void pictureBox3_Update(bool flag, bool visability) { try { if (pictureBox3.InvokeRequired) { pictureBox3_Update_Delegate delegate_obj = new pictureBox3_Update_Delegate(pictureBox3_Update); pictureBox3.Invoke(delegate_obj, new object[] { flag, visability }); } else { pictureBox3.Visible = visability; if (flag) { pictureBox3.Image = Properties.Resources.Online; } else { pictureBox3.Image = Properties.Resources.Offline; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); } }
void comboBox1_Select_Update(string Current_TG) { try { if (comboBox1.InvokeRequired) { comboBox1_Select_Update_Delegate delegate_obj = new comboBox1_Select_Update_Delegate(comboBox1_Select_Update); comboBox1.Invoke(delegate_obj, new object[] { Current_TG }); } else { int Selected_Index = 0; string[] TG_info = Current_TG.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < comboBox1.Items.Count; i++) { if (comboBox1.Items[i].ToString().Contains(TG_info[1])) { Selected_Index = i; break; } } comboBox1.SelectedIndex = (Selected_Index); } } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); } }
public Main_Form() { InitializeComponent(); Auditing.InitializeCreatingAuditAndErrorFile(); textBox2.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.Map_URI; string[] ports = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); foreach (string port in ports) { comboBox2.Items.Add(port); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Read_GPS_location = true; pictureBox2_Update(false, false); Sending(textBox1.Text, "AT+GPSPOS?", textBox9.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); pictureBox2_Update(false, true); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { pictureBox4_Update(false, false); Change_Current_Radio_TG = true; Sending(textBox4.Text, "AT+CTGS=1," + comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(',')[1], textBox5.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); pictureBox4_Update(false, true); } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { pictureBox4_Update(false, false); Sending(textBox4.Text, "AT+CTSP=1,1,11", textBox5.Text); Thread.Sleep(1000); Get_Current_Radio_TG = true; Sending(textBox4.Text, "AT+CTGS?", textBox5.Text); }catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); pictureBox4_Update(false, true); } }
void button3_Update(bool flag) { try { if (button3.InvokeRequired) { button3_Update_Delegate delegate_obj = new button3_Update_Delegate(button3_Update); button3.Invoke(delegate_obj, new object[] { flag }); } else { button3.Enabled = flag; } } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); } }
void comboBox1_Update(List <string> TGs) { try { if (comboBox1.InvokeRequired) { comboBox1_Update_Delegate delegate_obj = new comboBox1_Update_Delegate(comboBox1_Update); comboBox1.Invoke(delegate_obj, new object[] { TGs }); } else { comboBox1.Items.AddRange((object[])TGs.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); } }
void txt_TETRA_Sites_Update(string text) { try { if (txt_TETRA_Sites.InvokeRequired) { txt_TETRA_Sites_Update_Delegate delegate_obj = new txt_TETRA_Sites_Update_Delegate(txt_TETRA_Sites_Update); txt_TETRA_Sites.Invoke(delegate_obj, new object[] { text }); } else { txt_TETRA_Sites.Text = text; } } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Connection_Flag = false; SP.PortName = comboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString(); SP.BaudRate = int.Parse(comboBox3.SelectedItem.ToString()); SP.Open(); String at_commands = "AT+RCPIN =" + textBox3.Text; SP.WriteLine(at_commands + (Char)13); Properties.Settings.Default.Map_URI = textBox2.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.Map_URI != "") { ctrlHost = new ElementHost(); ctrlHost.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; pnl_Map.Controls.Add(ctrlHost); _esri_MAP = new SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control("lriRsrLANJyLeDDu", "runtimestandard,101," + "rud336290293" + ",none,GB1P0H4EN96HF5KHT247"); _esri_MAP.InitializeComponent(); ctrlHost.Child = _esri_MAP; _esri_MAP.Add_Online_Map_Layer("Main_Map", Properties.Settings.Default.Map_URI); SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.MapPoint_Position Map_Point_Obj = new SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.MapPoint_Position(); Map_Point_Obj.Latitude = 26.869798; Map_Point_Obj.Longitude = 30.670388; _esri_MAP.Fly_To(Map_Point_Obj, 10000000); _esri_MAP.Send_DroppedMapPoint_Info += _esri_MAP_Send_DroppedMapPoint_Info; _esri_MAP.Send_MAP_ExtentChanged_Info += _esri_MAP_Send_MAP_ExtentChanged_Info; _esri_MAP.Send_TappedMapPoint_Info += _esri_MAP_Send_TappedMapPoint_Info; } } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); pictureBox1_Update(false, true); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (textBox8.Text.Trim() != "" && textBox7.Text.Trim() != "") { Get_Radio_Sites = true; pictureBox3_Update(false, false); Sites_List.Clear(); Site_info = ""; txt_TETRA_Sites.Text = ""; Sites_RSSI_List.Clear(); Sending(textBox7.Text, "AT+GCLI?", textBox8.Text); } }catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); pictureBox3_Update(false, true); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (textBox5.Text.Trim() != "" && textBox4.Text.Trim() != "") { TGs_List.Clear(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); pictureBox4_Update(false, false); TG_info = ""; Sending(textBox4.Text, "AT+CTGL=1,0", textBox5.Text); Thread.Sleep(1000); Get_All_Radio_TGs = true; Sending(textBox4.Text, "AT+CTGL?", textBox5.Text); } }catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); pictureBox4_Update(false, true); } }
}//Radio Send Commands private void SP_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { Thread.Sleep(400); string Recived_Data = SP.ReadExisting(); #region Connect if (Connection_Flag == false && Recived_Data.Contains("OK")) { pictureBox1_Update(true, true); Connection_Flag = true; button6_Update(false); button1_Update(true); button4_Update(true); button3_Update(true); button5_Update(true); button2_Update(true); } #endregion #region Read TETRA Sites if (Get_Radio_Sites && Recived_Data.Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array = Recived_Data.Split(new string[] { "+CMT" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int index = 0; index < Recived_Array.Length; index++) { if (Recived_Array[index].Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array_2 = Recived_Array[index].Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (Recived_Array_2.Length > 1) { byte[] hexBytes = new byte[(Recived_Array_2[1].Length / 2) - 5]; int index_2 = 10; for (int i = 9; i < Recived_Array_2[1].Length; i++) { if (index_2 + 2 < Recived_Array_2[1].Length) { string Obj = Recived_Array_2[1].Substring(index_2, 2); hexBytes[i - 9] = Convert.ToByte(Obj, 16); index_2 = index_2 + 2; } } string Radio_Sites = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hexBytes); string[] Radios_Array_3 = Radio_Sites.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r\0" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Regex re = new Regex(@".*\,.*\,.*\,.*"); for (int i = 0; i < Radios_Array_3.Length; i++) { Match Match_obj = re.Match(Radios_Array_3[i]); if (Match_obj.Success) { string[] Site_info_Array = Radios_Array_3[i].Split(','); Site_info += "LA : " + Site_info_Array[0] + " "; int RSSI_Value = int.Parse(Site_info_Array[2]); switch (RSSI_Value) { case 0: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-113 dBm or less"; break; case 1: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-111 or -112 dBm"; break; case 2: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-109 dBm"; break; case 3: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-107 dBm"; break; case 4: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-105 dBm"; break; case 5: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-103 dBm"; break; case 6: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-101 dBm"; break; case 7: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-99 dBm"; break; case 8: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-97 dBm"; break; case 9: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-95 dBm"; break; case 10: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-93 dBm"; break; case 11: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-91 dBm"; break; case 12: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-89 dBm"; break; case 13: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-87 dBm"; break; case 14: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-85 dBm"; break; case 15: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-83 dBm"; break; case 16: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-81 dBm"; break; case 17: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-79 dBm"; break; case 18: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-77 dBm"; break; case 19: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-75 dBm"; break; case 20: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-73 dBm"; break; case 21: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-71 dBm"; break; case 22: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-69 dBm"; break; case 23: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-67 dBm"; break; case 24: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-65 dBm"; break; case 25: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-63 dBm"; break; case 26: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-61 dBm"; break; case 27: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-59 dBm"; break; case 28: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-57 dBm"; break; case 29: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-55 dBm"; break; case 30: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-53 dBm"; break; case 31: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "-51 dBm or greater"; break; case 99: Site_info += "RSSI : " + "Unknown or undetectable"; break; default: break; } Sites_List.Add(Radios_Array_3[i]); Site_info += "\r\n"; } } txt_TETRA_Sites_Update(Site_info); pictureBox3_Update(true, true); } } } Get_Radio_Sites = false; } #endregion #region Read All TGs if (Get_All_Radio_TGs && Recived_Data.Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array = Recived_Data.Split(new string[] { "+CMT" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int index = 0; index < Recived_Array.Length; index++) { if (Recived_Array[index].Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array_2 = Recived_Array[index].Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (Recived_Array_2.Length > 1) { byte[] hexBytes = new byte[(Recived_Array_2[1].Length / 2) - 5]; int index_2 = 10; for (int i = 9; i < Recived_Array_2[1].Length; i++) { if (index_2 + 2 < Recived_Array_2[1].Length) { string Obj = Recived_Array_2[1].Substring(index_2, 2); hexBytes[i - 9] = Convert.ToByte(Obj, 16); index_2 = index_2 + 2; } } string Radio_TGs = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hexBytes); string[] Radios_Array_3 = Radio_TGs.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r\0" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Regex re = new Regex(@".*\,.*\,.*"); for (int i = 0; i < Radios_Array_3.Length; i++) { Match Match_obj = re.Match(Radios_Array_3[i]); if (Match_obj.Success) { TGs_List.Add(Radios_Array_3[i]); } } comboBox1_Update(TGs_List); if (TGs_List.Count > 0) { pictureBox4_Update(true, true); } } } } Get_All_Radio_TGs = false; } #endregion #region Read Current TG if (Get_Current_Radio_TG && Recived_Data.Contains("E0") && Get_All_Radio_TGs == false) { string[] Recived_Array = Recived_Data.Split(new string[] { "+CMT" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int index = 0; index < Recived_Array.Length; index++) { if (Recived_Array[index].Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array_2 = Recived_Array[index].Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (Recived_Array_2.Length > 1) { byte[] hexBytes = new byte[(Recived_Array_2[1].Length / 2) - 5]; int index_2 = 10; for (int i = 9; i < Recived_Array_2[1].Length; i++) { if (index_2 + 2 < Recived_Array_2[1].Length) { string Obj = Recived_Array_2[1].Substring(index_2, 2); hexBytes[i - 9] = Convert.ToByte(Obj, 16); index_2 = index_2 + 2; } } string Radio_TG = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hexBytes); string[] Radios_Array_3 = Radio_TG.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r\0" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Regex re = new Regex(@".*\,.*"); for (int i = 0; i < Radios_Array_3.Length; i++) { Match Match_obj = re.Match(Radios_Array_3[i]); if (Match_obj.Success) { comboBox1_Select_Update(Radios_Array_3[i]); Get_Current_Radio_TG = false; if (Radios_Array_3[i] != "") { pictureBox4_Update(true, true); } break; } } } } } } #endregion #region change TG if (Change_Current_Radio_TG && Recived_Data.Contains("E0") && Get_All_Radio_TGs == false) { string[] Recived_Array = Recived_Data.Split(new string[] { "+CMT" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int index = 0; index < Recived_Array.Length; index++) { if (Recived_Array[index].Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array_2 = Recived_Array[index].Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (Recived_Array_2.Length > 1) { byte[] hexBytes = new byte[(Recived_Array_2[1].Length / 2) - 5]; int index_2 = 10; for (int i = 9; i < Recived_Array_2[1].Length; i++) { if (index_2 + 2 < Recived_Array_2[1].Length) { string Obj = Recived_Array_2[1].Substring(index_2, 2); hexBytes[i - 9] = Convert.ToByte(Obj, 16); index_2 = index_2 + 2; } } string Radio_Confirmation = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hexBytes); if (Radio_Confirmation.Contains("OK")) { pictureBox4_Update(true, true); } Change_Current_Radio_TG = false; } } } } #endregion #region GPS Location if (Read_GPS_location && Recived_Data.Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array = Recived_Data.Split(new string[] { "+CMT" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int index = 0; index < Recived_Array.Length; index++) { if (Recived_Array[index].Contains("E0")) { string[] Recived_Array_2 = Recived_Array[index].Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (Recived_Array_2.Length > 1) { byte[] hexBytes = new byte[(Recived_Array_2[1].Length / 2) - 5]; int index_2 = 10; for (int i = 9; i < Recived_Array_2[1].Length; i++) { if (index_2 + 2 < Recived_Array_2[1].Length) { string Obj = Recived_Array_2[1].Substring(index_2, 2); hexBytes[i - 9] = Convert.ToByte(Obj, 16); index_2 = index_2 + 2; } } string Radio_TG = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hexBytes); string[] Radios_Array_3 = Radio_TG.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\r\0" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < Radios_Array_3.Length; i++) { if (Radios_Array_3[i].Contains("+GPSPOS")) { string[] GPS_Location_ArrayInfo = Radios_Array_3[i].Split(','); string[] Lat_info = GPS_Location_ArrayInfo[1].Split(':', '_'); double lat = double.Parse(Lat_info[1].Trim()) + (double.Parse(Lat_info[2].Trim())) / 60; string[] Lon_info = GPS_Location_ArrayInfo[2].Split(':', '_'); double lon = double.Parse(Lon_info[1].Trim()) + (double.Parse(Lon_info[2].Trim())) / 60; txt_lat_Update(lat.ToString()); txt_lon_Update(lon.ToString()); #region Plot Radio SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.User_Simple_MapPoint Simple_Point_Obj = new SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.User_Simple_MapPoint(); Simple_Point_Obj.User_Mappoint_Visibility = true; Simple_Point_Obj.User_Mappoint_Text = textBox9.Text; Simple_Point_Obj.Font_Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0); Simple_Point_Obj.Font_Family = "Bold"; Simple_Point_Obj.Font_Size = 18; Simple_Point_Obj.MapPoint_Simple_Style = 1; Simple_Point_Obj.SimpleMarkerSymbol_Size = 100; Simple_Point_Obj.MapPoint_Simple_Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(1, 0, 0, 255); Simple_Point_Obj.User_Mappoint_Postion.Latitude = lat; Simple_Point_Obj.User_Mappoint_Postion.Longitude = lon; Simple_Point_Obj.Text_XOffset = 10; Simple_Point_Obj.Text_YOffset = -30; SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.User_Picture_MapPoint Picture_Point_Obj = new SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.User_Picture_MapPoint(); Picture_Point_Obj.User_Mappoint_Postion.Latitude = lat; Picture_Point_Obj.User_Mappoint_Postion.Longitude = lon; Picture_Point_Obj.Uri = Application.StartupPath + "\\Files\\Images_Icons\\placemark_1.png"; _esri_MAP.Add_Radios_GraphicOverlay_Layer("Radios_Layer_2", new List <SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.User_Picture_MapPoint> { Picture_Point_Obj }); _esri_MAP.Add_Radios_GraphicOverlay_Layer("Radios_Layer_1", new List <SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.User_Simple_MapPoint> { Simple_Point_Obj }); SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.MapPoint_Position Map_Point_Obj = new SYSTEL_ESRI_Control.SYSTEL_ESRI_Main_Control.MapPoint_Position(); Map_Point_Obj.Latitude = lat; Map_Point_Obj.Longitude = lon; _esri_MAP.Fly_To(Map_Point_Obj, 4000); pictureBox2_Update(true, true); #endregion } } } } } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Auditing.Error(ex.Message); } }//Radio Received Info, works by waiting for 3 successful responses then parsing each one and adding to database