public SHPExporter(PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable, FileInfo fileInfo, NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder connect) { _connect = connect; _pgTable = pgTable; _fileInfo = fileInfo; progressKey = "SHPExporterProgress" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); }
private void SaveFile(string pathFile, int idFile, PgM.PgTableBaseM table) { FileStream FS; BinaryWriter BW; FS = new FileStream(pathFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); BW = new BinaryWriter(FS); var Param = new IParams[] { new Params(":id_file", idFile, DbType.Int32) }; using (SqlWork sqlCmd = new SqlWork((table.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect)) { sqlCmd.sql = string.Format(@"SELECT ""{2}"" FROM ""{0}"".""{1}"" WHERE id = :id_file;", table.SchemeName, table.FileInfo.TableName, table.FileInfo.FieldFile); sqlCmd.ExecuteReader(Param); if (sqlCmd.CanRead()) { BW.Write(sqlCmd.GetBytes(0)); } } BW.Close(); FS.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Используется для работы с историей /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица для которой загружается история</param> /// <param name="idObject">Идентификатор объекта для которой загружается история</param> /// <param name="loadFromHistory">Использовать для загрузки атрибутов таблицу истории</param> /// <param name="idHistoryTable">Идентификатор таблицы истории из которой загружаются атрибуты</param> /// <param name="idHistoryObject">Идентификатор объекта в таблице истории</param> /// <param name="isReadOnly">Открываются ли атрибуты только для чтения</param> /// <param name="IsDebug">Запускается ли работа с атрибутами в режиме отладки</param> public PgAttributesListVM(PgM.PgTableBaseM table, object idObject, bool loadFromHistory, int?idHistoryTable = null, int?idHistoryObject = null, bool isReadOnly = false, bool IsDebug = false, bool loadStyle = true) { LoadStyle = loadStyle; if (loadFromHistory) { LoadFromHistory = loadFromHistory; IdHistoryTable = (int)idHistoryTable; IdHistoryObject = (int)idHistoryObject; } _isDebug = IsDebug; _connect = ((PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM)table.Source).Connect; if (isReadOnly || table.IsReadOnly || !table.CanWrite) { _isReadOnly = true; } _table = table; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_table.GeomField)) { _geomAttribute = new PgAtM.PgAttributeM(this, (PgM.PgFieldM)_table.Fields.First(p => p.Name == _table.GeomField)); } _pkAttribute = new PgAtM.PgAttributeM(this, (PgM.PgFieldM)_table.PrimaryKeyField, idObject); if (idObject == null) { _isNew = true; } _attributes = new ObservableCollection <PgAtM.PgAttributeM>(); }
override public void Init(FileInfo inputFile, PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable) { _inputFile = inputFile; _pgTable = pgTable; if (pgTable != null) { _connect = (pgTable.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect; } _shpWork = new SHPWork(inputFile); _rowsCount = _shpWork.GetFeatureCount(); WorkerReportsProgress = true; try { _srid = _shpWork.getSRID(); } catch (Exception ex) { SelectProjectionV frmProj = new SelectProjectionV(); SelectProjectionVM datacontext = new SelectProjectionVM(frmProj); frmProj.DataContext = datacontext; if (frmProj.ShowDialog() == true) { var proj = datacontext.SelectedProj; if (proj != null) { _srid = proj.Srid; } } else { throw new Exception("Не указана проекция слоя!"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Функция генерации sql запроса /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица с полями</param> /// <param name="whereId">Where запрос</param> /// <param name="isStyle">Таблица со стилем</param> /// <returns>Сгенерированая строка SQL запроса</returns> private string GetSQLQuery(PgM.PgTableBaseM table, string whereId) { var listColumns = new List <string>(); for (int i = table.Fields.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var item = table.Fields[i] as PgM.PgFieldM; string select = ""; if (item.Type == AbsM.EFieldType.Geometry) { select = String.Format(@"st_ASTEXT(st_TRANSFORM(""{0}"", :srid)) AS ""{0}""", item.Name); } else { select = String.Format(@"""{0}""", item.Name); } listColumns.Add(select); } return(string.Format(@" SELECT {0} FROM {1}.{2} WHERE {3}", string.Join(", \n\t", listColumns.ToArray()), table.SchemeName, table.Name, whereId)); }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo) { BindingGroup bindingGroup = (BindingGroup)value; if (bindingGroup.Items.Count > 0) { object obj = bindingGroup.Items[0]; PgM.PgTableBaseM tableM = obj as PgM.PgTableBaseM; String schemeName = (String)bindingGroup.GetValue(tableM, "SchemeName"); String baseName = (String)bindingGroup.GetValue(tableM, "Name"); String systemName = (String)bindingGroup.GetValue(tableM, "Text"); AbsM.EGeomType geomType = (AbsM.EGeomType)((EnumWrapper)(bindingGroup.GetValue(tableM, "GeomType"))).Value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(schemeName)) { return(new ValidationResult(false, "Схема не должна быть пустой")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseName)) { return(new ValidationResult(false, "Название таблицы в базе не должно быть пустым")); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(systemName)) { return(new ValidationResult(false, "Название таблицы в системе не должно быть пустым")); } if (tableM.IsLayer && geomType == AbsM.EGeomType.None) { return(new ValidationResult(false, "Слой карты должен иметь тип геометрии")); } } return(ValidationResult.ValidResult); }
/// <summary> /// Применить фильтр на карте /// </summary> public void ApplyOnMap(object parameter = null) { AxmvMapLib.AxMapLIb axMapLib = Program.mainFrm1.axMapLIb1; Pg_M.PgTableBaseM pgTable = _source.Table as Pg_M.PgTableBaseM; mvLayer layer = axMapLib.getLayer(pgTable.NameMap); if (layer != null) { List <IParams> listParams = new List <IParams>(); String query = GetWhere(DynamicFilter, listParams); // todo: (Dias) На текущий момент axMapLib в строке фильтра не использует параметры. // Поэтому приходится парсить параметры. Нужно чтобы карта поддерживала параметры в фильтрах foreach (IParams param in listParams) { if (param.type == DbType.Date || param.type == DbType.DateTime || param.type == DbType.String) { query = query.Replace(param.paramName, String.Format("'{0}'", param.value)); } else { query = query.Replace(param.paramName, String.Format("{0}", param.value)); } } layer.Filter = query; } }
public object Clone() { PgTableBaseM pgTable = this.MemberwiseClone() as PgTableBaseM; PgTableBaseM.UpdateIsNewTable(pgTable, true); int postfixIndex = 0; pgTable.Name = ""; do { String newNameInBase = Name + "_copy" + ((postfixIndex == 0) ? "" : String.Format("_{0}", postfixIndex)); String newText = Text + " копия" + ((postfixIndex == 0) ? "" : String.Format(" {0}", postfixIndex)); postfixIndex++; using (SqlWork sqlWork = new SqlWork((Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect)) { sqlWork.sql = String.Format("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys_scheme.table_info WHERE scheme_name = '{0}' AND name_db = '{1}')", SchemeName, newNameInBase); if (!(Boolean)(sqlWork.ExecuteScalar())) { pgTable.Name = newNameInBase; pgTable.Text = newText; } } }while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pgTable.Name)); return(pgTable); }
override public void Init(FileInfo inputFile, PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable) { _inputFile = inputFile; _pgTable = pgTable; _pgConnect = (pgTable.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect; var excelAppl = new Excel.Application() { Visible = false }; var workbook = excelAppl.Workbooks.Open(_inputFile.FullName); excelUC.listCB.Items.Clear(); Excel.Worksheet sheet = null; foreach (Excel.Worksheet worksheet in workbook.Sheets) { excelUC.listCB.Items.Add(worksheet.Name); if (sheet == null) { sheet = worksheet; } } GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced); //не знаю зачем это GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); excelUC.listCB.SelectedIndex = 0; var workrange = sheet.UsedRange; String rng = GetUsedNotEmptyRange(sheet); if (rng != null) { String upLeft = rng.Split(':')[0]; String bottomRight = rng.Split(':')[1]; excelUC.diapBeg.Text = upLeft; excelUC.diapEnd.Text = bottomRight; String sheetString = sheet.Name; String rangeString = rng; Excel.Worksheet workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)(workbook.Sheets.Item[sheetString]); Excel.Range workRange = workSheet.get_Range(rangeString); // Где на странице Excel находятся данные int lastRow = workRange.Row + workRange.Rows.Count - 1; int firstRow = workRange.Row; int lastColumn = workRange.Column + workRange.Columns.Count - 1; int firstColumn = workRange.Column; // Получаются данные из excel в виде массива объектов var excValues = (object[, ])(workRange.Value); // Сколько строк и сколько столбцов _rowsCount = excValues.GetLength(0) - 1; //первая строка заголовки } else { excelUC.diapBeg.Text = excelUC.diapEnd.Text = "Нет данных"; _rowsCount = 0; } GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced); //не знаю зачем это GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); workbook.Close(); excelAppl.Quit(); WorkerReportsProgress = true; }
/// <summary> /// Сохранение активного фильтра /// </summary> public void Save(object parameter = null) { FilterSaveFrm frm = new FilterSaveFrm(); frm.Text = "Фильтр"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { int idSource = 0; int idTable = 0; Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder connect = (_source.Table.Source as PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect; String sourceName = String.Format("{0}@{1}", connect.Database, connect.Host); String sourceType = _source.Table.Source.Type.ToString(); Pg_M.PgTableBaseM pgTable = _source.Table as Pg_M.PgTableBaseM; String tableName = String.Format("\"{0}\".\"{1}\"", pgTable.SchemeName, pgTable.Name); bool sourceExists = (from Source src in Program.SettingsDB.Sources where src.SourceName == sourceName && src.SourceType == sourceType select src).Count() > 0; if (!sourceExists) { Program.SettingsDB.Sources.AddObject(new Source() { SourceName = sourceName, SourceType = sourceType }); } idSource = Convert.ToInt32((from Source src in Program.SettingsDB.Sources where src.SourceName == sourceName && src.SourceType == sourceType select src.Id).FirstOrDefault()); bool tableExists = (from Table tbl in Program.SettingsDB.Tables where tbl.SourceId == idSource && tbl.TableName == tableName select tbl).Count() > 0; if (!tableExists) { Program.SettingsDB.Tables.AddObject(new Table() { TableName = tableName, SourceId = idSource }); } idTable = Convert.ToInt32((from Table tbl in Program.SettingsDB.Tables where tbl.TableName == tableName && tbl.SourceId == idSource select tbl.Id).FirstOrDefault()); FilterRelationModel filterRM = GetFilterModel(_dynamicFilter); Program.SettingsDB.Filters.AddObject(new Filter() { FilterName = frm.textBox1.Text, WhereText = SqlJsonParser.ToJson(filterRM), IdTable = idTable }); Program.SettingsDB.SaveChanges(); ReloadFiltersFromSqLite(); } }
public PgIndexVM(PgM.PgTableBaseM table) { _table = table; _source = table.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM; _indexedFields = new ObservableCollection <AbsM.IFieldM>(); _notIndexedFields = new ObservableCollection <AbsM.IFieldM>(); LoadIndexInfo(); }
/// <summary> /// Удаление таблицы из группы /// </summary> public void ExcludeFromGroup(object parameter = null) { PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable = parameter as PgM.PgTableBaseM; if (!_doesntContainList.Contains(pgTable)) { _doesntContainList.Add(pgTable); _containsList.Remove(pgTable); } }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { PgM.PgTableBaseM table = (PgM.PgTableBaseM)value; if (table == null) { return(Visibility.Collapsed); } AbsM.ETableType tabletype = table.Type; String par = parameter.ToString(); switch (par) { case "Структура": case "Свойства": { return(Visibility.Visible); } case "Группы": case "Подписи": case "Стили": { if (tabletype == AbsM.ETableType.MapLayer || tabletype == AbsM.ETableType.View) { return(Visibility.Visible); } else { return(Visibility.Collapsed); } } case "Права": { PgM.PgUserM user = (table.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).CurrentUser; if (user == null || user.Type == PgM.UserType.User) { return(Visibility.Collapsed); } else { return(Visibility.Visible); } } case "Индекс": { return(Visibility.Visible); } default: { return(Visibility.Collapsed); } } }
public PgAttributesStyleVM(PgAtVM.PgAttributesVM attributeVM) { _attributeVM = attributeVM; _isDebug = attributeVM.IsDebug; _connect = attributeVM.Connect; _isReadOnly = attributeVM.IsReadOnly; _table = attributeVM.Table; _pkAttribute = attributeVM.AttributesListVM.PkAttribute; _style = new PgM.PgStyleObjectM(_table, _pkAttribute.Value); }
public PgLayerGroupsVM(PgM.PgTableBaseM pgtable) { _table = pgtable; _source = pgtable.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM; _source.GroupsCollectionChanged += Source_GroupsCollectionChanged; foreach (AbsM.GroupM groupM in _source.Groups) { groupM.Tables.CollectionChanged += Tables_CollectionChanged; } ReloadGroups(); }
/// <summary> /// Загрузка связанных таблиц /// </summary> private void LoadRelatedTables(object idObject) { if (idObject != null && (_table.Type == AbsM.ETableType.Data || _table.Type == AbsM.ETableType.MapLayer)) { RelatedTables.Clear(); using (SqlWork sqlWork = new SqlWork(Connect)) { // Запрос для получения идентификаторов связанных таблиц sqlWork.sql = String.Format(@"SELECT tfi.id_table, tfi.name_db, tfi.ref_field FROM sys_scheme.table_field_info tfi INNER JOIN sys_scheme.table_info ti ON tfi.id_table = INNER JOIN sys_scheme.table_type_table ttt ON = ti.type WHERE tfi.ref_table = {0} AND ( = 1 OR = 4)", _table.Id); sqlWork.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlWork.CanRead()) { int idTable = sqlWork.GetInt32("id_table"); string colName = sqlWork.GetString("name_db"); int refFieldId = sqlWork.GetInt32("ref_field"); PgM.PgFieldM field = _table.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == refFieldId) as PgM.PgFieldM; if (field != null && field.Table != null && field.Table.Id is int && classesOfMetods.getRefTableRight(_table.Id, (int)field.Table.Id)) { PgAtM.PgAttributeM attr = _attributesListVM.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Field == field); String filterValue = null; if (attr.Value != null) { filterValue = attr.Value.ToString(); } PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable = _table.Source.Tables.FirstOrDefault(p => (int)p.Id == idTable) as PgM.PgTableBaseM; if (pgTable != null) { FilterRelationModel filterRM = new FilterRelationModel() { Type = TypeRelation.ELEMENT, Element = new FilterElementModel() { Column = colName, Type = TypeOperation.Equal, Value = filterValue } }; RelatedTables.Add(new PgTV.PgTableViewVM(pgTable, filterRM)); } } } sqlWork.Close(); } } OnPropertyChanged("HasRelatedTables"); }
public PgFieldM(AbsM.ITableBaseM table, int id) { _id = id; var pgTable = table as PgM.PgTableBaseM; if (pgTable == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Нет ссылки на таблицу"); } _table = pgTable; _idTable = _table.Id; }
override public void Init(FileInfo inputFile, PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable) { _inputFile = inputFile; _pgTable = pgTable; _pgConnect = (pgTable.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect; var reader = (new OleDbCommand(string.Format("SELECT count(*) FROM [{0}#dbf]", Name), Connection)).ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.Read() || !int.TryParse(reader[0].ToString(), out _rowsCount)) { _rowsCount = 0; } WorkerReportsProgress = true; }
public PgAttributesVM(AbsM.ITableBaseM table, object idObject, bool isReadOnly = false, bool isDebug = false, String wkt = null) { var pgTable = table as PgM.PgTableBaseM; if (pgTable == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Нет ссылки на таблицу"); } else if (pgTable.PrimaryKeyField == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("В таблице нет первичного ключа"); } _isDebug = isDebug; _connect = ((PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM)pgTable.Source).Connect; _table = pgTable; _source = pgTable.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM; // Проверка прав на объект с атрибутами if (isReadOnly || pgTable.IsReadOnly || !pgTable.CanWrite) { _isReadOnly = true; } _attributesListVM = new PgAtVM.PgAttributesListVM(this, idObject); if (_table.FileInfo != null) { _filesVM = new PgAtVM.PgAttributeFilesVM(this); } if (_table.IsMapStyle && idObject != null) { _styleVM = new PgAttributesStyleVM(this); } if (_table.Type == AbsM.ETableType.MapLayer || _table.Type == AbsM.ETableType.View) { //_pgGeometryVM = new PgAttributesGeomVM(this, wkt); _pgGeometryVM = new PgAttributesGeomVM(_table.Id, wkt, false, (int?)_attributesListVM.PkAttribute.Value, (_table.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect); } Title = String.Format("Объект: [id: {0}]; Таблица: \"{1}\"; Источник: \"{3}@{4}:{5} ({6})\"; Тип: \"{2}\"", idObject ?? "null", _table.Text, _table.Source.Type, _source.Connect.Database, _source.Connect.Host, _source.Connect.Port, _source.CurrentUser.NameFull); }
/// <summary> /// ViewModel для окна списка объектов /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица с объектами</param> /// <param name="filter">Фильтр который нужно применить для данного окна</param> /// <param name="id">Перейти к нужному объекту</param> /// <param name="toSelected"> Открыть окно для выбора объекта</param> /// <param name="isDebug"> Debug режим </param> public PgTableViewVM(AbsM.ITableBaseM table, FilterRelationModel filter = null, object id = null, bool toSelected = false, bool isDebug = false) { var pgTable = table as PgM.PgTableBaseM; if (pgTable == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("table"); } _table = pgTable; _isReadOnly = _table.IsReadOnly; _source = pgTable.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM; _connect = Source.Connect; _sysScheme = "sys_scheme"; _isDebug = isDebug; Title = String.Format("Таблица: \"{0}\"; Источник: \"{2}@{3}:{4} ({5})\"; Тип: \"{1}\"", pgTable.Text, _source.Type, _source.Connect.Database, _source.Connect.Host, _source.Connect.Port, _source.CurrentUser.NameFull); _columns = new ObservableCollection <HeaderValue>(); sqlSelect = GetSQL(); _filterVM = new PgTableView.PgTableViewFilterVM(this, filter); if (id != null) { int?page = GetPageInTable(id); if (page != null) { PageCurrent = page; } } GetColumns(); Reload(); if (id != null) { CurrentRowView = GetRow(id); } _toSelected = toSelected; _source.EventUpdateAttribute += _source_EventUpdateAttribute; this.PropertyChanged += PgTableViewVM_PropertyChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Загружает из базы SQLite названия и идентификаторы всех фильтров, относящихся к таблице _source.Table /// </summary> private void ReloadFiltersFromSqLite() { IdNameFilter.Clear(); Npgsql.NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder connect = (_source.Table.Source as PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect; Pg_M.PgTableBaseM pgTable = _source.Table as Pg_M.PgTableBaseM; String sourceName = String.Format("{0}@{1}", connect.Database, connect.Host); String sourceType = pgTable.Source.Type.ToString(); String tableName = String.Format("\"{0}\".\"{1}\"", pgTable.SchemeName, pgTable.Name); var filters = from Filter f in Program.SettingsDB.Filters where f.Table.TableName == tableName && f.Table.Source.SourceName == sourceName && f.Table.Source.SourceType == sourceType select f; foreach (var filter in filters) { IdNameFilter.Add(new NameValue(filter.Id, filter.FilterName)); } }
/// <summary> /// Работы с атрибутами объекта /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Ссылка на таблицу</param> /// <param name="idObject">Идентификатор объекта с атрибутами. /// Если он null создается новый</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"/> public PgAttributesListVM(PgAtVM.PgAttributesVM attributeVM, object idObject, bool loadStyle = true) { LoadStyle = loadStyle; _attributeVM = attributeVM; _isDebug = attributeVM.IsDebug; _connect = attributeVM.Connect; _isReadOnly = attributeVM.IsReadOnly; _table = attributeVM.Table; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_table.GeomField)) { _geomAttribute = new PgAtM.PgAttributeM(this, (PgM.PgFieldM)_table.Fields.First(p => p.Name == _table.GeomField)); } _pkAttribute = new PgAtM.PgAttributeM(this, (PgM.PgFieldM)_table.PrimaryKeyField, idObject); if (idObject == null) { _isNew = true; } _attributes = new ObservableCollection <PgAtM.PgAttributeM>(); }
public ImportWindow(FileInfo inputFile, PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable) { InitializeComponent(); _pgTable = pgTable; _connect = (pgTable.Source as PgVM.PgDataRepositoryVM).Connect; colsTim = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200), IsEnabled = false }; colsTim.Tick += new EventHandler(loadCols); inputFileTb.Text = inputFile.FullName; switch (inputFile.Extension.ToLower()) { case ".dbf": importer = new Importers.DBFImporter(); break; case ".xls": case ".xlsx": importer = new Importers.ExcelImporter(); break; case ".shp": case ".tab": case ".bna": case ".csv": case ".geojson": case ".gml": case ".gmt": case ".itf": case ".sqlite": importer = new Importers.SHPImporter(); break; default: importer = null; break; } hideError(); hideSuccess(); if (importer == null) { showError("Выбранный тип файла загрузчиком не поддерживается"); return; } importer.ProgressChanged += new System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler(importer_ProgressChanged); importer.RunWorkerCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(importer_RunWorkerCompleted); progressKey = "importProgress" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); settingsSP.Children.Clear(); try { cti.ThreadProgress.ShowWait(); if (importer.SettingsPanel != null) { settingsSP.Children.Add(importer.SettingsPanel); } importer.Init(inputFile, _pgTable); } catch (Exception ex) { showError(ex.Message); return; } finally { cti.ThreadProgress.Close(); } if (_pgTable != null) { dbTableCB.Text = _pgTable.Name; } }
public TXTExporter(PgM.PgTableBaseM table, NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder connect, FileInfo fileInfo) { _connect = connect; _pgTable = table; _fileInfo = fileInfo; }
abstract public void Init(FileInfo inputFile, PgM.PgTableBaseM pgTable);
public PgStyleLableM(PgTableBaseM table, PgStyleSetsM set) { _isNewTable = true; _table = table; _set = set; }
public PgStyleLableM(int id, PgTableBaseM table, PgStyleSetsM set) { _id = id; _table = table; _set = set; }