public static bool Prefix(CraftingRecipe __instance, SpriteBatch b, Vector2 position, int width)
            //Copied from CraftingRecipe drawRecipeDescription
            // The only change in this is the use of the ModEntry Fridge() method.
            // The private fields are accessed through reflection.
                   new Rectangle((int)((double)position.X + 8.0),
                                 (int)((double)position.Y + 32.0 + (double)Game1.smallFont.MeasureString("Ing").Y) - 4 - 2,
                                 width - 32, 2), Game1.textColor * 0.35f);
            Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:CraftingRecipe.cs.567"),
                                       Game1.smallFont, position + new Vector2(8f, 28f), Game1.textColor * 0.75f, 1f, -1f, -1, -1, 1f, 3);
            var instanceRecipeList = Util.GetField <Dictionary <int, int> >(__instance, "recipeList");

            for (int index = 0; index < instanceRecipeList.Count; ++index)
                Color color = Game1.player.hasItemInInventory(instanceRecipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index),
                                                              instanceRecipeList.Values.ElementAt <int>(index), 8)
                    ? Game1.textColor
                    : Color.Red;
                //Get the items from the fridge
                var fridgeItems = ModEntry.Fridge();
                if (__instance.isCookingRecipe && Game1.player.hasItemInList(
                        (IList <Item>)fridgeItems,
                        instanceRecipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index), instanceRecipeList.Values.ElementAt <int>(index), 8))
                    color = Game1.textColor;
                       new Vector2(position.X, position.Y + 64f + (float)(index * 64 / 2) + (float)(index * 4)),
                       new Rectangle?(Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet,
                                                                              __instance.getSpriteIndexFromRawIndex(instanceRecipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index)), 16, 16)),
                       Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 2f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.86f);
                Utility.drawTinyDigits(instanceRecipeList.Values.ElementAt <int>(index), b,
                                       new Vector2(
                                           position.X + 32f - Game1.tinyFont
                                           .MeasureString(string.Concat((object)instanceRecipeList.Values.ElementAt <int>(index))).X,
                                           (float)((double)position.Y + 64.0 + (double)(index * 64 / 2) + (double)(index * 4) + 21.0)),
                                       2f, 0.87f, Color.AntiqueWhite);
                Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, __instance.getNameFromIndex(instanceRecipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index)),
                                           new Vector2((float)((double)position.X + 32.0 + 8.0),
                                                       (float)((double)position.Y + 64.0 + (double)(index * 64 / 2) + (double)(index * 4) + 4.0)),
                                           color, 1f, -1f, -1, -1, 1f, 3);

                   new Rectangle((int)position.X + 8, (int)position.Y + 64 + 4 + instanceRecipeList.Count * 36, width - 32,
                                 2), Game1.textColor * 0.35f);
            Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, Game1.parseText(Util.GetField <string>(__instance, "description"), Game1.smallFont, width - 8),
                                       Game1.smallFont, position + new Vector2(0.0f, (float)(76 + instanceRecipeList.Count * 36)),
                                       Game1.textColor * 0.75f, 1f, -1f, -1, -1, 1f, 3);
        static bool Prefix(CraftingRecipe __instance)
            // Copied from CraftingRecipe consumeIngredients method.
            // The only change in this is the use of the ModEntry Fridge() method.
            // The private fields are accessed through reflection.
            var recipeList = Util.GetField <Dictionary <int, int> >(__instance, "recipeList");

            for (int index1 = recipeList.Count - 1; index1 >= 0; --index1)
                int  recipe1 = recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)];
                bool flag    = false;
                for (int index2 = Game1.player.items.Count - 1; index2 >= 0; --index2)
                    if (Game1.player.items[index2] != null && Game1.player.items[index2] is Object &&
                        !(bool)((NetFieldBase <bool, NetBool>)(Game1.player.items[index2] as Object).bigCraftable) &&
                        ((int)((NetFieldBase <int, NetInt>)Game1.player.items[index2].parentSheetIndex) ==
                         recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1) || Game1.player.items[index2].Category ==
                         recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)))
                        int recipe2 = recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)];
                        recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)] -=
                        Game1.player.items[index2].Stack -= recipe2;
                        if (Game1.player.items[index2].Stack <= 0)
                            Game1.player.items[index2] = (Item)null;
                        if (recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)] <= 0)
                            recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)] = recipe1;
                            flag = true;

                if (__instance.isCookingRecipe && !flag)
                    //We do not need to check for the current location.
                    // FarmHouse currentLocation = Game1.currentLocation as FarmHouse;
                    // if (currentLocation != null)
                        // Use
                        // var fridgeItems = currentLocation.fridge.Value.items;
                        var fridgeItems = ModEntry.Fridge();
                        for (int index2 = fridgeItems.Count - 1; index2 >= 0; --index2)
                            if (fridgeItems[index2] != null &&
                                fridgeItems[index2] is Object &&
                                ((int)((NetFieldBase <int, NetInt>)fridgeItems[index2]
                                       .parentSheetIndex) == recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1) ||
                                 fridgeItems[index2].Category ==
                                 recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)))
                                int recipe2 = recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)];
                                recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)] -=
                                fridgeItems[index2].Stack -= recipe2;
                                if (fridgeItems[index2].Stack <= 0)
                                    fridgeItems[index2] = (Item)null;
                                if (recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)] <= 0)
                                    recipeList[recipeList.Keys.ElementAt <int>(index1)] = recipe1;

 protected override IList <Item> fridge()