public MethodGroupResolutionFailedException(JSToCSharpExceptionType type, MethodGroup methodGroup, Dictionary<MethodInfo, MethodResolutionException> failboats, TypeInferenceContext ctx, Exception innerException)
            : base(type, ctx.Root.AsArray().Concat(ctx.Root.Parents()).Last(), ctx.Root, innerException)
            MethodGroup = methodGroup;
            Failboats = failboats;

                ActualArguments = ctx.Root.ToXArgs(ctx.Inferences).ToArray();
            catch (Exception)
                // sigh, the client won't get full info from the crash site
                // sad, but true, so just ignore possible exceptions
예제 #2
        private void InferMethodGroup(MethodGroup mg, RelinqScriptExpression root, TypeInferenceCache cache)
            // q: should existing but not accessible (security!) methods be included into the resolution?
            // a: yes and here's why:
            // scenario 1. Included; when overload resolution binds to an unauthorized method = crash.
            // scenario 2. Not included, so overload resolution binds to an unexpected method = fail.

            // lets us the fail fast if the resolution is unnecessary.
            // inferences made here won't be wasted anyways since they get cached
            var ctx = new TypeInferenceContext(root, cache, Integration);
            var preview = new TypeInferenceEngine(ctx);
            root.CallArgs().ForEach(child => preview.InferTypes(child));

            // we cannot pass the preview.Ctx inside since it might have
            // potentially half-inferred lambdas that won't be able to be reinferred
            // by MG resolution since ctx is init only.
            var resolved = mg.Resolve(ctx);

            cache.Add(root, resolved.Signature.ReturnType);
            cache.Invocations.Add(root, resolved);
예제 #3
        private void InferOperator(OperatorExpression oe, TypeInferenceCache cache)
            var preview = cache.Clone();
            oe.Operands.ForEach(operand => InferTypes(operand, preview));
            var types = oe.Operands.Select(operand => preview[operand]);

            if (types.Any(type => type is Variant))
                cache.Add(oe, new Variant());
                var alts = oe.Type.LookupOperators(types.ToArray());

                // logical not can also be used to express ones complement
                // since they both correspond to a single LINQ expression type
                if (oe.Type == OperatorType.LogicalNot)
                    var addendum = OperatorType.OnesComplement.LookupOperators(types.ToArray());
                    if (addendum != null)
                        var original = alts == null ? new MethodInfo[0] : alts.Alts;
                        alts = new MethodGroup(original.Concat(addendum.Alts), oe.Type.GetOpCode());

                if (alts == null)
                    throw new NoSuchOperatorException(Root, oe, types);

                InferMethodGroup(alts, oe, cache);
 public MethodGroupResolutionFailedException(JSToCSharpExceptionType type, MethodGroup methodGroup, Dictionary<MethodInfo, MethodResolutionException> failboats, TypeInferenceContext ctx)
     : this(type, methodGroup, failboats, ctx, null)