// I had to add this for some reason to fix a problem caused by a bug // in Mono that was causing serialization to fail. protected ManifestFileInfo( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base( info.GetString("ManifestObjectInfo+<Name>k__BackingField"), (ManifestDirectoryInfo) info.GetValue( "ManifestObjectInfo+<ParentDirectory>k__BackingField", typeof(ManifestDirectoryInfo))) { FileLength = info.GetInt64("<FileLength>k__BackingField"); LastModifiedUtc = info.GetDateTime("<LastModifiedUtc>k__BackingField"); try { RegisteredUtc = info.GetDateTime("<RegisteredUtc>k__BackingField"); } catch (Exception) { } try { FileHash = (FileHash)info.GetValue("<FileHash>k__BackingField", typeof(FileHash)); } catch (Exception) { } }
public FileHash(FileHash orig) { HashData = orig.HashData; HashType = orig.HashType; myObjectHashIsSet = orig.myObjectHashIsSet; myObjectHash = orig.myObjectHash; }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == this) { return(true); } if ((obj is FileHash) == false) { return(false); } FileHash other = (FileHash)obj; if (other.HashType != HashType) { return(false); } return(HashData.SequenceEqual(other.HashData)); }