/// <summary> /// Executes the command. /// </summary> public override void Execute() { // Set the position of the mouse before execution. UserMouseEvent.SetCursorPos(this.MouseX, this.MouseY); // Execute the command using absolute coordinate. if (this.MouseEventFlag != MouseEventFlag.Move) { UserMouseEvent.RaiseMouseEvent(MouseEventFlag.Absolute | this.MouseEventFlag, this.MouseX, this.MouseY, this.WheelMovement); } }
private void cmdKeyboardInput_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserMouseEvent.SetCursorPos(1920, 1080); UserMouseEvent.MouseLeftClick(1920, 1080); // Send keys to current active window. SendKeys.SendWait("ABC"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); SendKeys.SendWait("BiuBiuBiu"); SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}"); }
private void cmdMouseRightClick_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserMouseEvent.SetCursorPos(1920, 1080); UserMouseEvent.MouseRightClick(1920, 1080); //MessageBox.Show("Ready for next?"); UserMouseEvent.SetCursorPos(2560, 1440); UserMouseEvent.MouseRightClick(2560, 1440); // Show some thing when this window is not active. // This test shows that the server part can still work when dealing with client commands. txtMouseEvents.AppendText("Append some text when this window is not active."); }
private void cmdSetCursor_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserMouseEvent.SetCursorPos(1920, 1080); }