public AbilityManager(MainWindow parent) { mw = parent; InitializeComponent(); cancel.Content = "X"; label1.Content = "Copy/Load Ability String"; }
public ChampionSelect(MainWindow parent) { this.parent = parent; InitializeComponent(); sortedChampions = new HeroData[parent.heroData.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (HeroData h in parent.heroData.Values.OrderBy(x => { sortedChampions[i] = h; i++; } leftPadding = (Width - championsPerRow * (championSize + xPadding)) / 2; //add the images to the form int championNum = 0; foreach (HeroData h in sortedChampions) { double imgX = /*leftPadding + */(championNum % championsPerRow) * (championSize + xPadding); double imgY = /*topPadding + */(championNum / championsPerRow) * (championSize + yPadding); Image cImg = new Image(); Canvas.SetLeft(cImg, imgX); Canvas.SetTop(cImg, imgY); cImg.Width = championSize; cImg.Height = championSize; cImg.Source = h.icon; cImg.Tag = h.codeName; cImg.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(cImg_MouseDown); cImg.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(cImg_MouseEnter); cImg.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(cImg_MouseLeave); Label cName = new Label(); Canvas.SetLeft(cName, imgX - xPadding/2); Canvas.SetTop(cName, imgY + cImg.Height - 2); cName.Width = cImg.Width + xPadding; cName.Height = yPadding; cName.Padding = new Thickness(0); cName.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; cName.Content =; cName.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Miramonte"); cName.FontSize = 12; cName.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); Canvas fillerCanvas = new Canvas(); fillerCanvas.Children.Add(cImg); fillerCanvas.Children.Add(cName); championPanel.Children.Add(fillerCanvas); championNum++; } championPanel.Width = ((championSize + xPadding) * championsPerRow); scrollViewer1.Width = ((championSize + xPadding) * championsPerRow + 20); championPanel.Height = ((championNum * (championSize + yPadding + 12)) / championsPerRow); }
public AutoAbilityTool(MainWindow parent) { InitializeComponent(); this.parent = parent; //init champion level labels championLevelLabels = new Label[18]; int championLevelLabelWidth = 19; int championLevelLabelHeight = 15; FontFamily championLevelLabelFF = new FontFamily("Miramonte"); SolidColorBrush championLevelLabelColor = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { Label l = new Label(); l.Content = (i + 1).ToString(); l.Width = championLevelLabelWidth; l.Height = championLevelLabelHeight; l.FontFamily = championLevelLabelFF; l.Foreground = championLevelLabelColor; l.FontSize = 13; l.Padding = new Thickness(0); l.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; l.VerticalContentAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center; Canvas.SetLeft(l, 3 + (championLevelLabelWidth) * i); Canvas.SetTop(l, 40 - championLevelLabelHeight); Canvas.SetZIndex(l, 0); mainCanvas.Children.Add(l); l = new Label(); l.Content = ""; l.Width = championLevelLabelWidth; l.Height = championLevelLabelHeight; l.FontFamily = championLevelLabelFF; l.Foreground = championLevelLabelColor; l.FontSize = 13; l.Padding = new Thickness(0); l.HorizontalContentAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; l.VerticalContentAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center; Canvas.SetLeft(l, 3 + (championLevelLabelWidth) * i); Canvas.SetTop(l, 45); Canvas.SetZIndex(l, 0); mainCanvas.Children.Add(l); championLevelLabels[i] = l; } }
public ItemSelect(MainWindow parent) { this.parent = parent; InitializeComponent(); }
public SetManager(MainWindow parent) { this.parent = parent; InitializeComponent(); }
public HelpScreen(MainWindow parent) { this.parent = parent; InitializeComponent(); }