public override void Solve(Problem problem) { if (_initialValue == null) { throw new Exception("You must provide a starting point for the search"); } _problem = problem; _population = new Chromosome[_noNeighbors]; bool searchOver = false; int generations = 0; Chromosome best = new Chromosome(_initialValue); while (!searchOver) { _population[0] = best; _population[0].ComputeFitness(_problem); // generating population by mutation for (int i = 1; i < _noNeighbors; i++) { _population[i] = new Chromosome(best); double r = _rand.NextDouble(); if (r < Settings.pmg) { Mutation.PerformMutation(_population[i], _problem.Parameters); // mutatie gaussiana } else if (r < Settings.pmg + Settings.pmr) // mutatie prin resetare { for (int j = 0; j < _population[i].NoGenes; j++) { if (_rand.NextDouble() < { _population[i].RealGenes[j] = _problem.Parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[j] + ExtendedRandom.NextUniform() * (_problem.Parameters.EncodingInfo.MaxValues[j] - _problem.Parameters.EncodingInfo.MinValues[j]); } } } else { int i1 = _rand.Next(_population[i].RealGenes.Length); int i2 = _rand.Next(_population[i].RealGenes.Length); if (_population[i].RealGenes[i1] >= 2 && _population[i].RealGenes[i2] >= 2) { _population[i].RealGenes[i1] -= 1; _population[i].RealGenes[i2] += 1; } } _population[i].ComputeFitness(_problem); } best = Selection.GetBest(_population); generations++; if (generations > _noIterations) { _solution = best; searchOver = true; } } }
public override void Solve(Problem problem) { _problem = problem; // generating the initial random population _population = new Chromosome[_problem.Parameters.PopulationSize]; for (int i = 0; i < _problem.Parameters.PopulationSize; i++) { _population[i] = new Chromosome(_problem.Parameters, true) { Age = Settings.lf + _rand.Next(Settings.lf) }; } bool searchOver = false; int generations = 0; while (!searchOver) { for (int i = 0; i < _population.Length; i++) { int age = _population[i].Age; Chromosome c = PerformHC(_population[i]); _population[i] = c; _population[i].Age = age - 1; _population[i].ComputeFitness(_problem); } Chromosome[] newPopulation = new Chromosome[_problem.Parameters.PopulationSize]; if (_problem.Parameters.SelectionInfo.Elitism > 0) { Chromosome[] elite = Selection.GetElite(_population, _problem.Parameters.SelectionInfo.Elitism); for (int i = 0; i < _problem.Parameters.SelectionInfo.Elitism; i++) { newPopulation[i] = elite[i]; newPopulation[i].Age = Settings.lf; } } //if (_problem.Parameters.SelectionInfo.Type == SelectionType.Rank) // Selection.SortPopulation(_population); for (int i = problem.Parameters.SelectionInfo.Elitism; i < _problem.Parameters.PopulationSize; i++) { // select Chromosome mother = Selection.PerformSelection(_population, _problem.Parameters.SelectionInfo); Chromosome father = Selection.PerformSelection(_population, _problem.Parameters.SelectionInfo); // combine Chromosome child = Crossover.PerformCrossover(mother, father, _problem.Parameters); // mutate Mutation.PerformMutation(child, _problem.Parameters); child.ComputeFitness(_problem); child.Age = Settings.lf + _rand.Next(Settings.lf); newPopulation[i] = child; } List <Chromosome> mergedPop = new List <Chromosome>(); for (int i = 0; i < _population.Length; i++) { if (_population[i].Age > 0) { mergedPop.Add(_population[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < newPopulation.Length; i++) { if (newPopulation[i].Age > 0) { mergedPop.Add(newPopulation[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < _problem.Parameters.PopulationSize * Settings.f; i++) // indivizi noi { Chromosome c = new Chromosome(_problem.Parameters, true) { Age = Settings.lf1 + _rand.Next(Settings.lf1) }; mergedPop.Add(c); } _population = new Chromosome[mergedPop.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < _population.Length; i++) { _population[i] = mergedPop[i]; } generations++; Console.Write("Generation {0} / {1}: ", generations, _problem.Parameters.StoppingInfo.MaxGenerations); _solution = Selection.GetBest(_population); Console.WriteLine("{0:F4} {1}", _solution.Fitness, _population.Length); if (generations > _problem.Parameters.StoppingInfo.MaxGenerations) { //_solution = Selection.GetBest(_population); searchOver = true; } } }