예제 #1
        //Manages the state history, and making sure the correct state is being created/stored
        public static void PrepareStep() //Go to the most current state, and step forward once.
        {                                //If the algorithm hasn't started, this will just start the algorithm and leave us at step 0.
            //use start new episode if this is the first step
            //step and add, or dont step and dont add
            AlgorithmState step_with = new AlgorithmState(GetCurrentState());

            if (step_with.GetStepNumber() == Qmatrix.step_limit)
                state_history.Add(new AlgorithmEpisode(state_history.Count + 1)); //Add the first empty episode
            state_history.Last().Add(step_with); //Add the state to the history list, after everything possible has been done to it.
예제 #2
        //This is ran every time we step through the algorithm.
        //Handles updating all the fields that change every time we look at new data
        //This method handles any time we are updating what is displayed for any reason once the algorithm is active
        //We expect the algorithm state to be set from the outside before we enter this.
        //This will also handle updating the history dropdowns
        static public void DisplayState()
            picture_board.clone_position(loaded_state.board_data); //This copies the state's board over to our PictureSquare board.

            //Textboxes update
            if (AlgorithmState.algorithm_started) //Only display this if we've started
                //This will configure the q-matrix dropdowns properly, and handle if there is no qmatrix as well.
                //This doesn't affect the stored entries textbox
                HandleQmatrixForms(loaded_state, loaded_state.bender_perception_starting);

                //Session progress
                step_number.Text    = loaded_state.GetStepNumber().ToString();
                episode_number.Text = loaded_state.GetEpisodeNumber().ToString();
                e_session.Text      = GetString(loaded_state.live_qmatrix.e_current);
                y_session.Text      = loaded_state.live_qmatrix.y_current.ToString();

                //If this moveset doesn't exist, we should get an error.
                //This function should only be called at the algorithm start, or from a dropdown that has a valid q-matrix combination.
                //These textboxes handle percepts

                PerceptionState to_view = loaded_state.board_data.get_bender_perception();

                foreach (var i in Move.list)
                    list_current_position_textboxes[i].Text = to_view.perception_data[i].ToString();

                beer_remaining.Text = loaded_state.board_data.get_cans_remaining().ToString();
                beer_collected.Text = loaded_state.cans_collected.ToString();
                reward_episode.Text = loaded_state.episode_rewards.ToString();
                reward_total.Text   = loaded_state.total_rewards.ToString();

                //Update the history episode dropdown
                if (combobox_history_episodes.Items.Count < AlgorithmState.state_history.Count)

                combobox_history_episodes.SelectedIndex = combobox_history_episodes.Items.Count - 1;

                if (!combobox_history_steps.Items.Contains(loaded_state) || loaded_state.GetStepNumber() == 0)
                    combobox_history_steps.Text = loaded_state.ToString();


            //Handle drawing the board
            foreach (var i in picture_board.board_data)
                foreach (var j in i)

            status_box.Text = StatusMessage.GetMessageFromState(loaded_state);
