private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LblMessage.Text = ""; Application.DoEvents(); var target = ValidateFields(); if (target != null) { LblMessage.Text = "Required fields not filled in."; target.Focus(); target.BackColor = Color.Yellow; return; } var id = (CurrentPerson != null ? CurrentPerson.PeopleID : null); CurrentPerson = new Person() { PeopleID = id, FirstName = TxtFirstName.Text, LastName = TxtLastName.Text, Address1 = TxtAddress1.Text, Address2 = TxtAddress2.Text, City = TxtCity.Text, State = ((USState)CmbState.SelectedItem).Abbreviation, ZipCode = TxtZip.Text, Country = TxtCountry.Text, Phone1 = TxtPhone1.Text, Phone1Type = TxtPhone1.TextLength > 0 ? (string)CmbPhoneType1.SelectedItem : "", Phone2 = TxtPhone2.Text, Phone2Type = TxtPhone2.TextLength > 0 ? (string)CmbPhoneType2.SelectedItem : "", Email = TxtEmail.Text, BadgeName = (TxtBadgeName.Text != "" ? TxtBadgeName.Text : TxtFirstName.Text + " " + TxtLastName.Text), Banned = ChkBanned.Checked, HeardFrom = TxtHeardFrom.Text }; if (id == null) { CurrentPerson.Save(TxtPassword1.Text); } else { CurrentPerson.Save(); } if (CurrentPerson.LastError != null) { LblMessage.Text = "An error occurred trying to save the account: " + CurrentPerson.LastError; } else { LblMessage.Text = "Account saved successfully."; } }
private void BtnContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (useNewPerson) { Person.Save(); } var sales = useNewPerson ? new FrmSellItems(Person) : new FrmSellItems((Person)LstPeople.SelectedItems[0].Tag); sales.ShowDialog(); LstPeople.SelectedItems.Clear(); TxtLastName.Text = ""; TxtRecipientName.Text = ""; Person = null; }
private void BtnTransfer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (useNewPerson) { Person.Save(); } var targetPerson = useNewPerson ? Person : (Person)LstPeople.SelectedItems[0].Tag; var payload = "action=ModifyBadge&badgeAction=Transfer&badgeID=" + TransferBadge.BadgeID + "&newID=" + targetPerson.PeopleID + "&badgeName=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(TxtBadgeName.Text); var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(payload); var request = WebRequest.Create(Program.URL + "/functions/userQuery.php"); request.ContentLength = data.Length; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.Method = "POST"; using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream()) stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); var webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var results = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(results); if ((string)response["result"] == "Success") { MessageBox.Show("Badge successfully transferred to " + TxtRecipientName.Text + ".", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); TransferBadge.BadgeName = TxtBadgeName.Text; TransferBadge.FirstName = targetPerson.FirstName; TransferBadge.LastName = targetPerson.LastName; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to create record for new person: " + (string)response["message"], "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }