예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the class. This includes loading application settings from the configuration file. The application name should be scoped within the system.
        /// For non web applications, this method must be called directly from the main executable assembly and not from a supporting library.
        /// To debug this method, create a folder called C:\AnyoneFullControl and give Everyone full control. A file will appear in that folder explaining how far
        /// it got in init.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appName"></param>
        /// <param name="isClientSideProgram"></param>
        /// <param name="systemLogic"></param>
        /// <param name="mainDataAccessStateGetter">A method that returns the current main data-access state whenever it is requested, including during this
        /// AppTools.Init call. Do not allow multiple threads to use the same state at the same time. If you pass null, the data-access subsystem will not be
        /// available in the application.</param>
        public static void Init(string appName, bool isClientSideProgram, SystemLogic systemLogic, Func <DataAccessState> mainDataAccessStateGetter = null)
            var initializationLog = "Starting init";

            try {
                if (initialized)
                    throw new ApplicationException("This class can only be initialized once.");

                if (systemLogic == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The system must have a global logic class and you must pass an instance of it to AppTools.Init.");

                // Initialize ConfigurationStatics, including the general provider, before the exception handling block below because it's reasonable for the exception
                // handling to depend on this.
                ConfigurationStatics.Init(systemLogic.GetType(), appName, isClientSideProgram, ref initializationLog);

                // Setting the initialized flag to true must be done before executing the secondary init block below so that exception handling works.
                initialized        = true;
                initializationLog += Environment.NewLine + "Succeeded in primary init.";
            catch (Exception e) {
                initializationLog += Environment.NewLine + e;
                StandardLibraryMethods.EmergencyLog("Initialization log", initializationLog);

            try {
                var asposeLicense = ConfigurationStatics.SystemGeneralProvider.AsposeLicenseName;
                if (asposeLicense.Any())
                    new Aspose.Pdf.License().SetLicense(asposeLicense);
                    new Aspose.Words.License().SetLicense(asposeLicense);

                // This initialization could be performed using reflection. There is no need for AppTools to have a dependency on these classes.

            catch (Exception e) {
                secondaryInitFailed = true;

                // Suppress all exceptions since they would prevent apps from knowing that primary initialization succeeded. EWF apps need to know this in order to
                // automatically restart themselves. Other apps could find this knowledge useful as well.
                try {
                    EmailAndLogError("An exception occurred during application initialization:", e);
                catch {}
예제 #2
 private static EmailMessage getErrorEmailMessage(string body)
     return(new EmailMessage
         Subject =
             "Error in {0}".FormatWith(ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.SystemName) +
             (ConfigurationStatics.IsClientSideProgram ? " on {0}".FormatWith(StandardLibraryMethods.GetLocalHostName()) : ""),
         BodyHtml = body.GetTextAsEncodedHtml()
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This will tell people what to look for in the tests.
        /// Outputs a ReadMe file, with each iteration being a line in a item1: item2 format.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void OutputReadme(string outputFolder, IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > explanations)
            using (var readme = new StreamWriter(StandardLibraryMethods.CombinePaths(outputFolder, "ReadMe.txt"))) {
                readme.WriteLine("What to look for");

                foreach (var explanation in explanations)
                    readme.WriteLine("{0}: {1}".FormatWith(explanation.Item1, explanation.Item2));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an error email message to the developer addresses specified in the config file using the SMTP server specified in the config file.
        /// </summary>
        private static void sendErrorEmail(string body)

            var m = new EmailMessage();

            foreach (var developer in ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.Developers)
                m.ToAddresses.Add(new EmailAddress(developer.EmailAddress, developer.Name));
            m.Subject = "Error in " + ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.SystemName;
            if (ConfigurationStatics.IsClientSideProgram)
                m.Subject += " on " + StandardLibraryMethods.GetLocalHostName();
            m.BodyHtml = body.GetTextAsEncodedHtml();
예제 #5
 public bool Equals(InitializationAwareValue <T> other)
     return(other != null && Initialized && other.Initialized && StandardLibraryMethods.AreEqual(value, other.value));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an email from the default address to the developers with the given exception information and additional information about
        /// the running program.  Prefix provides additional information before the standard exception and page information.
        /// The exception may be null.
        /// </summary>
        public static void EmailAndLogError(string prefix, Exception exception)
            using (var sw = new StringWriter()) {
                if (prefix.Length > 0)
                if (exception != null)

                if (NetTools.IsWebApp())
                    // This check ensures that there is an actual request, which is not the case during application initialization.
                    if (EwfApp.Instance != null && EwfApp.Instance.RequestState != null)
                        sw.WriteLine("URL: " + AppRequestState.Instance.Url);

                        foreach (string fieldName in HttpContext.Current.Request.Form)
                            sw.WriteLine("Form field " + fieldName + ": " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[fieldName]);

                        foreach (string cookieName in HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies)
                            sw.WriteLine("Cookie " + cookieName + ": " + HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookieName].Value);

                        sw.WriteLine("User agent: " + HttpContext.Current.Request.GetUserAgent());
                        sw.WriteLine("Referrer: " + NetTools.ReferringUrl);

                        User user         = null;
                        User impersonator = null;

                        // exception-prone code
                        try {
                            user         = User;
                            impersonator = AppRequestState.Instance.ImpersonatorExists ? AppRequestState.Instance.ImpersonatorUser : null;
                        catch {}

                        if (user != null)
                            sw.WriteLine("User: {0}{1}".FormatWith(user.Email, impersonator != null ? " (impersonated by {0})".FormatWith(impersonator.Email) : ""));
                    sw.WriteLine("Program: " + ConfigurationStatics.AppName);
                    sw.WriteLine("Version: " + ConfigurationStatics.AppAssembly.GetName().Version);
                    sw.WriteLine("Machine: " + StandardLibraryMethods.GetLocalHostName());

                StandardLibraryMethods.CallEveryMethod(delegate { sendErrorEmail(sw.ToString()); }, delegate { logError(sw.ToString()); });
예제 #7
 public bool Equals(DataValue <T> other)
     return(other != null && StandardLibraryMethods.AreEqual(val, other.val));