public static EpisodeInfo Parse(string str) { // 1 2 3 4 // 05x17^All the Time in the World^May/22/2006 if (str == null) { return(null); } Match m = regExp.Match(str); if (m.Success) { EpisodeInfo ep = new EpisodeInfo(); int seasonNr, episodeNr; int.TryParse(m.Groups[1].Value, out seasonNr); int.TryParse(m.Groups[2].Value, out episodeNr); ep.Version = (seasonNr * 100) + episodeNr; ep.Name = m.Groups[3].Value; DateTime dat = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime.TryParse(m.Groups[4].Value, out dat); ep.Date = dat; return(ep); } return(null); }
private static void OnTest(object obj) { Testing t = obj as Testing; IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, ContentInfo> > tmp = t.Data; var listIgnore = new SortedList <string, int>(); var listWithDuplicates = new SortedList <string, EpisodeInfo>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ContentInfo> ci in tmp) { string name; int seasonNr, episodeNr; string filename = ci.Value.Get(ContentInfo.VIRTUAL); if (Ignore.TryAddIgnore(filename, out name)) { if (!listIgnore.ContainsKey(name)) { listIgnore.Add(name, 0); } } else if (Service.TryGetSerie(filename, out name, out seasonNr, out episodeNr)) { int version = seasonNr = (seasonNr * 100) + episodeNr; EpisodeInfo ep = new EpisodeInfo(); ep.Version = version; ep.RawFileName = filename; if (!listWithDuplicates.ContainsKey(name)) { listWithDuplicates.Add(name, ep); } else { EpisodeInfo tmpEp = listWithDuplicates[name]; if (tmpEp.Version < version) { listWithDuplicates.Remove(name); listWithDuplicates.Add(name, ep); } } } } //if (listIgnore.Count != 0) t.IgnoreList = listIgnore; //if (listWithDuplicates.Count != 0) t.DuplicatesList = listWithDuplicates; t.Progress = 1; }
public static EpisodeInfo Parse(string str) { // 1 2 3 4 // 05x17^All the Time in the World^May/22/2006 if (str == null) return null; Match m = regExp.Match(str); if (m.Success) { EpisodeInfo ep = new EpisodeInfo(); int seasonNr, episodeNr; int.TryParse(m.Groups[1].Value, out seasonNr); int.TryParse(m.Groups[2].Value, out episodeNr); ep.Version = (seasonNr * 100) + episodeNr; ep.Name = m.Groups[3].Value; DateTime dat = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime.TryParse(m.Groups[4].Value, out dat); ep.Date = dat; return ep; } return null; }
private static void OnTest(object obj) { Testing t = obj as Testing; IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, ContentInfo>> tmp = t.Data; var listIgnore = new SortedList<string, int>(); var listWithDuplicates = new SortedList<string, EpisodeInfo>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ContentInfo> ci in tmp) { string name; int seasonNr, episodeNr; string filename = ci.Value.Get(ContentInfo.VIRTUAL); if (Ignore.TryAddIgnore(filename, out name)) { if (!listIgnore.ContainsKey(name)) { listIgnore.Add(name, 0); } } else if (Service.TryGetSerie(filename, out name, out seasonNr, out episodeNr)) { int version = seasonNr = (seasonNr * 100) + episodeNr; EpisodeInfo ep = new EpisodeInfo(); ep.Version = version; ep.RawFileName = filename; if (!listWithDuplicates.ContainsKey(name)) { listWithDuplicates.Add(name, ep); } else { EpisodeInfo tmpEp = listWithDuplicates[name]; if (tmpEp.Version < version) { listWithDuplicates.Remove(name); listWithDuplicates.Add(name, ep); } } } } //if (listIgnore.Count != 0) t.IgnoreList = listIgnore; //if (listWithDuplicates.Count != 0) t.DuplicatesList = listWithDuplicates; t.Progress = 1; }
public static void FuncListShare(DcBot connection, Share share, string usrId, FunctionTypes funcType) { int lines = 0; bool anyInfo = false; DateTime todaysDate = DateTime.Now.Date; List <string> servicesUsed = new List <string>(); SortedList <SerieInfo, EpisodeInfo> list; Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, int> > listIgnore; ClientInfo clientInfo = null; var user = connection.GetUser(usrId); if (user != null && user.Tag != null) { clientInfo = ClientParser.Parse(user.Tag.Version); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Your current serie information:\r\n"); lines++; GetSeriesFromShare(share, out list, out listIgnore); int ignoreCount = listIgnore.Count(); sb.AppendFormat("I have found {0} different series in your share.\r\n", list.Count); lines++; sb.AppendFormat("You want me to ignore {0} of them.", ignoreCount); if (ignoreCount == 0) { sb.Append(" To learn more. Please write +ignore."); } sb.AppendLine(); lines++; #region Get info about series LogMsg("Display Series"); foreach (var seriePair in list) { SerieInfo info = seriePair.Key; if (info != null && !listIgnore.ContainsKey(Ignore.CreateName(info.Name))) { EpisodeInfo epLast = info.LatestEpisode; EpisodeInfo epNext = info.NextEpisode; if (epLast != null) { int currentSeason = epLast.Version / 100; int currentEpisode = epLast.Version % 100; int usrSeasonVersion = seriePair.Value.Version / 100; int usrEpisodeVersion = seriePair.Value.Version % 100; EpisodeInfo usrEpisode = seriePair.Value; bool addedInfo = false; MagnetLink magnetLink = null; switch (funcType) { case FunctionTypes.ListAllEpisodes: case FunctionTypes.ListNewEpisodes: if (currentSeason > usrSeasonVersion) { if (currentSeason == (usrSeasonVersion + 1)) { sb.AppendFormat("\t{0}: A new season have started.", info.Name); addedInfo = true; } else { sb.AppendFormat("\t{0}: You are behind more then one season.", info.Name); addedInfo = true; } } else if (currentSeason == usrSeasonVersion) { if (currentEpisode > usrEpisodeVersion) { int difEpisode = currentEpisode - usrEpisodeVersion; if (difEpisode == 1) { sb.AppendFormat("\t{0}: You are behind {1} episode.", info.Name, difEpisode); addedInfo = true; magnetLink = MagnetLink.CreateMagnetLink(clientInfo, info.Name, currentSeason, usrEpisodeVersion + 1); } else { sb.AppendFormat("\t{0}: You are behind {1} episodes.", info.Name, difEpisode); magnetLink = MagnetLink.CreateMagnetLink(clientInfo, info.Name, currentSeason, usrEpisodeVersion + 1); addedInfo = true; } } else if (funcType == FunctionTypes.ListAllEpisodes) { sb.AppendFormat("\t{0}: You have the latest episode.", info.Name); addedInfo = true; } } if (addedInfo) { anyInfo = true; bool showUserLastEpisodeInfo = magnetLink == null || (clientInfo != null && clientInfo.Type != ClientType.Jucy); if (showUserLastEpisodeInfo) { // If we dont have a magnet. Tell user what version he/she/it has :) sb.AppendFormat("\t\t(Your last episode is: S{0:00}E{1:00})", usrSeasonVersion, usrEpisodeVersion); } // Do we have a magnet link to show? if (magnetLink != null) { sb.AppendFormat("\t\t{0}", magnetLink.Link); } sb.Append("\r\n"); servicesUsed.Add(info.ServiceAddress); lines++; } break; case FunctionTypes.ListDebugInfoOnEpisodes: anyInfo = true; sb.AppendFormat("\t{0}\t\t(Episode: S{1:00}E{2:00})\r\n\t\t{3}\r\n", info.Name, usrSeasonVersion, usrEpisodeVersion, usrEpisode.RawFileName); break; case FunctionTypes.ListCountDownEpisodes: if (epNext != null) { var difference = epNext.Date.Subtract(todaysDate); if (difference.TotalDays >= 0) { sb.AppendFormat("\t{0}\t\tDays left: {1} ({2:yyyy-MM-dd})\r\n", info.Name, difference.TotalDays, epNext.Date); anyInfo = true; } } break; } } } // Make sure we are not exceeding max number of lines in hub. if (Program.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LINES_IN_MESSAGE <= lines) { connection.SendMessage(Actions.PrivateMessage, usrId, sb.ToString()); sb = new StringBuilder(); lines = 0; } } LogMsg("/Display Series"); switch (funcType) { case FunctionTypes.ListNewEpisodes: if (!anyInfo) { sb.AppendLine("You seem to have latest episode of every serie you are sharing!"); } break; } sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("This result was given to you by: "); string[] servicesUsedDistinct = servicesUsed.Distinct().ToArray(); int serviceCount = servicesUsedDistinct.Length; if (serviceCount > 0) { sb.Append("with the help by: "); sb.AppendLine(string.Join(", ", servicesUsedDistinct)); } else { sb.AppendLine(); } //sb.AppendLine("This service is powered by:"); // message will here be converted to right format and then be sent. connection.SendMessage(Actions.PrivateMessage, usrId, sb.ToString()); #endregion }
public static void FuncCountDownShare(DcBot connection, Share share, string usrId) { int lines = 0; bool anyInfo = false; DateTime todaysDate = DateTime.Now.Date; List <string> servicesUsed = new List <string>(); SortedList <SerieInfo, EpisodeInfo> list; Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <string, int> > listIgnore; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Countdown of your Series:\r\n"); lines++; GetSeriesFromShare(share, out list, out listIgnore); // Get series and make sure we order it on total days left and serie name.. SortedList <string, SerieInfo> listOrderedByDate = new SortedList <string, SerieInfo>(); foreach (var seriePair in list) { SerieInfo info = seriePair.Key; if (info != null && !listIgnore.ContainsKey(Ignore.CreateName(info.Name))) { EpisodeInfo epNext = info.NextEpisode; if (epNext != null) { var difference = epNext.Date.Subtract(todaysDate); double totalDays = difference.TotalDays; if (totalDays >= 0) { string key = string.Format("{0:000}-{1}", totalDays, info.Name); listOrderedByDate.Add(key, info); servicesUsed.Add(info.ServiceAddress); anyInfo = true; } } } } List <string> outputList = new List <string>(); DateTime lastDate = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime today = DateTime.Today; DateTime tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); int nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 0; switch (today.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Monday: nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 6; break; case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 5; break; case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 4; break; case DayOfWeek.Thursday: nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 3; break; case DayOfWeek.Friday: nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 2; break; case DayOfWeek.Saturday: nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 1; break; case DayOfWeek.Sunday: default: nOfDaysLeftInWeek = 0; break; } bool nextWeekHasHit = false; bool moreThenAMonthHasHit = false; foreach (var orderedPair in listOrderedByDate) { bool showDateAfterName = false; bool stuffAdded = false; if (DateTime.Compare(lastDate, orderedPair.Value.NextEpisode.Date.Date) < 0) { lastDate = orderedPair.Value.NextEpisode.Date.Date; if (DateTime.Equals(today, lastDate.Date)) { sb.Append("\tToday"); sb.AppendFormat(" ({0:yyyy-MM-dd}):", lastDate); stuffAdded = true; } else if (DateTime.Equals(tomorrow, lastDate.Date)) { sb.Append("\tTomorrow"); sb.AppendFormat(" ({0:yyyy-MM-dd}):", lastDate); stuffAdded = true; } else { // How many days have to pass until this date? var timeLeft = lastDate.Subtract(today); // Does this date occure this week? if (timeLeft.TotalDays <= nOfDaysLeftInWeek) { switch (lastDate.DayOfWeek) { case DayOfWeek.Monday: sb.Append("\tMonday"); break; case DayOfWeek.Tuesday: sb.Append("\tTuesday"); break; case DayOfWeek.Wednesday: sb.Append("\tWednesday"); break; case DayOfWeek.Thursday: sb.Append("\tThursday"); break; case DayOfWeek.Friday: sb.Append("\tFriday"); break; case DayOfWeek.Saturday: sb.Append("\tSaturday"); break; case DayOfWeek.Sunday: sb.Append("\tSunday"); break; } sb.AppendFormat(" ({0:yyyy-MM-dd}):", lastDate); stuffAdded = true; } else if (timeLeft.TotalDays <= 7 + nOfDaysLeftInWeek) // Does this date occure next week? { if (!nextWeekHasHit) { sb.Append("\tNext week"); var dateBeginingOfNextWeek = today.AddDays(1 + nOfDaysLeftInWeek); var dateEndingOfNextWeek = today.AddDays(7 + nOfDaysLeftInWeek); sb.AppendFormat(" ({0:yyyy-MM-dd} -> {1:yyyy-MM-dd}):", dateBeginingOfNextWeek, dateEndingOfNextWeek); nextWeekHasHit = true; stuffAdded = true; } showDateAfterName = true; } else { if (!moreThenAMonthHasHit) { sb.Append("\tMore than 2 weeks:"); moreThenAMonthHasHit = true; stuffAdded = true; } showDateAfterName = true; } } if (stuffAdded) { sb.AppendLine(); lines++; } } sb.Append("\t\t"); sb.Append(orderedPair.Value.Name); if (showDateAfterName) { sb.AppendFormat(" ({0:yyyy-MM-dd})", lastDate); } // Make sure we are not exceeding max number of lines in hub. if (Program.MAX_NUMBER_OF_LINES_IN_MESSAGE <= lines) { connection.SendMessage(Actions.PrivateMessage, usrId, sb.ToString()); sb = new StringBuilder(); lines = 0; } sb.AppendLine(); lines++; } LogMsg("/Display Series"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append("This result was given to you by: "); string[] servicesUsedDistinct = servicesUsed.Distinct().ToArray(); int serviceCount = servicesUsedDistinct.Length; if (serviceCount > 0) { sb.Append("with the help by: "); sb.AppendLine(string.Join(", ", servicesUsedDistinct)); } else { sb.AppendLine(); } //sb.AppendLine("This service is powered by:"); // message will here be converted to right format and then be sent. connection.SendMessage(Actions.PrivateMessage, usrId, sb.ToString()); }