private void createGUIRegionGridAndScrollZone()
            int numOfRows = (int)(Recellection.viewPort.Height / Globals.TILE_SIZE) - 2;
            int numOfCols = (int)(Recellection.viewPort.Width / Globals.TILE_SIZE) - 2;

            menuMatrix = new MenuIcon[numOfCols, numOfRows];

            scrollZone = new List <MenuIcon>();

            //This will create a matrix with menuIcons, ignoring the ones
            //closest to the edge.
            for (int x = 0; x < numOfCols; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < numOfRows; y++)
                    menuMatrix[x, y] = new MenuIcon("" + (x + 1) + "_" + (y + 1), null, Color.NavajoWhite);

                    //Should not need a targetRectangle.

                    /*menuMatrix[x, y].targetRectangle = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(
                     *  x * Globals.TILE_SIZE, y * Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE);
                    //x + 1 and y + 1 should make them not be placed at the edge.
                    menuMatrix[x, y].region = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle,
                                                            new System.Windows.Rect((x + 1) * Globals.TILE_SIZE, (y + 1) * Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE));

             * The following code creates the scroll zones with this pattern:
             * 1 2 2 2 2 3
             * 4         5
             * 4         5
             * 4         5
             * 6 7 7 7 7 8
             * A number indicates wich index it has in the list, the label describes its position

            #region UglyCode
            int windowWidth  = Recellection.viewPort.Width;
            int windowHeight = Recellection.viewPort.Height;
            //Will code the scroll zones in one line.

            //First is a tile sized square top left on the screen.
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("-1_-1", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[0].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(0, 0, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE));
            scrollZone[0].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[0].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;

            //Second is a laying rectangle spanning the screen width minus two tile widths.
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("0_-1", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[1].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(Globals.TILE_SIZE, 0, windowWidth - Globals.TILE_SIZE * 2, Globals.TILE_SIZE));
            scrollZone[1].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[1].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;

            //Third is like the first but placed to the far right.
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("1_-1", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[2].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(windowWidth - Globals.TILE_SIZE, 0, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE));
            scrollZone[2].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[2].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;

            //Fourth is a standing rectangle at the left side of the screen, its height is screen height minus two tile heights.
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("-1_0", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[3].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(0, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE, windowHeight - Globals.TILE_SIZE * 2));
            scrollZone[3].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[3].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;

            //Fift is the same as the right but placed at the right side of the screen.
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("1_0", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[4].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(windowWidth - Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE, windowHeight - Globals.TILE_SIZE * 2));
            scrollZone[4].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[4].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;

            //Like the first but at the bottom
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("-1_1", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[5].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(0, windowHeight - Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE));
            scrollZone[5].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[5].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;
            //Like the second but at the bottom
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("0_1", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[6].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(Globals.TILE_SIZE, windowHeight - Globals.TILE_SIZE, windowWidth - Globals.TILE_SIZE * 2, Globals.TILE_SIZE));
            scrollZone[6].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[6].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;

            //Like the third but at the bottom
            scrollZone.Add(new MenuIcon("1_1", null, Color.Chocolate));

            scrollZone[7].region                       = new GUIRegion(Recellection.windowHandle, new System.Windows.Rect(windowWidth - Globals.TILE_SIZE, windowHeight - Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE, Globals.TILE_SIZE));
            scrollZone[7].region.DwellTime             = new TimeSpan(SCROLL_ZONE_DWELL_TIME);
            scrollZone[7].region.HideFeedbackIndicator = true;


            List <MenuIcon> allMenuIcons = new List <MenuIcon>();

            foreach (MenuIcon mi in menuMatrix)
            foreach (MenuIcon mi in scrollZone)
            //here be offscreen regions!
            leftOff  = new MenuIcon(new GUIRegion(IntPtr.Zero, new System.Windows.Rect(-700, 0, 700, Globals.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT)));
            rightOff = new MenuIcon(new GUIRegion(IntPtr.Zero, new System.Windows.Rect(Globals.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, 0, 700, Globals.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT)));
            topOff   = new MenuIcon(new GUIRegion(IntPtr.Zero, new System.Windows.Rect(0, Globals.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT, Globals.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, 700)));
            botOff   = new MenuIcon(new GUIRegion(IntPtr.Zero, new System.Windows.Rect(0, -700, Globals.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, 700)));
            MenuController.LoadMenu(new Menu(allMenuIcons, leftOff, rightOff, topOff, botOff));