private void button1_ConfirmClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Regexp(@"^.+$", textBox1Name, pictureBox1, labelname, "Name");
            Regexp(@"^.+$", textBoxPassword, pictureBox2, labelPasswod, "Password");
            Regexp(@textBoxPassword.Text, textBoxConfirmPass, pictureBox3, labelConfirm, "Confirmation");
            Regexp(@"^.+$", textBoxAddress, pictureBox4, labelAddress, "Address");
            Regexp(@"^(01)(([0-9]{3}){3})$", textBoxPhoneNo, pictureBox5, labelPhoneNo, "Phone");

            // MessageBox.Show(comboBoxGender.Text.Length.ToString());
            // MessageBox.Show(comboBox1AccType.Text.Length.ToString());
            //If else start=================================
            if ((textBoxPassword.Text == textBoxConfirmPass.Text) && (textBox1Name.Text != "") && (textBox1Name.Text.Length > 4) && (textBoxAddress.Text.Length > 4) && (textBoxAddress.Text != "") && (textBoxPassword.Text != "") && (textBoxPassword.Text.Length > 3) && ((textBoxPhoneNo.Text.StartsWith("01")) && (textBoxPhoneNo.Text.Length == 11) && (comboBox1AccType.Text.Length > 0) && (comboBoxGender.Text.Length > 0)))

                //for user table
                User u = new User
                    name        = textBox1Name.Text,
                    address     = textBoxAddress.Text,
                    phoneno     = textBoxPhoneNo.Text,
                    password    = textBoxPassword.Text,
                    gender      = comboBoxGender.Text,
                    accounttype = comboBox1AccType.Text
                udc.Users.InsertOnSubmit(u); //add u object in temporary table in data contex
                udc.SubmitChanges();         //send the changes in database table

                //for account table
                Account a = new Account
                    AccountId = u.Id,
                    Status    = "Unblocked"
                udc.Accounts.InsertOnSubmit(a); //add a object in temporary table in data contex
                udc.SubmitChanges();            //send the changes in database table

                //for balance table

                Balance b = new Balance
                    BalanceId       = u.Id,
                    Accno           = a.accountno,
                    Account_Balance = 1000

                udc.Balances.InsertOnSubmit(b); //add b object in temporary table in data contex
                udc.SubmitChanges();            //send the changes in database table
                string s = "Congratulations!!! Your Id:" + u.Id + "\n Account No:" + a.accountno;
            else if (textBoxPassword.Text != textBoxConfirmPass.Text)
                MessageBox.Show("Password Mismatch!!!!!!!!!!");
            else if (textBoxPassword.Text.Length < 4)
                MessageBox.Show("Password too small!!!!!!!!!!");
            else if (textBox1Name.Text.Length < 5)
                MessageBox.Show("Name too small!!!!!!!!!!");
            else if (textBoxAddress.Text.Length < 5)
                MessageBox.Show("Address too small!!!!!!!!!!");