예제 #1
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            int iArg = 0;

            string PeekArg() =>
            iArg < args.Length ? args[iArg] : null;
            string GetArg(bool optional = false) =>
            iArg < args.Length ? args[iArg++] : optional ? (string)null : throw new InvalidArgumentException();

            try {
                string arg = GetArg();
                if (arg == "-d" || arg == "-D")
                    bool   processFile = arg == "-D";
                    string videoIdStr  = GetArg();
                    long   videoId     = videoIdStr.TryParseInt64() ??
                                         TryParseVideoIdFromUrl(videoIdStr) ??
                                         throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                    string path = PeekArg()?.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) == false?GetArg() : $"{videoId}.json";

                    bool overwrite = false;
                    while ((arg = GetArg(true)) != null)
                        if (arg == "-o")
                            overwrite = true;
                            throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                    void UpdateProgress(int segmentCount, TimeSpan?contentOffset)
                        string message = $"Downloaded {segmentCount} segment{(segmentCount == 1 ? "" : "s")}";

                        if (contentOffset != null)
                            message += $", offset = {Rechat.TimestampToString(contentOffset.Value, false)}";
                    try {
                        Rechat.DownloadFile(videoId, path, overwrite, UpdateProgress);
                    catch (WarningException ex) {
                        Console.WriteLine($"Warning: {ex.Message}");
                    if (processFile)
                        try {
                            Console.WriteLine("Processing file");
                            Rechat.ProcessFile(path, overwrite: overwrite);
                        catch (WarningException ex) {
                            Console.WriteLine($"Warning: {ex.Message}");
                else if (arg == "-p")
                    string[] paths      = { GetArg() };
                    string   outputPath = null;
                    if (paths[0].IndexOfAny(new[] { '*', '?' }) != -1)
                        paths = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(paths[0]), Path.GetFileName(paths[0]));
                    else if (PeekArg()?.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) == false)
                        outputPath = GetArg();
                    bool overwrite  = false;
                    bool showBadges = false;
                    while ((arg = GetArg(true)) != null)
                        if (arg == "-o")
                            overwrite = true;
                        else if (arg == "-b")
                            showBadges = true;
                            throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                    foreach (string p in paths)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Processing {Path.GetFileName(p)}");
                        try {
                            Rechat.ProcessFile(p, pathOut: outputPath, overwrite: overwrite, showBadges: showBadges);
                        catch (WarningException ex) {
                            Console.WriteLine($"Warning: {ex.Message}");
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException();

            catch (InvalidArgumentException) {
                Console.WriteLine($"RechatTool v{new Version(Version).ToDisplayString()}");
                Console.WriteLine("   -d videoid [filename] [-o]");
                Console.WriteLine("      Downloads chat replay for the specified videoid.");
                Console.WriteLine("        filename: Output location as relative or absolute filename, otherwise");
                Console.WriteLine("          defaults to the current directory and named as videoid.json.");
                Console.WriteLine("        -o: Overwrite the existing output file.");
                Console.WriteLine("   -D (same parameters as -d)");
                Console.WriteLine("      Downloads and processes chat replay (combines -d and -p).");
                Console.WriteLine("   -p filename [output_filename] [-o] [-b]");
                Console.WriteLine("      Processes a JSON chat replay file and outputs a human-readable text file.");
                Console.WriteLine("        output_filename: Output location as relative or absolute filename,");
                Console.WriteLine("            otherwise defaults to the same location as the input file with the");
                Console.WriteLine("            extension changed to .txt.");
                Console.WriteLine("        -o: Overwrite the existing output file. ");
                Console.WriteLine("        -b: Show user badges (e.g. moderator/subscriber).");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("\rError: " + ex.Message);
예제 #2
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            //args = @"-auto D:\Videos\1 0,5 0,3 noSelection 15 D:\jonod\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe".Split(' ');
            int iArg = 0;

            string PeekArg() =>
            iArg < args.Length ? args[iArg] : null;
            string GetArg(bool optional = false) =>
            iArg < args.Length ? args[iArg++] : optional ? (string)null : throw new InvalidArgumentException();

                string arg = GetArg();
                if (arg == "-t")                 // Gets a certain time interval from the JSON file given as an argument
                    // parse args
                    string inputPath       = @GetArg();
                    string startTimeString = GetArg();
                    string endTimeString   = GetArg();
                    long   startTime       = TryParseTimestamp(startTimeString);
                    long   endTime         = TryParseTimestamp(endTimeString);
                    string outputPath;
                    if (args.Length > 4)                     // if a output path is provided
                        outputPath = args[4];                // index start at 0
                        outputPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(inputPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputPath) +
                                                  "_" + startTimeString.Replace(":", "_") + "_" + endTimeString.Replace(":", "_") + ".json");
                    // actual code is done in Rechat
                    Rechat.ExtractChatTimestampwise(startTime, endTime, startTimeString, endTimeString, inputPath, outputPath);
                else if (arg == "-d" || arg == "-D")
                {                 // Gets file from Twitch as JSON or as txt
                    bool   processFile = arg == "-D";
                    string videoIdStr  = GetArg();
                    long   videoId     = videoIdStr.TryParseInt64() ??
                                         TryParseVideoIdFromUrl(videoIdStr) ??
                                         throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                    string path = PeekArg()?.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) == false?GetArg() : $"{videoId}.json";

                    bool overwrite = false;
                    while ((arg = GetArg(true)) != null)
                        if (arg == "-o")
                            overwrite = true;
                            throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                    void UpdateProgress(int segmentCount, TimeSpan?contentOffset)
                        string message = $"Downloaded {segmentCount} segment{(segmentCount == 1 ? "" : "s")}";

                        if (contentOffset != null)
                            message += $", offset = {Rechat.TimestampToString(contentOffset.Value, false)}";
                        Rechat.DownloadFile(videoId, path, overwrite, UpdateProgress);
                    catch (WarningException ex)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Warning: {ex.Message}");
                    if (processFile)
                            Console.WriteLine("Processing file");
                            Rechat.ProcessFile(path, overwrite: overwrite);
                        catch (WarningException ex)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Warning: {ex.Message}");
                else if (arg == "-p")
                    string[] paths      = { GetArg() };
                    string   outputPath = null;
                    if (paths[0].IndexOfAny(new[] { '*', '?' }) != -1)
                        paths = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(paths[0]), Path.GetFileName(paths[0]));
                    else if (PeekArg()?.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) == false)
                        outputPath = GetArg();
                    bool overwrite  = false;
                    bool showBadges = false;
                    while ((arg = GetArg(true)) != null)
                        if (arg == "-o")
                            overwrite = true;
                        else if (arg == "-b")
                            showBadges = true;
                            throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                    foreach (string p in paths)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Processing {Path.GetFileName(p)}");
                            Rechat.ProcessFile(p, pathOut: outputPath, overwrite: overwrite, showBadges: showBadges);
                        catch (WarningException ex)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Warning: {ex.Message}");
                else if (arg == "-h")
                    string inputPath = GetArg();
                    string outputPath;
                    string selectionCriteria = GetArg();
                    int    timeInterval      = int.Parse(GetArg());
                    if (args.Length > 4)                     // if a output path is provided
                        outputPath = args[4];                // index start at 0
                        outputPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(inputPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputPath) + ".png");
                    List <int> engagementCountList = Rechat.GenerateEngagementCountList(inputPath, selectionCriteria, timeInterval);
                    Rechat.OutputHeatmap(engagementCountList, outputPath);
                else if (arg == "-v")
                    string inputPath = GetArg();
                    string outputPath;
                    string selectionCriteria           = GetArg();
                    int    timeInterval                = int.Parse(GetArg());
                    int    clipCount                   = int.Parse(GetArg());
                    int    prelude                     = int.Parse(GetArg());
                    float  decreasePercentageTolerance = float.Parse(GetArg());
                    string ffmpegPath                  = GetArg();
                    string video_input_path            = GetArg();
                    long   video_max_length            = TryParseTimestamp(GetArg());
                    if (args.Length > 10)                     // if a output path is provided
                        outputPath = args[10];                // index start at 0
                        outputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputPath) + "\\";
                    List <int> engagementCountList = Rechat.GenerateEngagementCountList(inputPath, selectionCriteria, timeInterval);
                    List <int>    workingCountList = new List <int>();
                    int           clipNumber       = 0;
                    List <String> clipPaths        = new List <String>();
                    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < engagementCountList.Count; i0++)
                    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < clipCount; i0++)
                        int  currentMax      = workingCountList.Max();
                        int  currentMaxIndex = workingCountList.FindIndex(x => x == currentMax);
                        long startPoint      = currentMaxIndex * timeInterval - prelude;
                        int  i1 = 1;                        // Find out how many following clips are good enough to keep in the clip
                        while (currentMaxIndex + i1 < workingCountList.Count - 1)
                            if (engagementCountList[currentMaxIndex + i1] >= engagementCountList[currentMaxIndex] * decreasePercentageTolerance)
                                i1 += 1;
                                i1 -= 1;
                        long endPoint = currentMaxIndex * timeInterval + (i1 + 1) * timeInterval;
                        if (startPoint < 0)
                            startPoint = 0;
                        if (endPoint > video_max_length)
                            endPoint = video_max_length;
                        Rechat.ExecuteFFMPEG(ffmpegPath, " -ss " + startPoint.ToString() + " -i " + video_input_path + " -c copy -t " + (endPoint - startPoint).ToString() + " " + Path.Combine(outputPath, clipNumber.ToString() + ".mp4"));
                        clipNumber += 1;
                        clipPaths.Add(outputPath + clipNumber.ToString() + ".mp4");
                        Console.WriteLine("current max index now: " + currentMaxIndex.ToString());
                        workingCountList[currentMaxIndex] = 0;
                else if (arg == "-auto")                        // good settings for mode 1: Time interval 15, breakoffpercentage 0.3, growthRateTrigger 2.8, for mode 2:
                    string        videoFolder        = args[1]; // Folder with all videos in it named by id
                    float         growthRateTrigger  = float.Parse(args[2]);
                    float         breakoffPercentage = float.Parse(args[3]);
                    string        selectionCriteria  = args[4];
                    int           timeInterval       = int.Parse(args[5]);
                    string        ffmpegPath         = args[6];
                    int           mode         = int.Parse(args[7]);
                    string[]      filePaths    = Directory.GetFiles(videoFolder);
                    List <String> newFilePaths = new List <String>();
                    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < filePaths.Length; i0++)                     // Might be redundant but was useful for testing without having to redownload chat log
                        if (!filePaths[i0].Contains(".json"))
                    filePaths = newFilePaths.ToArray();
                    string videoIDString;
                    for (int i0 = 0; i0 < filePaths.Length; i0++)                      // For each video
                        // Get the chat messages
                        videoIDString = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension((string)filePaths.GetValue(i0));
                        long videoID = long.Parse(videoIDString);
                        Console.WriteLine("Downloading" + videoIDString);
                        long videoId = videoIDString.TryParseInt64() ??
                                       TryParseVideoIdFromUrl(videoIDString) ??
                                       throw new InvalidArgumentException();
                        string path = Path.Combine(videoFolder, $"{videoId}.json");
                        void UpdateProgress(int segmentCount, TimeSpan?contentOffset)
                            string message = $"Downloaded {segmentCount} segment{(segmentCount == 1 ? "" : "s")}";

                            if (contentOffset != null)
                                message += $", offset = {Rechat.TimestampToString(contentOffset.Value, false)}";
                            Rechat.DownloadFile(videoId, path, true, UpdateProgress);
                        catch (WarningException ex)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Warning: {ex.Message}");
                        Console.WriteLine("Processing " + videoIDString);
                        // Get the engagement
                        List <int> engagementCountList = Rechat.GenerateEngagementCountList(Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + ".json"), selectionCriteria, timeInterval);
                        Console.WriteLine("Engagement calculated");
                        List <float> derivatives     = NumericalDerivativeInt(engagementCountList, timeInterval);                    // Take derivative
                        List <int[]> exportIntervals = new List <int[]>();
                        if (mode == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Derivatives calculated");
                            int[] currentInterval = new int[] { 0, 0 };
                            bool  hit             = false;
                            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < engagementCountList.Count - 1; i1++)                             // Find parts of the intervals where engagement is high enough
                                // Basic alg: If derivative is high enough, include all time segments where derivative is still high enough. After that keep video segments with enough total engagement of top point in already current interval
                                if (growthRateTrigger <= derivatives[i1])
                                    currentInterval[0] = i1;
                                    hit = true;
                                else if (hit == true)
                                    if (engagementCountList[i1] < engagementCountList.GetRange(currentInterval[i0], i1 + 1 - currentInterval[0]).Max() * breakoffPercentage)
                                        currentInterval[1] = i1 + 1;
                                        hit = false;
                                        currentInterval = new int[] { 0, 0 };
                            if (hit)
                                currentInterval[1] = engagementCountList.Count;
                            List <int> workingCountList = new List <int>();
                            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < engagementCountList.Count; i1++)
                            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 10; i1++)
                                int   currentMax      = workingCountList.Max();
                                int   currentMaxIndex = workingCountList.FindIndex(x => x == currentMax);
                                float startPoint      = currentMaxIndex * timeInterval - 2 * timeInterval;
                                int   i2 = 1;                               // Find out how many following clips are good enough to keep in the clip
                                while (currentMaxIndex + i2 < workingCountList.Count - 1)
                                    if (engagementCountList[currentMaxIndex + i2] >= engagementCountList[currentMaxIndex] * breakoffPercentage)
                                        i2 += 1;
                                        i2 -= 1;
                                float endPoint = currentMaxIndex * timeInterval + (i2 + 1) * timeInterval;
                                exportIntervals.Add(new int[] { currentMaxIndex, currentMaxIndex + i2 + 1 });
                                workingCountList[currentMaxIndex] = 0;
                        Console.WriteLine("Calculated export intervals.");
                        int clipNumber = 0;
                        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < exportIntervals.Count; i1++)
                            float[] timestamps;
                            if (mode == 0)
                                timestamps = new float[] { timeInterval *exportIntervals[i1][0], timeInterval *exportIntervals[i1][1] };                                   // Could include timestamps beyond end of video in rare cases. TBH it depends on FFMPEG so IDK.
                                timestamps = new float[] { timeInterval *exportIntervals[i1][0] - 2 * timeInterval, timeInterval *exportIntervals[i1][1] };
                            float startPoint = timestamps[0];
                            float endPoint   = timestamps[1];
                            Rechat.ExecuteFFMPEG(ffmpegPath, " -ss " + startPoint.ToString() + " -i " + @filePaths.GetValue(i0) + " -c copy -t " + (endPoint - startPoint).ToString() + " " + @Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + "-" + clipNumber.ToString() + ".mp4"));
                            using (StreamWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + ".txt"), true))
                                textWriter.WriteLine("file '" + Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + "-" + clipNumber.ToString() + ".mp4'"));
                            clipNumber += 1;
                        Rechat.ExecuteFFMPEG(ffmpegPath, " -safe 0 -f concat -i " + Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + ".txt") + " -c copy " + Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + "-TOP.mp4"));
                        Console.WriteLine("Combined clips.");
                        Rechat.ExecuteFFMPEG(ffmpegPath, " -i " + Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + "-TOP.mp4") + " -vf -video_track_timescale 29971 -ac 1 " +
                                             Path.Combine(videoFolder, videoIDString + "-" + clipNumber.ToString() + "-TOPAUDIOPAD.mp4"));            // should fix audio
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException();
            catch (InvalidArgumentException)
                Console.WriteLine($"RechatTool v{new Version(Version).ToDisplayString()}");
                Console.WriteLine("   -d videoid [filename] [-o]");
                Console.WriteLine("      Downloads chat replay for the specified videoid.");
                Console.WriteLine("        filename: Output location as relative or absolute filename, otherwise");
                Console.WriteLine("          defaults to the current directory and named as videoid.json.");
                Console.WriteLine("        -o: Overwrite the existing output file.");
                Console.WriteLine("   -D (same parameters as -d)");
                Console.WriteLine("      Downloads and processes chat replay (combines -d and -p).");
                Console.WriteLine("   -p filename [output_filename] [-o] [-b]");
                Console.WriteLine("      Processes a JSON chat replay file and outputs a human-readable text file.");
                Console.WriteLine("        output_filename: Output location as relative or absolute filename,");
                Console.WriteLine("            otherwise defaults to the same location as the input file with the");
                Console.WriteLine("            extension changed to .txt.");
                Console.WriteLine("        -o: Overwrite the existing output file. ");
                Console.WriteLine("        -b: Show user badges (e.g. moderator/subscriber).");
                Console.WriteLine("   -t input_path start_timestamp end_timestamp [output_path]");
                Console.WriteLine("      Creates new file output_path (default: original input_path_start_timestamp_end_timestamp.json from a json file created by this program containing\n" +
                                  "      only chat messages from the time interval starTimestamp to endTimestamp (inclusive)\n" +
                                  "         input_path: The path to the json file you want to convert from. Should be absolute, not relative. \n" +
                                  "         start_timestamp: The start time of the chat interval you want to extract. Inclusive.\n (format hh:mm:ss" +
                                  "         end_timestamp: The end time of the chat interval you want to extract. Inclusive.\n" +
                                  "         output_path: The output path, absolute not relative. Default is original filename_start_timestamp_end_timestamp.json.");
                Console.WriteLine("   -h input_path selection_criteria time_interval output_path\n" +
                                  "      Creates a heatmap from the input json file.\n" +
                                  "         input_path: The path to the input json you want to create a engagement heatmap from.)\n" +
                                  "         selection_criteria: Ignore comments that do not contain this substring. For no selection write noSelection.\n" +
                                  "         time_interval: How long each time interval should be.\n" +
                                  "         output_path: The path to the output image. Default is the same path as the input_path but just png.");
                Console.WriteLine("   -v input_path selection_criteria time_interval clip_count prelude decrease_percentage_tolerance ffmpeg_path video_input_path video_max_length [output_path]\n" +
                                  "      Creates several video clip based on the input json file and the source videos.\n" +
                                  "         input_path: The path to the input json you want to create a engagement heatmap from.)\n" +
                                  "         selection_criteria: Ignore comments that do not contain this substring. For no selection write noSelection.\n" +
                                  "         time_interval: How long each time interval should be.\n" +
                                  "         clip_count: How many of the top clips should be extracted\n" +
                                  "         prelude: How many seconds should you play before the clip if possible.\n" +
                                  "         decrease_percentage_tolerance: How many percentage decrease in engagement successive clips after top point you should look through before cutting the clip.\n" +
                                  "         ffmpeg_path: Path to ffmpeg.exe\n" +
                                  "         video_input_path: path to source video\n" +
                                  "         video_max_length: Max length of video\n" +
                                  "         output_path: The path to the output image. Default is the same path as the input_path but just png.\n");
                Console.WriteLine("   -auto videoFolder growthRateTrigger breakoffPercentage selectionCriteria timeInterval ffmpegPath mode\n" +
                                  "		  Creates clip for every video in folder, automatically downloads their chat logs."+
                                  "		     videoFolder: Path to the folder containing videos, video names must equal Twitch ID.\n"+
                                  "          growthRateTrigger: How large the derivative must be to start a clip when mode = 1" +
                                  "          breakoffPercentage: How much lower the chat activity should be than the top point in the clip for it to be included." +
                                  "          selectionCriteria: For no selection write noSelection. Ignore comments that do not contain this substring." +
                                  "          timeInterval: How long the time intervals for sampling comments should be" +
                                  "          ffmpegPath: Path to the ffmpeg exe file" +
                                  "          mode: Mode 0 is based on taking clips around the points with the most chat activity, mode 1 is based on starting clips when the derivative of the chat activity is high enough.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("\rError: " + ex.Message);