private void PlayReminderSound() { //Play the sound if (rem.SoundFilePath != null && rem.SoundFilePath != "") { if (System.IO.File.Exists(rem.SoundFilePath)) { BLIO.Log("SoundFilePath not null / empty and exists on the hard drive!"); myPlayer.URL = rem.SoundFilePath; if (rem.Id == -1) //timer, set the volume set by the user { myPlayer.settings.volume = (int)BLLocalDatabase.Setting.Settings.TimerVolume; }; BLIO.Log("Playing sound"); } else { BLIO.Log("SoundFilePath not null / empty but doesn't exist on the hard drive!"); MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Could not play " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rem.SoundFilePath) + " located at \"" + rem.SoundFilePath + "\" \r\nDid you move,rename or delete the file ?\r\nThe sound effect has been removed from this reminder. If you wish to re-add it, select it from the drop-down list.", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); //make sure its removed from the reminder rem.SoundFilePath = ""; } } }
private void MaterialForm1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (!shouldClose) { BLIO.Log("lblExit_Click (X) (kinda)"); this.Opacity = 0; this.Hide(); e.Cancel = true; return; } BLIO.Log("MaterialForm1_FormClosing [" + e.CloseReason + "]"); BLIO.DumpLogTxt(); if (MUCTimer.RunningTimers.Count > 0) { if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("You have (" + MUCTimer.RunningTimers.Count + ") active timers running.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you wish to close RemindMe? These timers will not be saved\r\n\r\nClick here to convert these Timers into Reminders and close RemindMe", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo, false, FormStartPosition.CenterScreen) == DialogResult.No) { e.Cancel = true; shouldClose = false; return; } } //Makes the mouseclick a little bit less laggy new Thread(() => { Environment.Exit(0); }).Start(); }
private void cbAdvancedReminders_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbAdvancedReminders.Checked) { MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("You now have access to advanced reminders.\r\nA new button has appeared at the top-right corner when creating/editing reminders."); } }
private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("Toolstrip option clicked: Permanentely delete (" + rem.Id + ")"); if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Are you really sure you wish to permanentely delete \"" + rem.Name + "\" ?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("Permanentely deleting reminder with id " + rem.Id + " ..."); BLReminder.PermanentelyDeleteReminder(rem); BLIO.Log("Reminder permanentely deleted."); this.Reminder = null; MUCReminders.Instance.UpdateCurrentPage(rem); new Thread(() => { //Log an entry to the database, for data! try { BLOnlineDatabase.PermanentelyDeleteCount++; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { BLIO.Log("Exception at BLOnlineDatabase.PermanentelyDeleteCount++. -> " + ex.Message); BLIO.WriteError(ex, ex.Message, true); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }).Start(); } else { BLIO.Log("Permanent deletion of reminder " + rem.Id + " cancelled."); } }
private void cbAutoUpdate_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Settings set = BLLocalDatabase.Setting.Settings; if (!cbAutoUpdate.Checked) { if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Attention!", "Are you sure you want to disable auto-update? Newer versions of RemindMe will contain new features and/or fixes to problems in previous versions\r\n\r\nIt is recommended to keep this feature on!", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { //ask for confirmation set.AutoUpdate = 0; MaterialForm1.Instance.tmrUpdateRemindMe.Stop(); } else { cbAutoUpdate.Checked = true; } } else { set.AutoUpdate = cbAutoUpdate.Checked ? 1 : 0; MaterialForm1.Instance.tmrUpdateRemindMe.Start(); } BLLocalDatabase.Setting.UpdateSettings(set); }
private void btnOldRemindMeTheme_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Are you sure you want to switch to the old RemindMe UI?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { bool doRestart = true; if (MUCTimer.RunningTimers.Count > 0) { if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("You have (" + MUCTimer.RunningTimers.Count + ") active timers running.\r\n\r\nAre you sure you wish to close RemindMe? These timers will not be saved", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { doRestart = false; } } if (doRestart) { Settings set = BLLocalDatabase.Setting.Settings; set.MaterialDesign = 0; BLLocalDatabase.Setting.UpdateSettings(set); MaterialForm1.Instance.shouldClose = true; MUCTimer.RunningTimers.Clear(); Application.Restart(); } } }
public static DialogResult Show(string text, string title, RemindMeBoxReason buttons, bool showDontRemindOption = false, FormStartPosition position = FormStartPosition.CenterParent) { newMessageBox = new MaterialRemindMeBox(text, title, buttons, showDontRemindOption); newMessageBox.StartPosition = position; MaterialSkin.MaterialSkinManager.Instance.AddFormToManage(newMessageBox); newMessageBox.ShowDialog(); BLIO.Log("Closing RemindMeBox with result " + result); return(result); }
private bool Exportreminders() { if (GetSelectedRemindersFromListview().Count > 0) { string selectedPath = FSManager.Folders.GetSelectedFolderPath(); if (selectedPath != null) { BLIO.Log("User selected a valid path"); Exception possibleException = BLReminder.ExportReminders(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview(), selectedPath); if (possibleException == null) { BLIO.Log("No problems encountered (exception null)"); SetStatusTexts(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview().Count, BLReminder.GetReminders().Count); } else if (possibleException is UnauthorizedAccessException) { BLIO.Log("Problem encountered: Unauthorized"); if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Could not save reminders to \"" + selectedPath + "\"\r\nDo you wish to place them on your desktop instead?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("Trying to save to desktop instead..."); possibleException = BLReminder.ExportReminders(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview(), Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)); if (possibleException != null) {//Did saving to desktop go wrong, too?? just show a message BLIO.Log("Trying to save to desktop didnt work either"); MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Something went wrong. Could not save the reminders to your desktop.", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); return(false); } else {//Saving to desktop did not throw an exception BLIO.Log("Saved to desktop"); SetStatusTexts(GetSelectedRemindersFromListview().Count, BLReminder.GetReminders().Count); } } } else { MaterialMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Backup failed.", 6); return(false); } } else { return(false); } } else { MaterialMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Please select one or more reminder(s)", 6); } return(true); }
private async void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { btnTest.Text = "Executing..."; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbHeaders.Text)) { tbHeaders.Text = "{ }"; } JObject response = null; switch (cbType.SelectedItem.ToString()) { case "GET": response = await BLIO.HttpRequest("GET", tbUrl.Text, tbHeaders.Text); break; case "POST": response = await BLIO.HttpRequest("POST", tbUrl.Text, tbHeaders.Text, tbBody.Text); break; } if (response != null) { btnTest.Text = "Test"; string message = "API Connection: Success\r\n\r\n"; int count = 1; try { foreach (var cond in Conditions) { HttpCondition condit = new HttpCondition(cond, response); message += "Condition " + count + ": " + condit.Evaluate() + "\r\n"; count++; } } catch { } MaterialRemindMeBox.Show(message); } } catch (Exception ex) { MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Failure! " + ex.Message); } finally { btnTest.Text = "Test"; } }
private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbAfterPopup.SelectedItem == null) //Default: stop { cbAfterPopup.SelectedItem = cbAfterPopup.Items[0]; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbUrl.Text) && !ValidHttpConfiguration) { MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Please fill in each field in the 'Rule' section to set up whenever this reminder is supposed to turn on.\r\n\r\n'Interval' Is also required"); return; } MaterialForm form = (MaterialForm)this.Parent.Parent.Parent; form.Hide(); parent.AdvancedReminderFormCallback(); }
private void PopupRemindMeMessage(RemindMeMessages mess) { //Update the counter on the message BLLocalDatabase.ReadMessage.MarkMessageRead(mess); BLIO.Log("Attempting to update an message with id " + mess.Id); BLOnlineDatabase.UpdateRemindMeMessageCount(mess.Id); switch (mess.NotificationType) { case "MaterialRemindMeBox": MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("RemindMe Developer", "This is a message from the developer of RemindMe.\r\n\r\n" + mess.Message.Replace("¤", Environment.NewLine), RemindMeBoxReason.OK); break; case "REMINDMEMESSAGEFORM": MaterialMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup(mess.Message.Replace("¤", Environment.NewLine), mess.NotificationDuration.Value, "RemindMe Developer"); break; } }
private void MaterialForm1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.End && !mainTabControl.Controls.Contains(tabDebug)) { tmrDebugMode.Stop(); tmrDebugMode.Start(); endKeyPressed++; if (endKeyPressed >= 3) { tmrDebugMode.Stop(); endKeyPressed = 0; BLIO.Log("end key pressed 3 times. Show dialog for debug mode"); if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Enable debug mode?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLIO.Log("Debug mode enabled"); mainTabControl.Controls.Add(tabDebug); } } } }
private void hideReminderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("Toolstrip option clicked: Hide (" + rem.Id + ")"); string message = "You can hide reminders with this option. The reminder will not be deleted, you just won't be able to see it" + " in the list of reminders. This creates a sense of surprise.\r\n\r\nDo you wish to hide this reminder?"; BLIO.Log("Attempting to hide reminder(s)"); if (BLLocalDatabase.Setting.HideReminderOptionEnabled || MaterialRemindMeBox.Show(message, RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo, true) == DialogResult.Yes) { //Enable the hide flag here rem.Hide = 1; BLIO.Log("Marked reminder with id " + rem.Id + " as hidden"); BLReminder.EditReminder(rem); this.Reminder = null; MUCReminders.Instance.UpdateCurrentPage(); new Thread(() => { //Log an entry to the database, for data! try { BLOnlineDatabase.HideCount++; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { BLIO.Log("Exception at BLOnlineDatabase.HideCount++. -> " + ex.Message); BLIO.WriteError(ex, ex.Message, true); } finally { GC.Collect(); } }).Start(); } else { BLIO.Log("Attempting to hide reminder(s) failed."); } }
private void btnSaveTheme_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (currentSelectedTheme != null) { if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show ("Do you want to update the current theme, or save it under a new name? Press YES to update the current theme (\"" + currentSelectedTheme.ThemeName + "\"), and NO to save it under a new name.", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (currentSelectedTheme.IsDefault == 1) { MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("The selected theme is a default theme. You can't edit this theme. If you want to " + "save this theme, save it under a different name instead (Press NO after saving)"); return; } //Update current theme currentSelectedTheme.Primary = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(Primary), cbPrimary.SelectedItem.ToString()); currentSelectedTheme.DarkPrimary = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(Primary), cbDarkPrimary.SelectedItem.ToString()); currentSelectedTheme.LightPrimary = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(Primary), cbLightPrimary.SelectedItem.ToString()); currentSelectedTheme.Accent = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(Accent), cbAccent.SelectedItem.ToString()); currentSelectedTheme.TextShade = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextShade), cbTextShade.SelectedItem.ToString()); currentSelectedTheme.Mode = (int)MaterialSkinManager.Instance.Theme; BLLocalDatabase.Theme.UpdateTheme(currentSelectedTheme); MaterialMessageFormManager.MakeMessagePopup("Succesfully updated theme \"" + currentSelectedTheme.ThemeName + "\"", 5); } else { SaveNewTheme(MaterialRemindMePrompt.ShowText("Give this theme a name ")); } } else //No currently selected thme, save as new theme { SaveNewTheme(MaterialRemindMePrompt.ShowText("Give this theme a name ")); } }
private void btnDeleteTheme_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbLoadTheme.SelectedItem == null) { return; } ComboBoxItem c = (ComboBoxItem)cbLoadTheme.SelectedItem; if (c == null || c.Value == null) { return; } Themes selectedTheme = BLLocalDatabase.Theme.GetThemeById((long)c.Value); if (selectedTheme == null) { return; } if (MaterialRemindMeBox.Show ("Are you sure you want to delete the theme \"" + selectedTheme.ThemeName + "\" ?", RemindMeBoxReason.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { BLLocalDatabase.Theme.DeleteThemeById(selectedTheme.Id); //Reset currentTheme in table `Settings` to -1 Settings set = BLLocalDatabase.Setting.Settings; set.CurrentTheme = -1; BLLocalDatabase.Setting.UpdateSettings(set); cbLoadTheme.Items.Remove(cbLoadTheme.SelectedItem); cbLoadTheme.Text = ""; LoadTheme(BLLocalDatabase.Theme.GetThemes()[0]); } }
private void RemindMeImporter_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLIO.Log("RemindmeImporter_load"); this.MaximumSize = this.Size; if (!HasFileAccess(this.remindmeFile)) //Do not attempt to launch the importer form if we can't open the file { BLIO.Log("Error opening .remindme file, no rights"); MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Can not open this .remindme file from " + Path.GetDirectoryName(this.remindmeFile) + ". Insufficient rights.", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); this.Close(); } else { try { BLIO.Log("Deserializing reminders....."); List <object> deSerializedReminders = BLReminder.DeserializeRemindersFromFile(remindmeFile); BLIO.Log(deSerializedReminders.Count - 1 + " reminders deserialized!"); this.Text += " (" + (deSerializedReminders.Count - 1) + " Reminders)"; //-1 because of country code foreach (object rem in deSerializedReminders) { if (rem.GetType() == typeof(Reminder)) { Reminder reminder = (Reminder)rem; BLIO.Log(reminder.Name + " Loaded into RemindMeImporter from the .remindme file."); remindersFromRemindMeFile.Add((Reminder)rem); } else { BLIO.Log("Language code" + languageCode + " read from the .remindme file!"); languageCode = rem.ToString(); //The language code stored in the .remindme file, "en-Us" for example } } if (languageCode != "") //Don't need to do this when exporting. { BLIO.Log("Going through the reminder list once more...."); foreach (object rem in remindersFromRemindMeFile) { if (rem.GetType() == typeof(Reminder)) { Reminder remm = (Reminder)rem; //Fix the date if the .remindme file has a different time format than the current system BLIO.Log("(" + remm.Name + ") Fixing the date to match the language code " + languageCode); remm.Date = BLDateTime.ConvertDateTimeStringToCurrentCulture(remm.Date, languageCode); } } } if (remindersFromRemindMeFile != null) { BLIO.Log("Adding the reminders from the .remindme file to the listview...."); BLFormLogic.AddRemindersToListview(lvReminders, remindersFromRemindMeFile, true); BLIO.Log("Done!"); } else { BLIO.Log("Failed to load reminders."); this.Text = "Failed to load reminders."; } } catch (Exception ex) { MaterialRemindMeBox.Show("Something has gone wrong loading reminders from this .remindme file.\r\nThe file might be corrupt", RemindMeBoxReason.OK); BLIO.Log("Error loading reminders from .remindme file written to error log"); BLIO.WriteError(ex, "Error loading reminders from .remindme file"); Application.Exit(); } } BLIO.Log("RemindmeImporter loaded !"); }