예제 #1
 //public static void typeAbility(string abilityname)
 //    Main.is_typing = true;
 //    Console.WriteLine("\r\n");
 //    string leanred = "Learned '";
 //    string exclaim = "'!";
 //    foreach (char c in leanred)
 //    {
 //        Console.Write(c);
 //        Thread.SpinWait(1000000);
 //    }
 //    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
 //    Console.Write(abilityname);
 //    Console.ResetColor();
 //    foreach (char c in exclaim)
 //    {
 //        Console.Write(c);
 //        Thread.SpinWait(1000000);
 //    }
 //    Main.is_typing = false;
 public static void typeStats()
     Interface.type("--------------STATS-----------------", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
     Interface.type(Main.Player.name + "(" + Interface.ToUpperFirstLetter(Main.Player.race) + ")," + " Level " + Main.Player.level + " " + Interface.ToUpperFirstLetter(Main.Player.pclass) + ":", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
     Interface.type("HP: " + Main.Player.hp + "/" + Main.Player.maxhp, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
     Interface.type("Attack: " + Main.Player.atk + " / Defense: " + Main.Player.def + " / Speed: " + Main.Player.spd + " / Intelligence: " + Main.Player.intl, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
     Interface.type("Mana: " + (1 + (Main.Player.intl / 10)), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
     Interface.type("Gold: " + Main.Player.g + " / Exp to Level: " + (Main.Player.xp_next - Main.Player.xp), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
     Interface.type("=============Achievements============", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
     foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> entry in Main.achieve)
         if (entry.Key == "name" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Howdy, stranger. - Name Yourself", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "wking" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Brave, brave Sir Robin... - Run away from the Western King", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "1slime" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Tru hero - Kill a slime", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "100slime" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Professional Farmer - Kill 100 slimes", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "raven" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Caw Caw - Defeat the Raven King", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "finalboss" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("The end? - Defeat Janus", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "1goblin" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("On your way... - Kill a goblin", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "100goblins" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Are you Rosie? - Kill 100 goblins", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "1drake" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Basically dragonborn. - Kill a drake", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "100drakes" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("You monster. - Kill 100 drakes", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "1bandit" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Basically Batman. - Kill a bandit", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "100bandits" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("The DK Crew - Kill 100 bandits", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "itembuy" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("One thing isn't a spree, mom. - Buy an item", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "cardboard" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("grats on the upgrade - Find the cardboard armor", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "dragon" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Fus ro dah - Slay Tyrone", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
         else if (entry.Key == "set" && Main.achieve[entry.Key])
             Interface.type("Wombo Combo! - Obtain all the pieces", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
     Interface.type("-------------------------------------", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
예제 #2
        public static void Tutorial()
            List <string> racelist = new List <string> {
                "human", "elf", "rockman", "giant", "zephyr", "shade"
            List <string> classlist = new List <string> {
                "warrior", "paladin", "mage", "thief"
            List <string> secret = new List <string>();

            if (achieve["100slimes"])
            if (achieve["100goblins"])
            if (achieve["100bandits"])
            if (achieve["100drakes"])
            is_typing = true;
            Interface.type("Welcome, ");
            Interface.typeOnSameLine(Player.name, ConsoleColor.White);
            Interface.typeOnSameLine(", to Realm.");
            if (achieve["finalboss"])
                Player.backpack.Add(new nightbringer());
            if (!devmode)
                Interface.type("Skip the tutorial? (y/n)");
                if (Interface.readkey().KeyChar == 'n')
                    Interface.type("To do anything in Realm, simply press one of the listed commands.");
                    Interface.type("If at any time, you wish to you view you stats, press 'v'");
                    Interface.type("Make sure to visit every library! They offer many valuable abilities as well as experience.");
                    Interface.type("When in combat, select an availible move. All damage is randomized. Mana is refilled after each fight.");
                    Interface.type("While in the backpack, simply select a number corresponding to an item. You may swap this item in or out. Make sure to equip an item once you pick it up!");
                    Interface.type("At any specified time, you may press x, then y. This will cause you to commit suicide.");
                    Interface.type("At any specified time, you may press #. Doing so will save the game.");
                Interface.type("In Realm, every player selects a race. Each race gives its own bonuses. You may choose from Human, Elf, Rockman, Giant, Zephyr, or Shade.");
                if (achieve["100slimes"] || achieve["100goblins"] || achieve["100bandits"] || achieve["100drakes"])
                    Interface.type("Secret Races: ", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                    for (int i = 0; i < secret.Count; i++)
                        if (i > 1)
                            Interface.typeOnSameLine(", ", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                        Interface.type(secret[i], ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                    foreach (string s in secret)
                Interface.type("Please enter a race. ");
                is_typing = false;
                string race = Interface.readinput();
                while (!racelist.Contains(race))
                    Interface.type("Invalid. Please try again. ");
                    race = Interface.readinput();
                Player.race = race;
                Interface.type("You have selected " + Interface.ToUpperFirstLetter(Player.race) + ".", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
                Interface.type("Each player also has a class. You may choose from Warrior, Paladin, Mage, or Thief.");
                Interface.type("Please enter a class. ");
                string pclass = Interface.readinput();
                while (!classlist.Contains(pclass))
                    Interface.type("Invalid. Please try again. ");
                    pclass = Interface.readinput();
                Player.pclass = pclass;
                Interface.type("You have selected " + Interface.ToUpperFirstLetter(Player.pclass) + ".", ConsoleColor.Magenta);
                Interface.type("You are now ready to play Realm. Good luck!");
                Interface.type("Press any key to continue.", ConsoleColor.White);
                Map.PlayerPosition.x = 0;
                Map.PlayerPosition.y = 6;
                if (Player.race == "giant")
                    Player.hp = 15;