private async Task <IResult> OnEditRecipe(Recipe recipe, IAuthService _auth, IRecipeService _recipes, HttpContext ctx) { var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(ctx)); if (user?.Id is null) { return(Results.UnprocessableEntity(new ErrorResponse("Missing User from Token"))); } var validationResult = ctx.Request.Validate(recipe); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { return(Results.BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("Failed Validation") { Errors = validationResult.GetFormattedErrors() })); } if (recipe.UserId != user.Id) { return(Results.Forbid()); } var didUpdate = await _recipes.Update(recipe); return(Results.Ok(didUpdate)); }
public async Task <IResult> OnCreateRecipe(Recipe payload, IRecipeService _recipes, IAuthService _auth, HttpContext ctx) { var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(ctx)); if (user?.Id is null) { return(Results.UnprocessableEntity(new ErrorResponse("Missing User from Token"))); } var result = ctx.Request.Validate(payload); if (!result.IsValid) { return(Results.BadRequest(new ErrorResponse("Failed Validation") { Errors = result.GetFormattedErrors() })); } var recipe = await _recipes.Create(payload with { UserId = user.Id }); return(Results.Created($"/api/recipes/{recipe.Id}", recipe)); }
private async Task <IResult> OnFineOneRecipe(string id, IRecipeService _recipes, IAuthService _auth, HttpContext ctx) { var recipe = await _recipes.FindOne(id); var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(ctx)); return(recipe?.UserId != user?.Id ? Results.Forbid() : Results.Ok(recipe)); }
private async Task <IResult> OnFindAllRecipes(IRecipeService _recipes, IAuthService _auth, HttpRequest req) { var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(req.HttpContext)); if (user is null) { return(Results.UnprocessableEntity(new ErrorResponse("Missing User from Token"))); } var _page = req?.Query?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == "page").Value.FirstOrDefault(); var _limit = req?.Query?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == "limit").Value.FirstOrDefault(); var(page, limit) = ModuleHelpers.GetPagination(_page, _limit); var recipes = await _recipes.FindByUser(user.Id ?? string.Empty, page, limit); return(Results.Ok(recipes)); }
public async Task <IResult> OnDeleteRecipe(string id, IAuthService _auth, IRecipeService _recipes, HttpContext ctx) { var recipe = await _recipes.FindOne(id); var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(ctx)); if (recipe.UserId != user?.Id) { return(Results.Forbid()); } var didDestroy = await _recipes.Destroy(id); return(didDestroy ? Results.NoContent() : Results.UnprocessableEntity(new ErrorResponse("Failed To Delete This Recipe"))); }
public RecipeModule(IAuthService _auth, IRecipeService _recipes) : base("/api/recipes") { this.Before = ctx => ModuleHelpers.VerifyJwt(ctx, _auth); Get("", async(req, res) => { var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(req.HttpContext)); if (user == null) { res.StatusCode = 422; await res.Negotiate(new ErrorResponse { Message = "Missing User from Token" }); return; } var _page = req.Query.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == "page").Value.FirstOrDefault(); var _limit = req.Query.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == "limit").Value.FirstOrDefault(); var(page, limit) = ModuleHelpers.GetPagination(_page, _limit); var recipes = await _recipes.FindByUser(user.Id ?? string.Empty, page, limit); await res.Negotiate(recipes); return; }); Get("/{id}", async(req, res) => { var strId = req.RouteValues.As <string>("id"); var recipe = await _recipes.FindOne(strId); var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(req.HttpContext)); if (recipe?.UserId != user?.Id) { res.StatusCode = 403; await res.Negotiate( new ErrorResponse { Message = "You don't have access to this recipe", } ); return; } await res.Negotiate(recipe); }); Post("", async(req, res) => { var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(req.HttpContext)); if (user?.Id == null) { res.StatusCode = 422; await res.Negotiate(new ErrorResponse { Message = "Missing User from Token" }); return; } var(validationResult, payload) = await req.BindAndValidate <Recipe>(); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { res.StatusCode = 400; await res.Negotiate( new ErrorResponse { Message = "Failed Validation", Errors = validationResult.GetFormattedErrors() } ); return; } payload.UserId = user.Id; var recipe = await _recipes.Create(payload); res.StatusCode = 201; await res.Negotiate(recipe); }); Put("", async(req, res) => { var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(req.HttpContext)); if (user?.Id == null) { res.StatusCode = 422; await res.Negotiate(new ErrorResponse { Message = "Missing User from Token" }); return; } var(validationResult, recipe) = await req.BindAndValidate <Recipe>(); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { res.StatusCode = 400; await res.Negotiate( new ErrorResponse { Message = "Failed Validation", Errors = validationResult.GetFormattedErrors() } ); return; } if (recipe.UserId != user.Id) { res.StatusCode = 403; await res.Negotiate( new ErrorResponse { Message = "You don't have access to this recipe", } ); return; } var didUpdate = await _recipes.Update(recipe); await res.Negotiate(didUpdate); }); Delete("/{id}", async(req, res) => { var strId = req.RouteValues.As <string>("id"); var recipe = await _recipes.FindOne(strId); var user = await _auth.ExtractUserAsync(ModuleHelpers.ExtractTokenStr(req.HttpContext)); if (recipe.UserId != user?.Id) { res.StatusCode = 403; await res.Negotiate( new ErrorResponse { Message = "You don't have access to this recipe", } ); return; } var didDestroy = await _recipes.Destroy(strId); if (!didDestroy) { res.StatusCode = 422; await res.Negotiate( new ErrorResponse { Message = "Failed To Delete This Recipe", } ); return; } res.StatusCode = 204; }); }