private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FilePaths.Clear(); FolderPath = ""; OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Multiselect = true; ofd.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Title = "Please select files"; ofd.ShowDialog(); if (ofd.FileNames.Count() > 0) { FilePaths = ofd.FileNames.ToList(); List <string> filenamelist = ofd.FileNames.ToList(); foreach (string s in filenamelist) { txtFileNames.Text = txtFileNames.Text + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(s); txtFileNames.Text = txtFileNames.Text + "; "; } FolderPath = Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filenamelist[0]); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (FilePaths.Count > 0) { #region rb1 if (rbNumbericOrder.Checked == true) { if (cbNumericOrder1.Checked == true) { if (cbNumericOrder2.Checked == false) { int n; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out n) == true) { flag = n; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + txtAdditionalText.Text + txtSepChar.Text + flag + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } else { int n; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out n) == true) { flag = n; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + txtAdditionalText.Text + txtSepChar.Text + flag + txtSepChar.Text + txtAdditionalText.Text + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } } else if (cbNumericOrder2.Checked == true) { int n; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out n) == true) { flag = n; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + flag + txtSepChar.Text + txtAdditionalText.Text + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } else { int n; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out n) == true) { flag = n; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + flag + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } } #endregion #region rb2 else if (rbNumbericOrderWithNChars.Checked == true) { int n; if (int.TryParse(txtNumberOfChars.Text, out n) == true) { if (cbNumericOrder1.Checked == true) { if (cbNumericOrder2.Checked == false) { int z; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out z) == true) { flag = z; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + txtAdditionalText.Text + txtSepChar.Text + Algorithm.GetNewNumberString(flag, Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfChars.Text)) + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } else { int z; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out z) == true) { flag = z; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + txtAdditionalText.Text + txtSepChar.Text + Algorithm.GetNewNumberString(flag, Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfChars.Text)) + txtSepChar.Text + txtAdditionalText.Text + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } } else if (cbNumericOrder2.Checked == true) { int z; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out z) == true) { flag = z; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + Algorithm.GetNewNumberString(flag, Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfChars.Text)) + txtSepChar.Text + txtAdditionalText.Text + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } else { int z; int flag = 0; if (int.TryParse(txtStartingNumber.Text, out z) == true) { flag = z; } foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + Algorithm.GetNewNumberString(flag, Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfChars.Text)) + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please type a number to textbox Char(s)"); } } #endregion #region rb3 else if (rbReplaceExtension.Checked == true) { int flag = 0; foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = ""; if (extension != "") { newdestination = filepath.Replace(extension, "." + txtExtension.Text); } else { newdestination = filepath + "." + txtExtension.Text; } try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); flag = flag + 1; } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } #endregion #region rb4 else if (rbReplaceFileName.Checked) { if (txtStringToBeReplaced.Text != "") { foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + Algorithm.GetFileNameWithoutExtensionFromPath(filepath).Replace(txtStringToBeReplaced.Text, txtNewString.Text) + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } } #endregion #region rb5 else if (rbChangeToUpperCase.Checked) { foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + Algorithm.GetFileNameWithoutExtensionFromPath(filepath).ToUpper() + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } #endregion #region rb6 else if (rbChangeToLowerCase.Checked) { foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + Algorithm.GetFileNameWithoutExtensionFromPath(filepath).ToLower() + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } #endregion #region rb7 else if (rbRandomName.Checked) { int n; if (int.TryParse(txtNumberOfRandomChars.Text, out n) == true) { foreach (string filepath in FilePaths) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(FolderPath); FileInfo[] tempfiles = di.GetFiles("*.*"); List <string> Temp = Algorithm.GetAListOfNamesOfFilesFromAFolder(FolderPath, tempfiles); string extension = Algorithm.GetExtension(filepath); Random: string random = Algorithm.RandomString(Convert.ToInt32(txtNumberOfRandomChars.Text)); string a = Temp.Where(x => x.Equals(random + extension)).FirstOrDefault(); if (a == null) { string newdestination = FolderPath + "\\" + random + extension; try { File.Move(filepath, newdestination); } catch { MessageBox.Show("The file " + Algorithm.GetFileNameFromPath(filepath) + " already exists in the folder " + Algorithm.GetFolderPathFromAFilePath(filepath) + "\r\nRenaming request for this file could not be done"); } } else { goto Random; } } MessageBox.Show("Renaming successful"); ClearData(); } } #endregion #region else else { MessageBox.Show("Please Choose a method of renaming"); } #endregion } else { MessageBox.Show("You have not choosen any file."); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred."); } }