예제 #1
        const int BYTES_FIELD    = 9;           // the bytes field

        public LogDataReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, LogConnection conn, LogCommand cmd)
            _lconn           = conn;
            _lcmd            = cmd;
            _behavior        = behavior;
            _CompressStrings = new Hashtable(10000);                            // compress strings to save memory

            string fname = _lcmd.Url;

            _Domain = _lcmd.Domain;
            if (_Domain == null)
                _Domain = "";
            _IndexFile = _lcmd.IndexFile;
            if (_IndexFile == null)
                _IndexFile = "";

            if (behavior != CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly)
                _sr = new MultipleStreamReader(_lcmd.Url);                      // get the main stream
            _Data = new object[_Names.Length];                                  // allocate enough room for data
예제 #2
 public LogCommand(LogConnection conn)
     _lc = conn;