예제 #1
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects all the user reviews registered for the specified media item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaId">
        /// The id of the media item to collect reviews for.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="rating">
        /// Value holding the review counts and the average rating.
        /// Used for building the return value of this method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="db">
        /// The database context to retrieve the data from.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A MediaRating-object holding all review data of the specified
        /// media item.
        /// </returns>
        public static RentIt.MediaRating CollectMediaReviews(
            int mediaId, RentItDatabase.Rating rating, DatabaseDataContext db)
            // Get all the user reviews of the book.
            List<Review> reviews = (from r in db.Reviews where r.media_id.Equals(mediaId) select r).ToList();

            var mediaReviews = new List<MediaReview>();

            foreach (Review review in reviews)
                    new MediaReview(

            int rcount = rating == null ? 0 : rating.ratings_count;
            float rrate = (float)(rating == null ? 0.0 : rating.avg_rating);
            var mediaRating = new MediaRating(rcount, rrate, mediaReviews);

            return mediaRating;
예제 #2
        /// <author>Per Mortensen</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new genre to the database, if it doesn't already exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genreName">The name of the new genre.</param>
        /// <param name="mediaType">The media type for which the new genre will be available.</param>
        /// <returns>The id of the newly added genre. If the genre already exists, the
        /// existing genre id is returned.</returns>
        public static int AddGenre(string genreName, MediaType mediaType)
            var db = new DatabaseDataContext();

            // Get media type id
            int mediaTypeId = (from t in db.Media_types
                               where t.name.Equals(StringValueOfMediaType(mediaType))
                               select t).Single().id;

            // Check if genre already exists for the given media type
            if (db.Genres.Exists(g => g.media_type == mediaTypeId && g.name.ToLower().Equals(genreName.ToLower())))
                return (from g in db.Genres
                        where g.media_type == mediaTypeId && g.name.ToLower().Equals(genreName.ToLower())
                        select g).Single().id; // Genre and media type combination already exists, return its genre id

            // add genre to database
            var newGenre = new RentItDatabase.Genre { media_type = mediaTypeId, name = genreName };

            // Return the newly added genre id
            return newGenre.id;
예제 #3
        /// <author>Per Mortensen</author>
        public bool AddCredits(AccountCredentials credentials, uint addAmount)

                var db = new DatabaseDataContext();

                IQueryable<User_account> userAccount = from user in db.User_accounts
                                                       where user.user_name.Equals(credentials.UserName)
                                                       select user;

                userAccount.Single().credit += (int)addAmount;
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return true;
예제 #4
        /// <author>Jacob Rasmussen.</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentials"></param>
        public UserAccount GetAllCustomerData(AccountCredentials credentials)
            Account account = ValidateCredentials(credentials);

            if (Util.IsPublisher(account))
                throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                    new InvalidCredentialsException("Credentials must not belong to a publisher account."));

            User_account userAccount;
                var db = new DatabaseDataContext();
                userAccount = (from user in db.User_accounts
                               where user.Account.user_name.Equals(account.UserName)
                               select user).Single();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("Internal Error."));
            //List of rentals made by the user.
            var userRentals = new List<Rental>();
            if (userAccount.Rentals.Count > 0)
                foreach (var rental in userAccount.Rentals)
                    // If the media is no longer active
                    if (!rental.Media.active)

                    //Fills the userRentals-list with Rental-objects containing info from db.
                    MediaType mediaType = Util.MediaTypeOfValue(rental.Media.Media_type.name);
                    switch (mediaType)
                        case MediaType.Song:
                            userRentals.Add(new Rental(rental.media_id, mediaType, rental.start_time, rental.end_time));

            return new UserAccount(userAccount.user_name, userAccount.Account.full_name, userAccount.Account.email,
                userAccount.Account.password, userAccount.credit, userRentals);
예제 #5
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// See the interface specification of the method in IRentIt.cs for documentation
        /// of this method.
        /// </summary>
        public AlbumInfo GetAlbumInfo(int id)
            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                // Might be thrown if the service cannot communicate with the database properly.
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            // Get the Album
            RentItDatabase.Album album;
                album = (from a in db.Albums
                         where a.media_id.Equals(id) && a.Media.active
                         select a).Single();
            catch (Exception)
                // If no entity was found, the specified id does not excist.
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The specified album id does not exist."));

            // The albumInfo instance to be compiled and returned to the client.
            RentIt.AlbumInfo albumInfo;
                RentItDatabase.Rating rating = Util.GetMediaRating(album.media_id, db);
                MediaRating mediaRating = Util.CollectMediaReviews(album.media_id, rating, db);

                // Collect album songs
                IQueryable<Album_song> songs = from s in db.Album_songs where s.album_id.Equals(album.media_id) select s;

                // Collect data of all the songs contained in the album.
                List<RentIt.SongInfo> albumSongs = songs.Select(song => Util.GetSongInfo(song.song_id)).ToList();
                albumInfo = RentIt.AlbumInfo.ValueOf(album, albumSongs, mediaRating);
            catch (Exception)
                // Might be thrown if the service cannot communicate with the database properly.
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return albumInfo;
예제 #6
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method for collection all data of a specified
        /// Song-item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">
        /// The id of the song requested.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>'
        /// A instance of SongInfo holding all data of the specified
        /// song item.
        /// </returns>
        public static SongInfo GetSongInfo(int id)
            var db = new DatabaseDataContext();

            // Get the song.
            RentItDatabase.Song song = (from m in db.Songs
                                        where m.media_id.Equals(id) && m.Media.active
                                        select m).Single();

            RentItDatabase.Rating songRatings = GetMediaRating(song.media_id, db);

            RentIt.MediaRating songRating = CollectMediaReviews(song.media_id, songRatings, db);

            return SongInfo.ValueOf(song, songRating);
예제 #7
        /// <author>Lars Toft Jacobsen</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Rent media
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaId"></param>
        /// <param name="credentials"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool RentMedia(int mediaId, AccountCredentials credentials)
            // Throws an exceptions if the credentials are not valid.
            Account account = ValidateCredentials(credentials);

            if (account == null)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("No credentials have been submitted."));

            var db = new DatabaseDataContext();

            // Check if the requested media exists.
            if (!db.Medias.Exists(m => m.id == mediaId))
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("The requested media does not exist"));

            // Check if there already exist active rentals for the requested media.
            // If there already is an active rental of the media, through an exception
            // indicating so.
            if (db.Rentals.Exists(
                rental =>
                rental.user_name.Equals(credentials.UserName) && rental.media_id == mediaId
                && rental.end_time > DateTime.Now))
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("The requested media has already been rented."));

                var r = new RentItDatabase.Rental
                    user_name = account.UserName,
                    media_id = mediaId,
                    start_time = DateTime.Now,
                    end_time = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14)

                // Get the account information for the requesting user
                var user = (from u in db.User_accounts
                            where u.user_name.Equals(credentials.UserName)
                            select u).Single();

                // Get the media requested for rental.
                var rentedMedia = (from m in db.Medias
                                   where m.id == mediaId
                                   select m).Single();

                // If the user has not enough credits
                if (user.credit < rentedMedia.price)
                    throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                        new Exception("The specifed user does not have enough credits to rent this media."));

                // Update the user credit balance accordingly.
                user.credit = user.credit - rentedMedia.price;

            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return true;
예제 #8
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// See the interface specification of the method in IRentIt.cs for documentation
        /// of this method.
        /// </summary>
        public MovieInfo GetMovieInfo(int id)
            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            // Get the movie.
            Movie movie;
                movie = (from m in db.Movies
                         where m.media_id.Equals(id) && m.Media.active
                         select m).Single();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The specified movie id does not exist."));

            // The MovieInfo-instance to be compiled and returned to the client.
            RentIt.MovieInfo movieInfo;

                RentItDatabase.Rating rating = Util.GetMediaRating(movie.media_id, db);
                MediaRating mediaRating = Util.CollectMediaReviews(movie.media_id, rating, db);
                movieInfo = RentIt.MovieInfo.ValueOf(movie, mediaRating);
            catch (Exception)
                // Might be thrown if the service cannot communicate with the database properly.
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return movieInfo;
예제 #9
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// See the interface specification of the method in IRentIt.cs for documentation
        /// of this method. 
        /// </summary>
        public BookInfo GetBookInfo(int id)
            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                // Might be thrown if the service cannot communicate with the database properly.
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            // Get the book.
            RentItDatabase.Book book;
                book = (from b in db.Books
                        where b.media_id.Equals(id) && b.Media.active
                        select b).Single();

            // If no entity was found, the specified id does not excist.
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The specified book id does not exist."));

            // The BookInfo-instance to be compiled and returned to the client.
            RentIt.BookInfo bookInfo;
                // Get the rating data of the book.
                RentItDatabase.Rating rating = Util.GetMediaRating(book.media_id, db);

                // Get all the user reviews of the book.
                MediaRating mediaRating = Util.CollectMediaReviews(book.media_id, rating, db);

                bookInfo = RentIt.BookInfo.ValueOf(book, mediaRating);
            catch (Exception)
                // Might be thrown if the service cannot communicate with the database properly.
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                  new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return bookInfo;
예제 #10
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// See the interface specification of the method in IRentIt.cs for documentation
        /// of this method.
        /// </summary>
        public bool CreateNewUser(Account newAccount)
            if (newAccount == null)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                   new ArgumentException("The newAccount-parameter is a null reference."));

            // All information must be longer than 0 characters.
            if (newAccount.UserName.Length == 0 || newAccount.FullName.Length == 0 || newAccount.HashedPassword.Length == 0)
                throw new FaultException<UserCreationException>(
                    new UserCreationException("One or more pieces of information were empty."));

            // The e-mail address must adhere to a regex found on http://www.regular-expressions.info/email.html (reduced official standard)
            string emailRegex = @"[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?";
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(newAccount.Email, emailRegex))
                throw new FaultException<UserCreationException>(
                    new UserCreationException("The e-mail address is not valid."));

            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            // If there exist an account with the submitted user name...
            if (db.Accounts.Exists(ac => ac.user_name.Equals(newAccount.UserName)))
                // ...the request is told so.
                throw new FaultException<UserCreationException>(
                    new UserCreationException("The specified user name is already in use."));

            // The user name is free, create a new instance with the data provided.
            var baseAccount = new RentItDatabase.Account
                    user_name = newAccount.UserName,
                    full_name = newAccount.FullName,
                    email = newAccount.Email,
                    password = newAccount.HashedPassword.ToUpper(),
                    active = true
            var userAccount = new User_account { credit = 0, Account = baseAccount };

            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return true;
예제 #11
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// See the interface specification of the method in IRentIt.cs for documentation
        /// of this method.
        /// </summary>
        public bool UpdateAccountInfo(AccountCredentials credentials, Account account)
            if (account == null || credentials.UserName != account.UserName)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The account-parameter is null or usernames do not match up."));


            // The credentials was successfully validated.
            // Retrieve the corresponding account from the database.
                var db = new DatabaseDataContext();

                RentItDatabase.Account dbAccount =
                    (from acc in db.Accounts
                     where acc.user_name.Equals(credentials.UserName) && acc.active
                     select acc).Single();

                // Update the database with the new submitted data.
                if (account.FullName.Length > 0)
                    dbAccount.full_name = account.FullName;
                string emailRegex = @"[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?";
                if (account.Email.Length > 0)
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(account.Email, emailRegex))
                        dbAccount.email = account.Email;
                        throw new ArgumentException("The e-mail address was not valid.");
                if (account.HashedPassword.Length > 0)
                    dbAccount.password = account.HashedPassword;

                // Submit the changes to the database.
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(e);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return true;
예제 #12
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Orders the supplied media collection with a specific ordering.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The database context to use.</param>
        /// <param name="mediaItems">The media items to order.</param>
        /// <param name="criteria">The criteria containing the order to use.</param>
        /// <returns>The collection of media items in the specified order.</returns>
        public static IQueryable<RentItDatabase.Media> OrderMedia(
            DatabaseDataContext db, IQueryable<RentItDatabase.Media> mediaItems, MediaCriteria criteria)
            switch (criteria.Order)
                case MediaOrder.AlphabeticalAsc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.title select media;

                case MediaOrder.AlphabeticalDesc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.title descending select media;

                case MediaOrder.PopularityAsc:
                    return from media in mediaItems
                           join rental in db.Rentals on media.id equals rental.media_id into mediaRentals
                           orderby mediaRentals.Count()
                           select media;

                case MediaOrder.PopularityDesc:
                    return from media in mediaItems
                           join rental in db.Rentals on media.id equals rental.media_id into mediaRentals
                           orderby mediaRentals.Count() descending
                           select media;

                case MediaOrder.RatingAsc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.Rating.avg_rating select media;

                case MediaOrder.RatingDesc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.Rating.avg_rating descending select media;

                case MediaOrder.ReleaseDateAsc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.release_date select media;

                case MediaOrder.ReleaseDateDesc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.release_date descending select media;

                case MediaOrder.PriceAsc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.price select media;

                case MediaOrder.PriceDesc:
                    return from media in mediaItems orderby media.price descending select media;

                    return mediaItems;
예제 #13
        /// <author>Per Mortensen</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the publisher account with the supplied credentials are authorized
        /// to change the media item's metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaId">
        /// The id of the media item to be changed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="credentials">
        /// The credentials of the publisher account.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="db">
        /// The database context to retrieve data from.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="service">
        /// The service on which the ValidateCredentials should be called.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the publisher can change the media, false otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool IsPublisherAuthorized(int mediaId, AccountCredentials credentials, DatabaseDataContext db, RentItService service)
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

            if (!db.Medias.Exists(m => m.id == mediaId && m.active))
                return false; // if the media with the specified id was not found

            Media media = (from m in db.Medias
                           where m.id == mediaId && m.active
                           select m).Single();

            // find out whether this publisher is authorized to delete this media
            if (db.Publisher_accounts.Exists(p => p.user_name.Equals(credentials.UserName)
                                                  && p.publisher_id == media.publisher_id))
                return true;

            // if this publisher does not have permission to update the media
            return false;
예제 #14
        /// <author>Lars Toft Jacobsen</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether user is publisher or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="acct">The account to check.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the supplied account is a publisher account, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool IsPublisher(Account acct)
            var db = new DatabaseDataContext();

            if (!db.Publisher_accounts.Exists(p => p.user_name.Equals(acct.UserName) && p.Account.active))
                return false;
            return true;
예제 #15
        /// <author>Per Mortensen</author>
        public List<string> GetAllGenres(MediaType mediaType)
            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            string typeString = Util.StringValueOfMediaType(mediaType);
            IQueryable<string> genreResult;

                if (!typeString.Equals(Util.StringValueOfMediaType(MediaType.Any)))
                    // find genres for specific media type
                    genreResult = from t in db.Genres
                                  where string.Compare(t.Media_type1.name, typeString, true) == 0
                                  select t.name;
                else // get all genres (any media type)
                    genreResult = from t in db.Genres
                                  select t.name;
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return genreResult.Distinct().ToList();
예제 #16
        /// <author>Jacob Rasmussen.</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentials"></param>
        public PublisherAccount GetAllPublisherData(AccountCredentials credentials)
            Account account = ValidateCredentials(credentials);

            DatabaseDataContext db;
            Publisher_account publisherAccount;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
                publisherAccount = (from publisher in db.Publisher_accounts
                                    where publisher.Account.user_name.Equals(account.UserName)
                                    select publisher).Single();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("Internal Error."));
            //Medias published by the given publisher account.
            IQueryable<RentItDatabase.Media> publishedMedias = from media in db.Medias
                                                               where media.publisher_id.Equals(publisherAccount.publisher_id) && media.active
                                                               select media;
            //Object containing the four lists of published items. Passed in with the new PublisherAccount-object.
            var mediaItems = Util.CompileMedias(publishedMedias, this);
            return new PublisherAccount(publisherAccount.user_name, publisherAccount.Account.full_name,
                publisherAccount.Account.email, publisherAccount.Account.password, publisherAccount.Publisher.title, mediaItems);
예제 #17
        /// <author>Per Mortensen</author>
        public bool UpdateMediaMetadata(MediaInfo newData, AccountCredentials credentials)

            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            // Is publisher authorized for this media?
            if (!Util.IsPublisherAuthorized(newData.Id, credentials, db, this))
                throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                    new InvalidCredentialsException("This user is not authorized to update this media."));

            if (newData.Price < 0)
                throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                    new InvalidCredentialsException("The price cannot be negative."));

                // find media based on id
                if (!db.Medias.Exists(m => m.id == newData.Id && m.active))
                    return false;
                Media media = (from m in db.Medias
                               where m.id == newData.Id && m.active
                               select m).Single();

                // add genre to database if it doesn't exist and get its genre id
                int genreId = Util.AddGenre(newData.Genre, newData.Type);

                // update general metadata
                media.genre_id = genreId;
                media.price = newData.Price;
                media.release_date = newData.ReleaseDate;
                media.title = newData.Title;

                // update type-specific metadata
                switch (newData.Type)
                    case MediaType.Album:
                        var newAlbumData = (AlbumInfo)newData;
                        Album album = media.Album;
                        album.album_artist = newAlbumData.AlbumArtist;
                        album.description = newAlbumData.Description;
                    case MediaType.Book:
                        var newBookData = (BookInfo)newData;
                        Book book = media.Book;
                        book.author = newBookData.Author;
                        book.pages = newBookData.Pages;
                        book.summary = newBookData.Summary;
                    case MediaType.Movie:
                        var newMovieData = (MovieInfo)newData;
                        Movie movie = media.Movie;
                        movie.director = newMovieData.Director;
                        movie.length = (int)newMovieData.Duration.TotalSeconds;
                        movie.summary = newMovieData.Summary;
                    case MediaType.Song:
                        var newSongData = (SongInfo)newData;
                        Song song = media.Song;
                        song.artist = newSongData.Artist;
                        song.length = (int)newSongData.Duration.TotalSeconds;

            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return true;
예제 #18
        /// <author>Jacob Rasmussen.</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MediaItems GetAlsoRentedItems(int id)
            if (id < 0)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The id was less than zero."));

            //Returns rentals made by users who also rented the given media item.
            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("Internal error."));
            //Finds the user accounts who rented the media.
            IQueryable<string> users = from rental in db.Rentals
                                       where rental.media_id == id && rental.Media.active
                                       select rental.User_account.user_name;
            //Finds the rented medias made by all the users who rented the media.
            IQueryable<RentItDatabase.Media> rentals = (from rental in db.Rentals
                                                        where users.Contains(rental.User_account.user_name) && rental.media_id != id && rental.Media.type_id != 4 && rental.Media.active
                                                        select rental.Media).Distinct();
            //Returns a MediaItems object containing lists of all the medias rented by the users who also rented the media with the given id.
            return Util.CompileMedias(rentals, this);
예제 #19
        /// <author>Lars Toft Jacobsen</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete user account from RentIt database. Actually the
        /// user is only invalidated by setting the active flag to false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentials"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool DeleteAccount(AccountCredentials credentials)
            // validate credentials
            Account account = ValidateCredentials(credentials);
            if (account == null) return false;

                var db = new DatabaseDataContext();
                RentItDatabase.Account acctResult = (from user in db.Accounts
                                                     where user.user_name.Equals(account.UserName)
                                                     select user).Single();
                // set active flag
                acctResult.active = false;
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return true;
예제 #20
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// See the interface specification of the method in IRentIt.cs for documentation
        /// of this method.
        /// </summary>
        public MediaItems GetMediaItems(MediaCriteria criteria)
            // If the criteria is a null reference, return null.
            if (criteria == null)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                   new ArgumentException("Null-value submittet as input."));

            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input. " + e.Message));

            // The MediaItems-instance to be compiled and returned to the client.
            RentIt.MediaItems mediaItems;
                // Get medias based on the media type.
                IQueryable<RentItDatabase.Media> medias;

                // Determine if the MediaType-value is MediaType.Any (null-value indicates MediaType.Any)
                bool mediaTypeAny = true;
                mediaTypeAny = criteria.Type == MediaType.Any;

                // If the value is specified to "any", all medias of the database is retrieved.
                if (mediaTypeAny)
                    medias = from media in db.Medias
                             where media.active
                             select media;
                    medias = from media in db.Medias
                             where media.Media_type.name.Equals(Util.StringValueOfMediaType(criteria.Type)) && media.active
                             select media;

                // Sort the above medias as requested in the criterias.
                IQueryable<Media> orderedMedias = Util.OrderMedia(db, medias, criteria);

                // Filter the above medias after the genre if specified in the criteria.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.Genre))
                    orderedMedias = from media in orderedMedias
                                    where media.Genre.name.Equals(criteria.Genre)
                                    select media;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.SearchText))
                    List<Media> list = new List<Media>();
                    foreach (Media m in orderedMedias)
                        if (Util.ContainsIgnoreCase(Util.GetMediaMetadataAsString(m), criteria.SearchText))

                    orderedMedias = list.AsQueryable();

                    This was the original code, but it could not be translated to SQL statements by LINQ to SQL:
                    orderedMedias =
                        media => Util.ContainsIgnoreCase(Util.GetMediaMetadataAsString(media), criteria.SearchText));

                // Apply the offset and limit of the number of medias to return as specified.
                IQueryable<Media> finalMediaList;
                if (criteria.Limit < 0)
                    finalMediaList = orderedMedias.Skip(criteria.Offset);
                    finalMediaList = orderedMedias.Skip(criteria.Offset).Take(criteria.Limit);

                mediaItems = Util.CompileMedias(finalMediaList, this);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Might be thrown if the service cannot communicate with the database properly.
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input: " + e.Message));

            return mediaItems;
예제 #21
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// See the interface specification of the method in IRentIt.cs for documentation
        /// of this method.
        /// </summary>
        public Account ValidateCredentials(AccountCredentials credentials)
            if (credentials == null)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The credentials-parameter is a null reference."));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.UserName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials.HashedPassword))
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("Invalid credentials."));

            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            // The Account-instance to be retrieved from the database.
            RentItDatabase.Account account;
                account = (from ac in db.Accounts
                               && ac.password.Equals(credentials.HashedPassword.ToUpper()) && ac.active
                           select ac).Single();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                    new InvalidCredentialsException(), "The submitted Credentials are invalid");

            // The credentials has successfully been evaluated, return account details to caller.
            return Account.ValueOf(account);
예제 #22
        /// <author>Lars Toft Jacobsen</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish new media
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="credentials"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int PublishMedia(MediaInfo info, AccountCredentials credentials)
            Account account = ValidateCredentials(credentials);
            if (account == null)
                throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                    new InvalidCredentialsException("Invalid credentials submitted.")); ;

            if (!Util.IsPublisher(account))
                throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                    new InvalidCredentialsException("This user is not a publisher."));

            if (info.Price < 0)
                throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                    new InvalidCredentialsException("The price of the media cannot be negative."));

            var db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            Genre genre;

            // fetch mediatype and genre id's
            if (!db.Media_types.Exists(t => t.name.Equals(info.Type)))
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("Invalid media type parameter"));
            Media_type mtype = (from t in db.Media_types
                                where t.name.Equals(info.Type)
                                select t).Single();

            // Add the genre if it doesn't already exist.
            int genreId = Util.AddGenre(info.Genre, info.Type);

            genre = (from g in db.Genres
                     where g.id == genreId
                     select g).Single();

            // Check if the specified publisher exists.
            if (!db.Publishers.Exists(p => p.title.Equals(info.Publisher)))
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("Invalid publisher parameter"));

            Publisher publisher = (from p in db.Publishers
                                   where p.title.Equals(info.Publisher)
                                   select p).Single();

                var newMedia = new RentItDatabase.Media
                    title = info.Title,
                    genre_id = genre.id,
                    type_id = mtype.id,
                    price = info.Price,
                    release_date = info.ReleaseDate,
                    publisher_id = publisher.id,
                    active = true

                switch (info.Type)
                    case MediaType.Album:
                        AlbumInfo albumInfo = (AlbumInfo)info;
                        RentItDatabase.Album newAlbum = new Album()
                            Media = newMedia,
                            album_artist = albumInfo.AlbumArtist,
                            description = albumInfo.Description
                    case MediaType.Book:
                        BookInfo bookInfo = (BookInfo)info;
                        RentItDatabase.Book newBook = new Book()
                            Media = newMedia,
                            author = bookInfo.Author,
                            pages = bookInfo.Pages,
                            summary = bookInfo.Summary
                    case MediaType.Movie:
                        MovieInfo movieInfo = (MovieInfo)info;
                        RentItDatabase.Movie newMovie = new Movie()
                            Media = newMedia,
                            director = movieInfo.Director,
                            length = (int)movieInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds,
                            summary = movieInfo.Summary
                    case MediaType.Song:
                        SongInfo songInfo = (SongInfo)info;
                        RentItDatabase.Song newSong = new Song()
                            Media = newMedia,
                            artist = songInfo.Artist,
                            length = (int)songInfo.Duration.TotalSeconds


                        RentItDatabase.Album_song albumSong = new Album_song()
                            album_id = songInfo.AlbumId,
                            Song = newSong



                var newRating = new RentItDatabase.Rating
                    media_id = newMedia.id,
                    avg_rating = 0.0,
                    ratings_count = 0

                return newMedia.id;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input: " + e.Message));
예제 #23
        /// <author>Per Mortensen</author>
        public bool DeleteMedia(int mediaId, AccountCredentials credentials)

            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

                // find media based on id
                Media media = (from m in db.Medias
                               where m.id == mediaId && m.active
                               select m).Single();

                // Is publisher authorized for this media?
                if (!Util.IsPublisherAuthorized(mediaId, credentials, db, this))
                    throw new FaultException<InvalidCredentialsException>(
                        new InvalidCredentialsException("This user is not authorized to delete this media."));

                // if refs to media in rentals/reviews only mark inactive
                if (db.Reviews.Exists(r => r.media_id.Equals(mediaId)) || db.Rentals.Exists(r => r.media_id.Equals(mediaId)))
                    media.active = false;
                    if (media.Media_type.name.Equals(Util.StringValueOfMediaType(MediaType.Album)))
                        foreach (Album_song song in media.Album.Album_songs)
                            song.Song.Media.active = false;

                    return true;

                // media type of the media
                MediaType mediaType = Util.MediaTypeOfValue(media.Media_type.name);

                // delete type-specific media record
                switch (mediaType)
                    case MediaType.Book:
                        Book book = (from m in db.Books
                                     where m.media_id == mediaId
                                     select m).Single();
                    case MediaType.Movie:
                        Movie movie = (from m in db.Movies
                                       where m.media_id == mediaId
                                       select m).Single();
                    case MediaType.Album:
                        Album album = (from m in db.Albums
                                       where m.media_id == mediaId
                                       select m).Single();

                        // get album/song junctions
                        IQueryable<Album_song> albumSongs = from m in db.Album_songs
                                                            where m.album_id == album.media_id
                                                            select m;

                        // delete all album/song junctions and songs
                        foreach (var albumSong in albumSongs)

                        // delete album
                    case MediaType.Song:
                        Song song = (from m in db.Songs
                                     where m.media_id == mediaId
                                     select m).Single();

                        // get album/song junctions
                        IQueryable<Album_song> albumSongs2 = from m in db.Album_songs
                                                             where m.song_id == media.id
                                                             select m;

                        // delete all album/song junctions and songs
                        foreach (var albumSong in albumSongs2)

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                RentItDatabase.Rating rating = media.Rating;

                if (media.Media_file != null)

            catch (InvalidOperationException)
            { // Media was not found
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The Media with id " + mediaId + " does not exist."));
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input."));

            return true;
예제 #24
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        public bool SubmitReview(MediaReview review, AccountCredentials credentials)
            // Validate the credentials.

            // Check if the user name of the credentials match the one of the review.
            if (!credentials.UserName.Equals(review.UserName))
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The user name specified in review does not match that of the credentials."));

            DatabaseDataContext db;
                db = new DatabaseDataContext();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("1. An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input. " + e.Message));

            // Get the media instance reviewed.
            RentItDatabase.Media media;
                media = (from m in db.Medias
                         where m.id.Equals(review.MediaId)
                         select m).Single();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("The specified media id does not exist."));

            // Get the account of the reviewer.
            RentItDatabase.User_account userAccount;
                userAccount = (from u in db.User_accounts
                               where u.user_name.Equals(review.UserName)
                               select u).Single();
            catch (Exception)
                throw new FaultException<ArgumentException>(
                    new ArgumentException("Only user accounts can add reviews. If it fails with a user account, an internal error has occured."));

                // Create a new database-entry of the submitted review.
                var dbReview = new RentItDatabase.Review
                    Media = media,
                    review1 = review.ReviewText,
                    rating = Util.ValueOfRating(review.Rating),
                    timestamp = review.Timestamp,
                    User_account = userAccount,


                // Calculate new average rating and rating count.
                double avgRating = media.Rating.avg_rating;
                int numOfRatings = media.Rating.ratings_count;
                media.Rating.avg_rating = ((avgRating * numOfRatings) + Util.ValueOfRating(review.Rating))
                                          / (numOfRatings + 1.0);
                media.Rating.ratings_count = numOfRatings + 1;

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new FaultException<Exception>(
                    new Exception("2 An internal error has occured. This is not related to the input. " + e.Message));

            return true;
예제 #25
        /// <author>Kenneth Søhrmann</author>
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the media rating of a specified media item.
        /// The returned value contains the number of ratings and 
        /// the average rating.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mediaId">The media id to get ratings for.</param>
        /// <param name="db">The database context to use.</param>
        /// <returns>A rating record for the media.</returns>
        public static RentItDatabase.Rating GetMediaRating(int mediaId, DatabaseDataContext db)
            if (!db.Ratings.Exists(r => r.media_id.Equals(mediaId)))
                return default(RentItDatabase.Rating);

            IQueryable<RentItDatabase.Rating> ratings = from r in db.Ratings
                                                        where r.media_id.Equals(mediaId)
                                                        select r;
            return ratings.Single();