileNumber = "903-555-7303"

            // Book the table reservation

            // Cancel reservation
            reservationBL.CancelTableReservation(bookingDetail.BookingDate, bookingId);

            // Get the booking detail by passing booking id, it should return null value once cancelled
            var bookingDetailAfterCancellation = reservationBL.GetBookingDetail(bookingDetail.BookingDate, bookingId);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Book the table reservation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookingDetail">Booking detais</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ServiceResponse<bool> BookTableReservation(BookingDetail bookingDetail)
            // Add business rules

            var serviceResponse = new ServiceResponse<bool>();

                var result = reservationRepository.BookTableReservation(bookingDetail);
                serviceResponse.Result = result;

                if (result == true)
                    serviceResponse.OperationSuccess = true;
                    serviceResponse.ServiceMessage = "Booking successful";
                    serviceResponse.OperationSuccess = false;
                    serviceResponse.ServiceMessage = "Unable to book the reservation";
            catch (Exception ex)
                serviceResponse.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;

            return serviceResponse;
예제 #3
        public void OnBookingTableReservationWithValidValue_ReturnSuccess()
            var bookingDetail = new BookingDetail()
                BookingId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                BookingDate = new DateTime(2015, 08, 29),
                CheckInTime = new TimeSpan(13, 30, 00),
                TableId = 1,
                CustomerDetail = new Person()

                    FirstName = "Balachandar",
                    MobileNumber = "903-555-7303"

            var result = reservationBL.BookTableReservation(bookingDetail);
        /// <summary>
        /// Book table reservation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookingDetail"></param>
        /// <returns>true / false</returns>
        public bool BookTableReservation(BookingDetail bookingDetail)
            var bookingDate = bookingDetail.BookingDate;
            // Check the data file is exist or not, if not exist creates the data file

            // Cancel if the booking is exist
            CancelTableReservation(bookingDate, bookingDetail.BookingId);

            // Get the booking details
            var bookingDetails = GetBookingDetails(bookingDate);

            //Add booking detail into list of booking details

            // Serialize and save the Json text into a data file
            var dataFileName = GetDataFileName(bookingDate);
            return SerializerHelper.WriteIntoFile(bookingDetails, dataFileName);
예제 #5
        public void OnGetBookingDetails_ReturnSuccess()
            var bookingDate = DateTime.Today;

            var bookingDetail1 = new BookingDetail()
                BookingId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                BookingDate = bookingDate,
                CheckInTime = new TimeSpan(13, 30, 00),
                TableId = 1,
                CustomerDetail = new Person()

                    FirstName = "Balachandar",
                    MobileNumber = "903-555-7303"

            var bookingDetail2 = new BookingDetail()
                BookingId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                BookingDate = bookingDate,
                CheckInTime = new TimeSpan(13, 30, 00),
                TableId = 1,
                CustomerDetail = new Person()

                    FirstName = "Ramesh",
                    MobileNumber = "903-444-7303"
            // Book the table reservation

            // Get the booking detail by passing booking date, it should return one ot more records
            var bookingDetailAfterAddingTwoRecords = reservationBL.GetBookingDetails(bookingDate);

예제 #6
        public void OnUpdateTableReservationWithNewMobileNumber_ReturnSuccess()
            var bookingId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var bookingDetail = new BookingDetail()
                BookingId = bookingId,
                BookingDate = new DateTime(2015, 08, 29),
                CheckInTime = new TimeSpan(13, 30, 00),
                TableId = 1,
                CustomerDetail = new Person()

                    FirstName = "Balachandar",
                    MobileNumber = "903-555-7303"

            // Book the table reservation

            // Modify the Mobile number
            var mobileNumber = "111 222 3333";
            bookingDetail.CustomerDetail.MobileNumber = mobileNumber;

            // Update the reservation

            // Get the booking detail by passing booking id

            var bookingDetailAfterModification = reservationBL.GetBookingDetail(bookingDetail.BookingDate, bookingId);

            Assert.AreEqual(bookingDetailAfterModification.Result.CustomerDetail.MobileNumber, mobileNumber);
예제 #7
        public void OnGetTableAvailablity_WithValidLaterCheckinTime_ReturnSuccess()
            // Table id :3
            // Already Booked time : 10:30
            // Maximum stay time : 60 Mins
            // Requested Checkin time : 11:30
            // Expected value is True
            var bookingDate = DateTime.Today;
            var bookingId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var bookingDetail = new BookingDetail()
                BookingId = bookingId,
                BookingDate = bookingDate,
                CheckInTime = new TimeSpan(10, 30, 00),
                TableId = 3,
                CustomerDetail = new Person()

                    FirstName = "Balachandar",
                    MobileNumber = "903-555-7303"

            // Booking for 10:30 am and Table id : 3

            // Get availablity for 11:30
            var availableTables=reservationBL.GetTableAvailablity(bookingDate, new TimeSpan(11, 30, 00));

            // Check table id : 3 is available or not
            var table3Availablity = availableTables.Result.Where(tbl => tbl.TableId == 3).FirstOrDefault();

예제 #8
        public void OnGetBookingDetail_ReturnSuccess()
            var bookingDate = DateTime.Today;
            var bookingId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var bookingDetail = new BookingDetail()
                BookingId = bookingId,
                BookingDate = bookingDate,
                CheckInTime = new TimeSpan(13, 30, 00),
                TableId = 3,
                CustomerDetail = new Person()

                    FirstName = "Balachandar",
                    MobileNumber = "903-555-7303"

            // Book the table reservation

            // Get the booking detail by passing booking date and booking id
            var bookingDetailAfterAddingOneRecord = reservationBL.GetBookingDetail(bookingDate, bookingId);

            // Check the table id value
            Assert.AreEqual(bookingDetailAfterAddingOneRecord.Result.TableId, 3);
        public bool UpdateTableReservation(BookingDetail bookingDetail)
            // Cancel existing booking
            CancelTableReservation(bookingDetail.BookingDate, bookingDetail.BookingId);

            // Save the udated booking detail
            return BookTableReservation(bookingDetail);