public void Draw() { if (mBackup != null) { GUI.depth = 0; Vector2 screenCoord = ScreenSafeUI.referenceCam.WorldToScreenPoint(mBackup.TimeQuadrant.timeQuadrantTab.transform.position); Rect screenPos = new Rect(5.0f, Screen.height - screenCoord.y + 11f, 19, 18); GUI.Label(screenPos, DisplayText, mTextStyle); screenPos.x += 84f; screenPos.y += 1f; if (GUI.Button(screenPos, "", ButtonStyle)) { if (Event.current.button == 1) { VesselSatellite vs = RTCore.Instance.Satellites[FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel]; if (vs != null) { vs.LocalControl = !vs.LocalControl; } } else { RTCore.Instance.Gui.OpenFlightComputer(); } } } }
public void Draw() { mScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(mScrollPosition, GUILayout.Height(Screen.height - 350), GUILayout.Width(300)); { Color pushColor = GUI.contentColor; TextAnchor pushAlign =; = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; foreach (var sat in RTCore.Instance.Satellites) { String text = sat.Name.Truncate(25); RTUtil.StateButton(text, mSelection == sat ? 1 : 0, 1, s => { mSelection = (s > 0) ? sat : null; if (mSelection != null) { var newTarget = PlanetariumCamera.fetch.targets.FirstOrDefault(t => == sat.Name); if (newTarget == null) { var vessel = sat.SignalProcessor.Vessel; var scaledMovement = new GameObject().AddComponent<ScaledMovement>(); scaledMovement.tgtRef = vessel.transform; = sat.Name; scaledMovement.transform.parent = ScaledSpace.Instance.transform; newTarget = scaledMovement; } sat.SignalProcessor.Vessel.orbitDriver.Renderer.isFocused = true; PlanetariumCamera.fetch.SetTarget(newTarget); } }); } = pushAlign; GUI.contentColor = pushColor; } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public void Update() { if (FrameUpdated != null) { FrameUpdated.Invoke(); } if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) { VesselSatellite vs = Satellites[FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel]; if (vs != null) { GetLocks(); if (vs.Master.FlightComputer != null && vs.Master.FlightComputer.InputAllowed) { foreach (KSPActionGroup g in GetActivatedGroup()) { vs.Master.FlightComputer.Enqueue(ActionGroupCommand.Group(g)); } } } else { ReleaseLocks(); } } }
public void OpenFlightComputer(Vessel v) { VesselSatellite vs = RTCore.Instance.Satellites[v]; if (vs != null && vs.Master.FlightComputer != null) { (new FlightComputerWindow(vs.Master.FlightComputer)).Show(); } }
public SatelliteConfigFragment(VesselSatellite vs, OnClick forceClose, OnAntenna onClick) { mForceClose = forceClose; mOnClick = onClick; mFocus = vs; RebuildAntennaList(); RTCore.Instance.Antennas.Registered += OnAntenna; RTCore.Instance.Antennas.Unregistered += OnAntenna; RTCore.Instance.Satellites.Unregistered += OnSatellite; }
public void Draw() { mScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(mScrollPosition, AbstractWindow.Frame); { Color pushColor = GUI.contentColor; TextAnchor pushAlign =; = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; foreach (VesselSatellite sat in RTCore.Instance.Satellites) { if (sat.parentVessel != null && !MapViewFiltering.CheckAgainstFilter(sat.parentVessel)) { continue; } String text = sat.Name.Truncate(25); RTUtil.StateButton(text, mSelection == sat ? 1 : 0, 1, s => { mSelection = (s > 0) ? sat : null; if (mSelection != null) { MapObject newTarget = PlanetariumCamera.fetch.targets.FirstOrDefault(t => t != null && == sat.Name); if (newTarget == null) { Vessel vessel = sat.SignalProcessor.Vessel; ScaledMovement scaledMovement = new GameObject().AddComponent <ScaledMovement>(); scaledMovement.tgtRef = vessel.transform; = sat.Name; scaledMovement.transform.parent = ScaledSpace.Instance.transform; scaledMovement.vessel = vessel; scaledMovement.type = MapObject.MapObjectType.VESSEL; newTarget = scaledMovement; PlanetariumCamera.fetch.SetTarget(PlanetariumCamera.fetch.AddTarget(newTarget)); PlanetariumCamera.fetch.targets.Remove(newTarget); } else { PlanetariumCamera.fetch.SetTarget(PlanetariumCamera.fetch.AddTarget(newTarget)); } } }); } = pushAlign; GUI.contentColor = pushColor; } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public void Draw() { mScrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(mScrollPosition, AbstractWindow.Frame); { Color pushColor = GUI.contentColor; TextAnchor pushAlign =; = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; foreach (var sat in RTCore.Instance.Satellites) { String text = sat.Name.Truncate(25); RTUtil.StateButton(text, mSelection == sat ? 1 : 0, 1, s => { mSelection = (s > 0) ? sat : null; if (mSelection != null) { var newTarget = PlanetariumCamera.fetch.targets.FirstOrDefault(t => t != null && == sat.Name); if (newTarget == null) { var vessel = sat.SignalProcessor.Vessel; var scaledMovement = new GameObject().AddComponent<ScaledMovement>(); scaledMovement.tgtRef = vessel.transform; = sat.Name; scaledMovement.transform.parent = ScaledSpace.Instance.transform; scaledMovement.vessel = vessel; scaledMovement.type = MapObject.MapObjectType.VESSEL; newTarget = scaledMovement; PlanetariumCamera.fetch.SetTarget(PlanetariumCamera.fetch.AddTarget(newTarget)); PlanetariumCamera.fetch.targets.Remove(newTarget); } else { PlanetariumCamera.fetch.SetTarget(PlanetariumCamera.fetch.AddTarget(newTarget)); } } }); } = pushAlign; GUI.contentColor = pushColor; } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
private void ChangeTarget(MapObject mo) { if (mo != null && mo.type == MapObject.MapObjectType.VESSEL) { mSatellite = RTCore.Instance.Satellites[mo.vessel]; } else { mSatellite = null; } if (mConfig != null) { mConfig.Hide(); } if (mSatellite != null) { mConfig = new SatelliteConfigWindow(null, new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), WindowAlign.BottomRight, mSatellite); } }
private void ChangeTarget(MapObject mo) { if (mo != null && mo.type == MapObject.MapObjectType.VESSEL) { mSatellite = RTCore.Instance.Satellites[mo.vessel]; } else { mSatellite = null; } if (mConfig != null) { mConfig.Hide(); } if (mSatellite != null) { mConfig = new SatelliteConfigWindow(null, new Rect(0,0,0,0), WindowAlign.BottomRight, mSatellite); } }
public SatelliteConfigWindow(String name, Rect pos, WindowAlign align, VesselSatellite satellite) : base(name, pos, align) { mSatellite = satellite; }
private void OnRemoteTechUpdate(VesselSatellite s) { Initialize(); // Don't care about unpowered satellites or satellites that don't call home if (!s.Powered || !API.HasConnectionToKSC(s.Guid)) { return; } // Get info about the body being orbited CelestialBodyInfo orbitedCBI = celestialBodies[s.parentVessel.mainBody]; // Find active foreach (IAntenna a in s.Antennas.Where(a => a.Activated)) { // Targetting active vessel if (a.Omni > 0.0 || a.Target == NetworkManager.ActiveVesselGuid) { orbitedCBI.activeRange = Math.Max(orbitedCBI.activeRange, Math.Max(a.Omni, a.Dish)); } } }
protected void OnRemoteTechUpdate(VesselSatellite s) { CheckVessel(s.parentVessel); }