/// <summary> /// Alternative Form_load method since form_load doesnt get called until you first double-click the RemindMe icon due to override SetVisibleCore /// </summary> private async Task formLoadAsync() { BLIO.Log("RemindMe_Load"); BLIO.WriteUpdateBatch(Application.StartupPath); lblVersion.Text = "Version " + IOVariables.RemindMeVersion; Settings set = BLSettings.GetSettings(); if (set.LastVersion != null && (new Version(set.LastVersion) < new Version(IOVariables.RemindMeVersion))) { //User has a new RemindMe version! string releaseNotesString = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in UpdateInformation.ReleaseNotes) { if (new Version(entry.Key) > new Version(set.LastVersion)) { releaseNotesString += "Version " + entry.Key + "\r\n" + entry.Value + "\r\n\r\n\r\n"; } } WhatsNew wn = new WhatsNew(set.LastVersion, releaseNotesString); wn.Show(); //Update lastVersion set.LastVersion = IOVariables.RemindMeVersion; BLSettings.UpdateSettings(set); } //Default view should be reminders pnlMain.Controls.Add(ucReminders); MessageFormManager.MakeTodaysRemindersPopup(); BLIO.Log("Today's reminders popup created"); //Create an shortcut in the windows startup folder if it doesn't already exist if (!File.Exists(IOVariables.startupFolderPath + "\\RemindMe" + ".lnk")) { FSManager.Shortcuts.CreateShortcut(IOVariables.startupFolderPath, "RemindMe", System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + "RemindMe.exe", "Shortcut of RemindMe"); } if (Debugger.IsAttached) {//Debugging ? show extra option btnDebugMode.Visible = true; } BLSongs.InsertWindowsSystemSounds(); BLIO.Log("RemindMe loaded"); Cleanup(); tmrUpdateRemindMe.Start(); //If the setup still exists, delete it File.Delete(IOVariables.rootFolder + "SetupRemindMe.msi"); //Call the timer once Thread tr = new Thread(() => { //wait a bit, then call the update timer once. It then runs every 5 minutes Thread.Sleep(5000); tmrUpdateRemindMe_Tick(null, null); }); tr.Start(); this.Opacity = 0; this.ShowInTaskbar = true; this.Show(); tmrInitialHide.Start(); }
private void tmrCheckReminder_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BLReminder.GetReminders().Where(r => r.Enabled == 1).ToList().Count <= 0) { tmrCheckReminder.Stop(); //No existing reminders? no enabled reminders? stop timer. BLIO.Log("Stopping the reminder checking timer, because there are no more (enabled) reminders"); return; } //If a day has passed since the start of RemindMe, we may want to refresh the listview. //There might be reminders happening on this day, if so, we show the time of the reminder, instead of the day if (dayOfStartRemindMe < DateTime.Now.Day) { BLIO.Log("Dawn of a new day -24 hours remaining- "); UpdateCurrentPage(); dayOfStartRemindMe = DateTime.Now.Day; MessageFormManager.MakeTodaysRemindersPopup(); } //We will check for reminders here every 5 seconds. foreach (Reminder rem in BLReminder.GetReminders()) { //Create the popup. Do the other stuff afterwards. if ((rem.PostponeDate != null && Convert.ToDateTime(rem.PostponeDate) <= DateTime.Now && rem.Enabled == 1) || (Convert.ToDateTime(rem.Date.Split(',')[0]) <= DateTime.Now && rem.PostponeDate == null && rem.Enabled == 1)) { //temporarily disable it. When the user postpones the reminder, it will be re-enabled. rem.Enabled = 0; BLReminder.EditReminder(rem); MakeReminderPopup(rem); UpdateCurrentPage(); } else { // -- In this part we will create popups at the users right bottom corner of the screen saying x reminder is happening in 1 hour or x minutes -- \\ if (BLSettings.IsHourBeforeNotificationEnabled() && rem.Enabled == 1) { DateTime theDateToCheckOn; //Like this we dont need an if ánd an else with the same code if (rem.PostponeDate != null) { theDateToCheckOn = Convert.ToDateTime(rem.PostponeDate); } else { theDateToCheckOn = Convert.ToDateTime(rem.Date.Split(',')[0]); } //The timespan between the date and now. TimeSpan timeSpan = Convert.ToDateTime(theDateToCheckOn) - DateTime.Now; if (timeSpan.TotalMinutes >= 59.50 && timeSpan.TotalMinutes <= 60) { remindersToHappenInAnHour.Add(rem); } } } } string message = "You have " + remindersToHappenInAnHour.Count + " reminders set in 60 minutes:\r\n"; int count = 1; foreach (Reminder rem in remindersToHappenInAnHour) { if (remindersToHappenInAnHour.Count > 1) { message += count + ") " + rem.Name + Environment.NewLine; } else { message = rem.Name + " in 60 minutes!"; } count++; } if (remindersToHappenInAnHour.Count > 1) //cut off the last \n { message = message.Remove(message.Length - 2, 2); if (!popupMessages.Contains(message)) //Don't create this popup if we have already created it once before { MessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup(message, 8); } popupMessages.Add(message); } else if (remindersToHappenInAnHour.Count > 0) { if (!popupMessages.Contains(message)) //Don't create this popup if we have already created it once before { MessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup(message, 8, remindersToHappenInAnHour[0]); } popupMessages.Add(message); } remindersToHappenInAnHour.Clear(); }