static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var mr1 = new MovieRental { Title = "A Day in the Life", RentalDate = DateTime.Parse("2/19/2010"), ReturnedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/4/2010"), LateFees = 3M }; var mr2 = new MovieRental { Title = "The Shortest Yard", RentalDate = DateTime.Parse("3/15/2010"), ReturnedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/20/2010"), LateFees = 0M }; var mr3 = new MovieRental { Title = "Jim's Story", RentalDate = DateTime.Parse("3/2/2010"), ReturnedDate = DateTime.Parse("3/19/2010"), LateFees = 3M }; context.MovieRentals.AddObject(mr1); context.MovieRentals.AddObject(mr2); context.MovieRentals.AddObject(mr3); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Movie rentals late returns"); Console.WriteLine("=========================="); var late = from r in context.MovieRentals where EntityFunctions.DiffDays(r.RentalDate, r.ReturnedDate) > 10 select r; foreach (var rental in late) { Console.WriteLine("{0} was {1} days late, fee: {2}", rental.Title, (rental.ReturnedDate - rental.RentalDate).Days - 10, rental.LateFees.ToString("C")); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new MovieRental object. /// </summary> /// <param name="rentalId">Initial value of the RentalId property.</param> /// <param name="title">Initial value of the Title property.</param> /// <param name="rentalDate">Initial value of the RentalDate property.</param> /// <param name="returnedDate">Initial value of the ReturnedDate property.</param> /// <param name="lateFees">Initial value of the LateFees property.</param> public static MovieRental CreateMovieRental(global::System.Int32 rentalId, global::System.String title, global::System.DateTime rentalDate, global::System.DateTime returnedDate, global::System.Decimal lateFees) { MovieRental movieRental = new MovieRental(); movieRental.RentalId = rentalId; movieRental.Title = title; movieRental.RentalDate = rentalDate; movieRental.ReturnedDate = returnedDate; movieRental.LateFees = lateFees; return(movieRental); }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the MovieRentals EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToMovieRentals(MovieRental movieRental) { base.AddObject("MovieRentals", movieRental); }