private void UpdateHostsFile() { foreach (var option in Config.BlockOptions) { var remoteFileSize = Common.GetRemoteFileSize(option.IpUrl); var localFileSize = File.Exists(option.IpFileName) ? new FileInfo(option.IpFileName).Length : 0; if (remoteFileSize != localFileSize) { var answer = MessageBox.Show($"A new {option.Tag} ip file was released, do you want to update it ?", "Update", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (answer == DialogResult.Yes) { var frm = new FormDownload(option.IpUrl, option.IpFileName); frm.ShowDialog(this); } } remoteFileSize = Common.GetRemoteFileSize(option.DomainsUrl); localFileSize = File.Exists(option.DomainsFileName) ? new FileInfo(option.DomainsFileName).Length : 0; if (remoteFileSize != localFileSize) { var answer = MessageBox.Show($"A new {option.Tag} domains file was released, do you want to update it ?", "Update", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (answer == DialogResult.Yes) { var frm = new FormDownload(option.DomainsUrl, option.DomainsFileName); frm.ShowDialog(this); } } } }
private void FormRemoveoLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Config.BlockOptions.All(o => !File.Exists(o.IpFileName) && !File.Exists(o.DomainsFileName)) && !File.Exists(Config.CustomOption.IpFileName) && !File.Exists(Config.CustomOption.DomainsFileName)) { var answer = MessageBox.Show("No hosts file found. Download hosts file ?", "Hosts not found", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (answer == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (var option in Config.BlockOptions) { var remoteFileSize = Common.GetRemoteFileSize(option.IpUrl); var localFileSize = File.Exists(option.IpFileName) ? new FileInfo(option.IpFileName).Length : 0; if (remoteFileSize != localFileSize) { var frm = new FormDownload(option.IpUrl, option.IpFileName); frm.ShowDialog(this); } remoteFileSize = Common.GetRemoteFileSize(option.DomainsUrl); localFileSize = File.Exists(option.DomainsFileName) ? new FileInfo(option.DomainsFileName).Length : 0; if (remoteFileSize != localFileSize) { var frm = new FormDownload(option.DomainsUrl, option.DomainsFileName); frm.ShowDialog(this); } } } else { BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Close())); return; } } if (!Firewall.Initialize(out var errorMessage)) { Common.Error(errorMessage); BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Close())); return; } if (!Firewall.IsFirewallEnabled(out errorMessage)) { Common.Error(errorMessage); BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() => Close())); return; } if (Config.Activated /*&& Firewall.IsRuleEnabled("removeo")*/) { SetStatus("Removeo activated", Color.Blue); } else { Config.Activated = false; buttonDeactivate.Enabled = false; SetStatus("Removeo deactivated", Color.Red); } }