예제 #1
 /*  ObjectMotion
  *  NumChannels nchannels
  *  Channel nindex
  *  { Envelope ...
  *  The ObjectMotion keyword signals the start of the motion
  *  information for the object. Motions are stored in envelopes,
  *  one for each motion channel. There are 9 standard channels,
  *  numbered from 0 to 8.
  *  0, 1, 2 - (x, y, z) position
  *  3, 4, 5 - (heading, pitch, bank) rotation
  *  6, 7, 8 - (sx, sy, sz) scale factors along each axis
  *  The values of all of these are relative to the object's parent,
  *  if it has one.
 void ObjectMotion()
     currentMotion        = new LWMotion();
     currentObject.Motion = currentMotion;
예제 #2
  *  BoneMotion (unnamed)
  *  example:     BoneMotion (unnamed)
  *  The BoneMotion identifier denotes the beginning of the keyframe information
  *  for the current bone segment. It does not require any arguments to be passed
  *  to it.
  *  The BoneMotion identifier is listed with all bones.
 void BoneMotion()
     currentMotion      = new LWMotion();
     currentBone.Motion = currentMotion;
예제 #3
 void CameraMotion()
     currentMotion        = new LWMotion();
     currentCamera.Motion = currentMotion;
예제 #4
 /*  LightMotion (unnamed)
  *  example:     LightMotion (unnamed)
  *  This is a light motion label for the keyframe information of the current
  *  light segment.  It does not require any arguments to be passed to it.
  *  The LightMotion identifier is listed with all light instances.
 void LightMotion()
     currentMotion       = new LWMotion();
     currentLight.Motion = currentMotion;