static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter8.employee"); } }
static void InsertData() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var c1 = new College { Name = "Mid-Missouri State" }; var c2 = new College { Name = "Florida Western University" }; var p1 = new Lawyer { Name = "Bill Jordan", College = c1 }; p1.CourtDates.Add(new CourtDate { Appointment = DateTime.Parse("3/02/10 10:00 am"), Name = "John Dillinger" }); var p2 = new Accountant { Name = "Sue Redmon", College = c2 }; p2.Clients.Add(new Client { Name = "Robin Rosen" }); context.People.AddObject(p1); context.People.AddObject(p2); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Data inserted..."); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter14.forumpost"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter4.[order]"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter4.webcustomer"); var cust1 = new WebCustomer { Name = "Joan Steward" }; var cust2 = new WebCustomer { Name = "Allen Colbert" }; var cust3 = new WebCustomer { Name = "Phil Marlowe" }; var order1 = new Order { Amount = 29.95M, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("3/18/2010") }; var order2 = new Order { Amount = 84.99M, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("3/20/2010") }; var order3 = new Order { Amount = 99.95M, OrderDate = DateTime.Parse("4/10/2010") }; order1.WebCustomer = cust1; order2.WebCustomer = cust2; order3.WebCustomer = cust3; context.Orders.AddObject(order1); context.Orders.AddObject(order2); context.Orders.AddObject(order3); context.SaveChanges(); } }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var teacher = new Teacher { Name = "Susan Smith", School = "Custer Baker Middle School" }; var firefighter = new Firefighter { Name = "Joel Clark", FireStation = "Midtown" }; var retired = new Retired { Name = "Joan Collins", FullTimeHobby = "Scapbooking" }; context.People.AddObject(teacher); context.People.AddObject(firefighter); context.People.AddObject(retired); context.SaveChanges(); firefighter.Hero = teacher; teacher.Hero = retired; retired.Hero = firefighter; context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true; foreach (var person in context.People) { if (person.Hero != null) { Console.WriteLine("\n{0}, Hero is: {1}", person.Name, person.Hero.Name); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}", person.Name); } if (person is Firefighter) { Console.WriteLine("Firefighter at station {0}", ((Firefighter)person).FireStation); } else if (person is Teacher) { Console.WriteLine("Teacher at {0}", ((Teacher)person).School); } else if (person is Retired) { Console.WriteLine("Retired, hobby is {0}", ((Retired)person).FullTimeHobby); } Console.WriteLine("Fans:"); foreach (var fan in person.Fans) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", fan.Name); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter12.CartItem"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter12.Cart"); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter5.event"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter2.orderitem"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter2.[order]"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter2.item"); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter3.teacher"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter3.person"); } }
static void GetTimes() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var lawyer = context.People.Include("College").OfType <Lawyer>().Include("CourtDates").First(); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Execution Time: {0}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }
static void Cleanup() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter13.courtdate"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter13.client"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from chapter13.person"); context.ExecuteStoreCommand("delete from"); } }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.People.AddObject(new Teacher { Name = "Janet Dietz", IsProfessor = true }); context.People.AddObject(new Teacher { Name = "Robert Kline", IsProfessor = false }); context.People.AddObject(new Lawyer { Name = "Jenny Dunlap", Cases = 3 }); context.People.AddObject(new Lawyer { Name = "Karen Eads", Cases = 7 }); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var esql = "select value p from OfType(People,Recipe4.Teacher) as p"; var teachers = context.CreateQuery <Teacher>(esql); Console.WriteLine("Teachers...Using Object Services"); foreach (var teacher in teachers) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is{1} a professor", teacher.Name, teacher.IsProfessor ? "" : " not"); } } Console.WriteLine(); using (var conn = new EntityConnection("name=EFRecipesEntities")) { conn.Open(); var esql = "select value p from OfType(EFRecipesEntities.People,EFRecipesModel.Teacher) as p"; var cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = esql; Console.WriteLine("Teachers...Using EntityClient"); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess)) { while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is{1} a professor", reader.GetString(1), reader.GetBoolean(2) ? "" : " not"); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.Employees.AddObject(new Employee { Name = new Name { FirstName = "Annie", LastName = "Oakley" }, Email = "*****@*****.**" }); context.Employees.AddObject(new Employee { Name = new Name { FirstName = "Bill", LastName = "Jordan" }, Email = "*****@*****.**" }); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { foreach (var employee in context.Employees.OrderBy(e => e.Name.LastName)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1} email: {2}", employee.Name.LastName, employee.Name.FirstName, employee.Email); } } int id = 0; using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var emp = context.Employees.Where(e => e.Name.FirstName.StartsWith("Bill")).FirstOrDefault(); id = emp.EmployeeId; } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var empDelete = new Employee { EmployeeId = id, Name = new Name { FirstName = string.Empty, LastName = string.Empty } }; context.Employees.Attach(empDelete); context.Employees.DeleteObject(empDelete); context.SaveChanges(); } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var order = new Order { OrderId = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2010, 1, 18) }; var item = new Item { SKU = 1729, Description = "Backpack", Price = 29.97M }; var oi = new OrderItem { Order = order, Item = item, Count = 1 }; item = new Item { SKU = 2929, Description = "Water Filter", Price = 13.97M }; oi = new OrderItem { Order = order, Item = item, Count = 3 }; item = new Item { SKU = 1847, Description = "Camp Stove", Price = 43.99M }; oi = new OrderItem { Order = order, Item = item, Count = 1 }; context.Orders.AddObject(order); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true; foreach (var order in context.Orders) { Console.WriteLine("Order # {0}, ordered on {1}", order.OrderId.ToString(), order.OrderDate.ToShortDateString()); Console.WriteLine("SKU\tDescription\tQty\tPrice"); Console.WriteLine("---\t-----------\t---\t-----"); foreach (var oi in order.OrderItems) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", oi.Item.SKU, oi.Item.Description, oi.Count.ToString(), oi.Item.Price.ToString("C")); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var emp1 = new Employee { Name = "Lisa Jefferies", Address = new EmployeeAddress { Address = "100 E. Main", City = "Fort Worth", State = "TX", ZIP = "76106" } }; var emp2 = new Employee { Name = "Robert Jones", Address = new EmployeeAddress { Address = "3920 South Beach", City = "Fort Worth", State = "TX", ZIP = "76102" } }; var emp3 = new Employee { Name = "Steven Chue", Address = new EmployeeAddress { Address = "129 Barker", City = "Euless", State = "TX", ZIP = "76092" } }; var emp4 = new Employee { Name = "Karen Stevens", Address = new EmployeeAddress { Address = "108 W. Parker", City = "Fort Worth", State = "TX", ZIP = "76102" } }; context.AddToEmployees(emp1); context.AddToEmployees(emp2); context.AddToEmployees(emp3); context.AddToEmployees(emp4); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Employee addresses in Fort Worth, TX"); foreach (var address in context.GetEmployeeAddresses("Fort Worth")) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", address.Address, address.City, address.State, address.ZIP); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var item1 = new CartItem { SKU = "AMM-223", Quantity = 3, Price = 19.95M }; var item2 = new CartItem { SKU = "CAMP-12", Quantity = 1, Price = 59.95M }; var item3 = new CartItem { SKU = "29292", Quantity = 2, Price = 4.95M }; var cart = new Cart { CartTotal = 0 }; cart.CartItems.Add(item1); cart.CartItems.Add(item2); cart.CartItems.Add(item3); context.Carts.AddObject(cart); item1.Quantity = 1; context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { foreach (var cart in context.Carts) { Console.WriteLine("Cart Total = {0}", cart.CartTotal.ToString("C")); foreach (var item in cart.CartItems) { Console.WriteLine("\tSKU = {0}, Qty = {1}, Unit Price = {2}", item.SKU, item.Quantity.ToString(), item.Price.ToString("C")); } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var club = new Club { Name = "Star City Chess Club", City = "New York" }; context.Clubs.AddObject(club); new Event { EventName = "Mid Cities Tournament", EventDate = DateTime.Parse("1/09/2010"), Club = club }; new Event { EventName = "State Finals Tournament", EventDate = DateTime.Parse("2/12/2010"), Club = club }; new Event { EventName = "Winter Classic", EventDate = DateTime.Parse("12/18/2009"), Club = club }; context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var events = from ev in context.Events where ev.Club.City == "New York" group ev by ev.Club into g select g.FirstOrDefault(e1 => e1.EventDate == g.Min(evt => evt.EventDate)); var e = ((ObjectQuery <Event>)events).Include("Club").First(); Console.WriteLine("The next New York club event is:"); Console.WriteLine("\tEvent: {0}", e.EventName); Console.WriteLine("\tDate: {0}", e.EventDate.ToShortDateString()); Console.WriteLine("\tClub: {0}", e.Club.Name); } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var p = new Principal { Name = "Jill Robins", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("8/12/2002"), Salary = 72500M }; var i1 = new Instructor { Name = "Roland Jones", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("8/14/2005"), Salary = 61000M}; var i2 = new Instructor { Name = "Steven Curtis", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("8/23/1992"), Salary = 68200M }; context.People.AddObject(new Student { Name = "Karen Roberts" }); context.People.AddObject(new Student {Name = "Bobby McGivens"}); context.People.AddObject(new Student {Name = "Janis Hettler"}); context.People.AddObject(p); context.People.AddObject(i1); context.People.AddObject(i2); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Staff"); Console.WriteLine("====="); foreach (var staff in context.People.OfType<Staff>()) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}, Hire date: {1}, Salary: {2} {3})", staff.Name, staff.HireDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), staff.Salary.Value.ToString("C"), staff is Principal ? "Principal" : "Instructor"); } Console.WriteLine("\nStudents"); Console.WriteLine("=========="); foreach (var student in context.People.OfType<Student>()) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", student.Name); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { var john = new Supervisor { Name = "John Smith" }; var steve = new Supervisor { Name = "Steve Johnson" }; var jill = new ProjectManager { Name = "Jill Masterson", Manager = john }; var karen = new ProjectManager { Name = "Karen Carns", Manager = steve }; var bob = new TeamLead { Name = "Bob Richardson", Manager = karen }; var tom = new TeamLead { Name = "Tom Landers", Manager = jill }; var nancy = new TeamMember { Name = "Nancy Jones", Manager = tom }; var stacy = new TeamMember { Name = "Stacy Rutgers", Manager = bob }; context.Associates.AddObject(john); context.Associates.AddObject(steve); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine("Using eSql..."); var emps = context.Associates.OfType <TeamMember>() .Where(@"EFRecipesModel.GetProjectManager(it).Name = @projectManager || EFRecipesModel.GetSupervisor(it).Name == @supervisor", new ObjectParameter("projectManager", "Jill Masterson"), new ObjectParameter("supervisor", "Steve Johnson")); Console.WriteLine("Team members that report up to either"); Console.WriteLine("Project Manager Jill Masterson "); Console.WriteLine("or Supervisor Steve Johnson"); foreach (var emp in emps) { Console.WriteLine("\tAssociate: {0}", emp.Name); } } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Using LINQ..."); var emps = from e in context.Associates.OfType <TeamMember>() where MyFunctions.GetProjectManager(e).Name == "Jill Masterson" || MyFunctions.GetSupervisor(e).Name == "Steve Johnson" select e; Console.WriteLine("Team members that report up to either"); Console.WriteLine("Project Manager Jill Masterson "); Console.WriteLine("or Supervisor Steve Johnson"); foreach (var emp in emps) { Console.WriteLine("\tAssociate: {0}", emp.Name); } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void RunExample() { int postId = 0; using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { // post is created var post = new ForumPost { ForumUser = "******", IsActive = false, Post = "The moderator is a great guy." }; context.ForumPosts.AddObject(post); context.SaveChanges(); postId = post.PostingId; } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { // moderator gets post to review var post = context.ForumPosts.First(p => p.PostingId == postId); Console.WriteLine("Post by {0}: {1}", post.ForumUser, post.Post); // poster changes post out-of-band context.ExecuteStoreCommand(@"update chapter14.forumpost set post='The moderator''s mom dresses him funny.' where postingId = @p0", new object[] { postId.ToString() }); Console.WriteLine("Fast Eddie changes the post"); // moderator doesn't trust Fast Eddie if (string.Compare(post.ForumUser, "FastEddie27") == 0) { post.IsActive = false; } else { post.IsActive = true; } try { // refresh any changes to the TimeStamp context.ForumPosts.MergeOption = MergeOption.PreserveChanges; post = context.ForumPosts.First(p => p.PostingId == postId); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("No concurrency exception."); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException) { try { context.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, post); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException) { // we tried something else } } } Console.WriteLine("Press <enter> to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); }