private static Dictionary <String, DelayGraphVertex> RecreateVertices(XElement graph, String nmsp, DelayGraph delayGraph)
            var nodeIdToVertexMap = new Dictionary <String, DelayGraphVertex>();
            var vertexType        = typeof(DelayGraphVertex);

            // todo: update this map if new properties are added...or use "CreatePropertyTypeMap" below
            var propertyToTypeMap = new Dictionary <String, Type>()
                { "VertexId", typeof(int) },
                { "NodeType", typeof(int) },
                { "NodeUniqueId", typeof(int) },
                { "ThroughputCostIfRegistered", typeof(long) },
                { "LatencyCostIfRegistered", typeof(long) },
                { "RegisterCostIfRegistered", typeof(long) },
                { "IsRegistered", typeof(bool) },
                { "IsInputTerminal", typeof(bool) },
                { "IsOutputTerminal", typeof(bool) },
                { "DisallowRegister", typeof(bool) }

            // get the nodes
            foreach (var node in graph.Elements(nmsp + "node"))
                // create new vertex
                var vertex = new DelayGraphVertex();
                var id     = (string)node.Attribute("id");
                nodeIdToVertexMap.Add(id, vertex);

                // populate the fields of the node
                foreach (var data in node.Elements())
                    var     key      = (string)data.Attribute("key");
                    dynamic contents = Convert.ChangeType(data.Value, propertyToTypeMap[key], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    vertexType.GetProperty(key).SetValue(vertex, contents);

                // add the node to the graph