public void SimpleStartToEndScenarioTest()

            // Setup Fakes

            var fakeRtEvents = new FakeRTEvents();
            var fakeDecalEvents = new FakeDecalEventsProxy();

            Queue<Location> locationResults = new Queue<Location>();
            locationResults.Enqueue(new Location(0, 0, 1, 0, 0));
            locationResults.Enqueue(new Location(0, 0, 2, 0, 0));
            locationResults.Enqueue(new Location(0, 0, 3, 0, 0));
            locationResults.Enqueue(new Location(0, 0, 4, 0, 0));

            for (int i = 0; i < JumpRecorder.NumberOfConsecutiveZCoordsSameToSingleLand; i++)
                locationResults.Enqueue(new Location(0, 0, 5, 0, 0));

            List<SelfJumpCompleteEventArgs> cachedCompleteCallValues = new List<SelfJumpCompleteEventArgs>();

            // Workflow to Test

            JumpRecorder recorder = new JumpRecorder(fakeRtEvents, fakeDecalEvents, e => cachedCompleteCallValues.Add(e), () => locationResults.Dequeue());

            var initialJumpData = new JumpData(new Location(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0.0, 0.0);


            fakeRtEvents.FireSelfJump(new JumpEventArgs(0, initialJumpData, 0, 0));


            fakeDecalEvents.FireRenderFrame(new EventArgs());
            fakeDecalEvents.FireRenderFrame(new EventArgs());
            fakeDecalEvents.FireRenderFrame(new EventArgs());

            // We should not have landed yet
            Assert.AreEqual(0, cachedCompleteCallValues.Count);

            fakeDecalEvents.FireRenderFrame(new EventArgs());

            for (int i = 0; i < JumpRecorder.NumberOfConsecutiveZCoordsSameToSingleLand; i++)
                fakeDecalEvents.FireRenderFrame(new EventArgs());

            // Now we should have landed
            Assert.AreEqual(1, cachedCompleteCallValues.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(initialJumpData, cachedCompleteCallValues[0].JumpData);

            Assert.AreEqual(4 + JumpRecorder.NumberOfConsecutiveZCoordsSameToSingleLand, cachedCompleteCallValues[0].Trajectory);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, cachedCompleteCallValues[0].Trajectory[0].Z);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, cachedCompleteCallValues[0].Trajectory.Last().Z);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, cachedCompleteCallValues[0].LandingLocation.Z);
예제 #2
        private void _decalEventsProxy_ServerDispatch(object sender, Decal.Adapter.NetworkMessageEventArgs e)
            if (e.Message.Type == 0xF74E) // Jumping
                //Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Jump detected!!");

                int characterId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Message["object"]);
                double heading = Convert.ToDouble(e.Message["heading"]);
                double height = Convert.ToDouble(e.Message["height"]);
                short numLogins = Convert.ToInt16(e.Message["logins"]);
                short totalJumps = Convert.ToInt16(e.Message["sequence"]);

                // I don't know if this could ever happen, so if check for it until I know.
                // TODO : Remove or support once I know if it happens for other characters
                // ANSWER : YES - Does pick up other character jumps
                if(characterId != REPlugin.Instance.CharacterFilter.Id)
                    // Yes, it happens.  Commenting out since it is very spammy
                    //Debug.WriteLineToMain("Jump detected for character other than self!! - {0}", characterId);
                    //Debug.WriteLineToMain("Character was - {0}", characterId.ToWorldObject().Name);

                var jumpData = new JumpData(Location.CaptureCurrent(), heading, height);
                var jumpEventArgs = new JumpEventArgs(characterId, jumpData, numLogins, totalJumps);


                if (this.SelfJump != null)
                    this.SelfJump(sender, jumpEventArgs);
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0x019E) // Player Killed
                Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Player Killed detected!!");
            else if(e.Message.Type == 0xF748) // Set Position & Motion
                //Set position - the server pathologically sends these after every actions - sometimes more than once. If has options for setting a fixed velocity or an arc for thrown weapons and arrows.
                //    ObjectID    object  The object with the position changing.
                //    Position    position    The current or starting location.
                //    WORD    logins          logins
                //    WORD    sequence    A sequence number of some sort
                //    WORD    portals     number of portals
                //    WORD    adjustments     Adjustments to position

                // TODO : Could this be useful in my effort to implement auto-slave-jump?
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0xF749) // Wield Object
                //Multipurpose message. So far object wielding has been decoded. Lots of unknowns		
                //    ObjectID	owner	id of the owner of this object
                //    ObjectID	object	id of the object
                //    DWORD	unknown1	Unknown, always 1 in investigations
                //    DWORD	unknown2	Unknown, always 1 in investigations
                //    DWORD	unknown3	Unknown, Some sort of an equip counter, formula used to generate it: 0x00254 | (0x40000 + 0x30000*((ConnUser[UserParsing].EquipCount - 1) / 2))

                // Note by Mike : Happens a lot.  Happens for other characters.  Might even happen for another characters arrow draw.
                // TODO : How can I utilize this?
                // Commenting for now.  Spammy
                //Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Wield Object detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0xF65A) // Move object into inventory
                //ObjectID	object
                //WORD	unknown	unknown, was 0335 during testing
                //WORD	unknown1	unknown, appears to be a sequence number of some kind

                Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Move object into inventory detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0x0052) // Close Container
                // See web documentation for details.
                Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Close Container detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0x00A0) // Failure to give item
                // See web documentation for details.
                Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Failure to Give Item detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0x01C7) // Ready. Previous action complete
                // TODO : Does does this relate to CharacterFilter.ActionComplete?
                Debug.WriteLine("[ServerDispatch] - Ready. Previous action complete detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0x02BE) // Create Fellowhsip
                Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Create Fellowship detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0x02BF) // Disband Fellowhsip
                Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Disband Fellowship detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0x02C0) // Add Fellowhsip Member
                Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Add Fellowhsip Member detected!!");
            else if (e.Message.Type == 0xF7B0) // Game Events
                //Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Game Event detected!!");
                //ObjectID - character - the object ID of the message recipient (should be you)
                //DWORD - sequence - sequence number
                //GameEvent - event - the (sequenced) message type
                int characterId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Message["character"]);
                short sequence = Convert.ToInt16(e.Message["sequence"]);
                short gameEvent = Convert.ToInt16(e.Message["event"]);

                //Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Game Event Code = {0:X4}", gameEvent);

                switch (gameEvent)
                    case 0x00C9: // Identify Object
                        //Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Identify Object detected!!");

                        //the object ID of the item or creature being assessed
                        int objectId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Message["object"]);
                        short flags = Convert.ToInt16(e.Message["flags"]);
                        bool success = Convert.ToBoolean(e.Message["success"]);

                        // TODO : Replace with event once working
                        //Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Identify Object Data ObjectId = {0}, Flags = {1:X8}, Success = {2}", objectId, flags, success);
                    case 0x01C7: // Ready. Previous Action Complete
                        // TODO : Is this useful for anything?
                        //Debug.WriteLineToMain("[ServerDispatch] - Ready.  Previous Action Complete");

예제 #3
 internal void Begin(JumpData jumpData)
     this._cachedJumpData = jumpData;
     this._isRecording = true;
     this._maxZ = jumpData.Location.Z;
     this._startTime = DateTime.Now;
     this._decalEvents.RenderFrame += _decalEvents_RenderFrame;