/// <summary>
		/// Checks the message for the required headers based on its type, fills in the ones that are missing if any
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="socket"></param>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		internal protected void CheckHeaders(Socket socket, HttpMessage message)
			 * The following instructions must be followed exactly to adhere to the HTTP/1.1 specs as stated in RFC 2616.
			 * The following sending rules apply to Requests and Response messages.
			 * Requests: (Fields that must be set)
			 * - Host
			 * - User-Agent
			 * - Content-Length		(If Body)
			 * - Content-Type		(If Body)
			 * Responses:
			 * - Server
			 * - Content-Length		(If Body)
			 * - Content-Type		(If Body)
			 * So let's check our headers out now, before we go any further
			 * */
				case HttpMessageTypes.HttpRequest:
					this.CheckRequiredRequestHeaders(socket, (HttpRequest)message);

				case HttpMessageTypes.HttpResponse:
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the X class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message">The message being processed</param>
		/// <param name="justHeaders">A flag to indicated that only the message headers have been processed</param>
		/// <param name="bytes">The bytes that were just processed</param>
		/// <param name="totalBytes">The total number of bytes that have been processed</param>
		public HttpMessageProgressEventArgs(HttpMessage message, bool justHeaders, byte[] bytes, int totalBytes)
			_message = message;
			_justHeaders = justHeaders;
			_bytes = bytes;
			_totalBytes = totalBytes;
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpMessage class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		public HttpMessage(HttpMessage message)
			_firstLine = message.FirstLine;
			_headers = new HttpHeaderList();
			foreach(HttpHeader header in message.Headers)
				_headers.Add(new HttpHeader(header.Name, header.Value));
			this.Body = message.Body;
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpMessageProgressEventArgs class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message">The message being processed</param>
		/// <param name="justHeaders">A flag to indicated that only the message headers have been processed</param>
		/// <param name="bytes">The bytes that were just processed</param>
		/// <param name="totalBytes">The total number of bytes that have been processed</param>
		/// <param name="stateObject">A user defined object that can be used to hold state information about the event</param>
		public HttpMessageProgressEventArgs(HttpMessage message, bool justHeaders, byte[] bytes, int totalBytes, object stateObject)
			_message = message;
			_justHeaders = justHeaders;
			_bytes = bytes;
			_totalBytes = totalBytes;
			_stateObject = stateObject;
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes the message to the socket
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="socket"></param>
		/// <param name="abortEvent"></param>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		public void Write(Socket socket, ManualResetEvent abortEvent, HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// send the headers of the message
			this.SendHeaders(socket, message, onProgress, stateObject);

			// send the body of the message
			this.SendBody(socket, abortEvent, message, onProgress, stateObject);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpMessageWriterAbortedException class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		public HttpMessageWriterAbortedException(HttpMessage message) : base(string.Format("The writer was aborted while sending the message '{0}'.", message.ToString(false)))
			_message = message;
		/// <summary>
		/// Sends the body of a non-chunked transfer-encoded message
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="socket"></param>
		/// <param name="abortEvent"></param>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		internal protected void SendBodyNonChunked(Socket socket, ManualResetEvent abortEvent, HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			int segmentNumber = 0;
			int totalBytesSent = 0;		
			byte[] body = message.ToByteArray(false /* no headers */, true /* just the body */);
				// if we have sent the entire message then we can abortEvent
				if (totalBytesSent == body.Length)

				// start out with a full segment size (this is just the buffer size by which we will send - 8k seems to be really common although i have no idea why other than that it's a power of 2...)

				// adjust how much we need to send to complete the message
				if (chunkSize > (body.Length - totalBytesSent))
					chunkSize = (body.Length - totalBytesSent);
				// bump up the segment number

				// create the chunk to send
				byte[] bytes = new byte[chunkSize];
				Buffer.BlockCopy(body, totalBytesSent /* offset */, bytes, 0, chunkSize);

				// try and send the segment
				int bytesSent = HttpUtils.SendBytes(socket, bytes);

				// update the stream position which is the total number of bytes received
				totalBytesSent += bytesSent;

				// notify the callback of our progress
				this.OnProgress(onProgress, this, new HttpMessageProgressEventArgs(message, false, bytes, totalBytesSent, stateObject));
				// clear that buffer immediately
				bytes = null;				
				// see if we have been instructed to abortEvent reading
				if (abortEvent != null)
					if (abortEvent.WaitOne(1, false))						
						throw new HttpMessageWriterAbortedException(message);					
			} // while (true)
		public void Write(Socket socket, ManualResetEvent abortEvent, HttpMessage message)
			this.Write(socket, abortEvent, message, null, null);
		/// <summary>
		/// Sends the body of a chunked transfer-encoded message
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="socket"></param>
		/// <param name="abortEvent"></param>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		internal protected void SendBodyChunked(Socket socket, ManualResetEvent abortEvent, HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			int segmentNumber = 0;
			int totalBytesSent = 0;
			byte[] body = message.ToByteArray(false /* no headers */, true /* just the body */);

				// if we have sent the entire message then we can abortEvent
				if (totalBytesSent > body.Length)

				// start out with a full segment size (this is just the buffer size by which we will send - 8k seems to be really common although i have no idea why other than that it's a power of 2...)
				int chunkSize = MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE_CHUNKED;

				// adjust how much we need to send to complete the message
				if (chunkSize > (body.Length - totalBytesSent))
					chunkSize = (body.Length - totalBytesSent);
				// bump up the segment number

				// create a chunk of data to send
				byte[] bytes = new byte[chunkSize];
				Buffer.BlockCopy(body, totalBytesSent, bytes, 0, chunkSize);

				// create a chunk around the data
				HttpChunk chunk = new HttpChunk(bytes);

				// send the data
				int bytesSent = HttpUtils.SendBytes(socket, chunk.ToByteArray());
				// if any data was sent
				if (bytesSent > 0)
					// figure out how much as data, minus the chunks control chars
					int actualBytesSent = bytesSent - chunk.GetNonDataByteCount();

					// if the chunksize is zero or less then we'll return what was sent
					if (chunkSize > 0)
						// all other times it'll not count the non data byte count in the chunk
						bytesSent = actualBytesSent;           

				// tally the number of bytes we have sent
				totalBytesSent += bytesSent;

				// notify the callback of our progress
				this.OnProgress(onProgress, this, new HttpMessageProgressEventArgs(message, false, bytes, totalBytesSent, stateObject));
				// clear that buffer immediately
				bytes = null;				
				// see if we have been instructed to abortEvent reading
				if (abortEvent != null)
					if (abortEvent.WaitOne(1, false))						
						throw new HttpMessageWriterAbortedException(message);									
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes the message's body to the socket
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="socket"></param>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		internal protected void SendBody(Socket socket, ManualResetEvent abortEvent, HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// bail if there is no message body
			if (message.Body == null)

			// bail if there is a message body, with no length
			if (message.Body.Length == 0)

			 * In order to properly send the body, we must first determine if the transfer-encoding is chunked or not
			 * */
			if (HttpUtils.Contains(message.TransferEncoding, HttpTransferEncodings.Chunked))
				// chunked
				this.SendBodyChunked(socket, abortEvent, message, onProgress, stateObject);
				// non-chunked
				this.SendBodyNonChunked(socket, abortEvent, message, onProgress, stateObject);
		/// <summary>
		/// Writes the message's headers to the socket
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="socket"></param>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		internal protected int SendHeaders(Socket socket, HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// check the headers of the message
			this.CheckHeaders(socket, message);

			 * The only thing we can reliably send at the start of every message are the headers
			 * Technically we should be carefull how many bytes the headers are, but at this point
			 * until i see it fail, i'm gonna take it easy on the paranoia factor, sometimes i can only defend so much before i'm wasting time... :P
			 * So send the headers
			 * */
			byte[] bytes = message.ToByteArray(true /* get just the headers */, false /* do not include the body */);

			// send the header bytes
			int bytesSent = HttpUtils.SendBytes(socket, bytes);

			// notify the callback that we have sent the headers
			this.OnProgress(onProgress, this, new HttpMessageProgressEventArgs(message, true, bytes, bytesSent, stateObject));

			return bytesSent;
		/// <summary>
		/// Reads an HttpMessage from the specified socket
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="socket">The socket to read</param>
		/// <param name="abortEvent">An event to watch in case of an abort</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public virtual HttpMessage Read(Socket socket, ManualResetEvent abortEvent, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			if (socket == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("socket");
			// setup our vars

			// create a new message
			HttpMessage message = new HttpMessage();

				// while we've not finished reading the message
					// keep receiving
					this.ReceiveData(socket, abortEvent, ref message, onProgress, stateObject);

					// keep processing
					this.ProcessData(abortEvent, ref message, onProgress, stateObject);				
				throw new HttpMessageReaderAbortedException(message);
			// set the message body
			message._body = this.ReconstructChunkedBodyIfNecessary(ref message);

			// clean up our vars

			return message;
		/// <summary>
		/// Processes the raw data, either reading headers or chunked body data
		/// </summary>
		private void ProcessData(ManualResetEvent abortEvent, ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// at each pass in the processing phase set the buffer to be parsed by the parser to the buffer into which we received bytes
			// the previous parsing phase may have failed simply because we did not have enough data yet to fullfill the current state's needs
			// so we'll update what we have received and carry on from the last spot, just hopefully with more data... :P
			bool stillParsing = true;

			// enter a processing loop and keep trying to parse data based on our current state until the phase fails
				// look at our current state to determine what data we should be trying to process and parse
					case Processing.FirstLine:
						stillParsing = this.TryAndParseFirstLine(ref message, onProgress, stateObject);	
					case Processing.HeaderLine:
						stillParsing = this.TryAndParseHeaderLine(ref message, onProgress, stateObject);	
					case Processing.ChunkSizeLine:
						stillParsing = this.TryAndParseChunkSizeLine(ref message, onProgress, stateObject);	

					case Processing.ChunkData:
						stillParsing = this.TryAndParseChunkData(ref message, onProgress, stateObject);	

					case Processing.ChunkTrailerHeaderLine:
						stillParsing = this.TryAndParseTrailerHeaderLine(ref message, onProgress, stateObject);	

					case Processing.Body:
						stillParsing = this.TryAndParseBody(ref message, onProgress, stateObject);	

					case Processing.Finished:
						Debug.Assert(false, "We should be out of the processing loop if our state is 'Finished'.");

				// and in case any of the methods change the state to finished, but think they are still processing
				if (stillParsing)
					// jump in and check so we don't get stuck in an endless loop of parsing
					stillParsing = !this.IsFinished(abortEvent);
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to parse the body for the message
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool TryAndParseBody(ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// determine the content length of the message's entity
			int contentLength = message.ContentLength;

			// the number of bytes we have received thus far would be determined by looking at the different between what we have and where the header's stopped
			int postedBytesLength = _receivedBytes.Length - _headerOffsetEnd;

			// we could have potentially received more than just one message so the extra data would be denoted by the difference between the content length and the body which we received
			int extraBytesReceived = postedBytesLength - contentLength;

			// if we received extra bytes that do not belong to this message
			if (extraBytesReceived > 0)
				// create a new buffer to hold the exra
				_previouslyReceivedBytes = new byte[extraBytesReceived];

				// copy the tail of the message off as extra bytes
				Buffer.BlockCopy(_receivedBytes, _headerOffsetEnd + contentLength, _previouslyReceivedBytes, 0, extraBytesReceived);

				// now shrink the bytes received to be exactly what comprises the bytes that make up this message
				byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[_headerOffsetEnd + contentLength];
				Buffer.BlockCopy(_receivedBytes, 0, tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length);				
				_receivedBytes = tempBuffer;

			// if we've read in enough data to get the body, or there's no body coming
			if ( (postedBytesLength >= contentLength && contentLength > 0) || (contentLength == 0))
				// change state to finished
				_state = Processing.Finished;		

				// we want to kick out of the processing loop
				return false;

			// otherwise we simply need to wait on the socket to receive more data
			return false;
//		/// <summary>
//		/// Returns the content length of the message
//		/// </summary>
//		private int GetContentLength(ref HttpMessage message)
//		{
//			// if the headers don't contain the content length header, the length is zero
//			if (!message.Headers.Contains(HttpHeaders.EntityHeaders.ContentLength))
//				return 0;
//			// retrieve the header
//			HttpHeader header = message.Headers[HttpHeaders.EntityHeaders.ContentLength];
//			try
//			{
//				// try and parse the content length
//				int contentLength = int.Parse(header.Value);
//				if (contentLength < 0)
//					contentLength = 0; // someone might be trying to screw us
//				return contentLength;
//			}
//			catch(Exception ex)
//			{
//				Debug.WriteLine(ex);
//			}
//			// fall back on zero if there is a failure
//			return 0;
//		}

		/// <summary>
		/// Returns a byte array that contains the bytes forming the message body
		/// </summary>
		private byte[] ReconstructChunkedBodyIfNecessary(ref HttpMessage message)
			byte[] buffer = null;

			// if the message was chunked
			if (message.IsChunked)
				// reasemble the body from the chunks
				// this is where the chunked body class will come in
				if (_chunkedBody != null)
					buffer = _chunkedBody.ToByteArray();
				// if there is no content length specified
				if (message.ContentLength == 0)
					// bail out with no body
					return null;
				 * ---------------------
				 * |	 First Line	   | CRLF
				 * ---------------------
				 * |	Header Lines   |
				 * .....................
				 * .....................
				 * .....................
				 * .....................
				 * |				   | CRLF CRLF
				 * ---------------------
				 * |	   Body        |
				 * ---------------------
				 * */

				// copy the bytes that make up the body into a temp buffer
				buffer = new byte[_receivedBytes.Length - _headerOffsetEnd];
				Buffer.BlockCopy(_receivedBytes, _headerOffsetEnd, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

			return buffer;
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to parse a trailer header for the message
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool TryAndParseTrailerHeaderLine(ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// try and parse a token from the data
			HttpByteParserToken token = _parser.GetNextToken();						
			if (token == null)
				// change state to processing the body
				_state = Processing.Finished;

				// we're done with the headers
				return true; 
			// the first line of any message is never empty
			if (token.IsEmpty)
				// change state to processing the body
				_state = Processing.Finished;

				// we're done with the headers
				return true; 

			// success! this line is a header
			string line = token.ToString(HttpUtils.Encoding);

			// parse the line into a new header
			HttpHeader header = HttpHeader.Parse(line);

			// save the header in the chunked body trailers

			return true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to parse some chunk data for the message
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool TryAndParseChunkData(ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// get bytes, and update the index...
			int waitingOn = _chunk.Size;
			int received = _receivedBytes.Length - 2 - _parser.Index;
			// if we received enough data to pull in a chunk, do that now
			if (received >= waitingOn)
				// copy the end of the data out as chunk data
				byte[] data = HttpUtils.Clone(_receivedBytes, _parser.Index, _chunk.Size);

				// bump the parser past the end of the next \r\n
				_parser.Index += _chunk.Size + 2;

				// create a new chunked body
				if (_chunkedBody == null)
					_chunkedBody = new HttpChunkedBody();

				// assign the data to the chunk
				_chunk.Data = data;

				// todo: 

				// add the chunk to the body

				// if the chunk is empty, it's the last chunk		
				bool empty = _chunk.IsEmpty;
				// destroy the chunk
				_chunk = null;

				if (empty)
					// change state to processing chunk data
					_state = Processing.ChunkTrailerHeaderLine;
					// go back to processing a chunk size line
					_state = Processing.ChunkSizeLine;

				return true;				

			return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to parse a chunk size line for the message
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool TryAndParseChunkSizeLine(ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// try and parse a token from the data
			HttpByteParserToken token = _parser.GetNextToken();						
			if (token == null)
				return false;
			// the first line of any message is never empty
			if (token.IsEmpty)
				return false;

			// success! this line is a header
			string line = token.ToString(HttpUtils.Encoding);

			// parse the size line
			HttpChunkSizeLine chunkSizeLine = HttpChunkSizeLine.Parse(line);

			// create a new chunk
			_chunk = new HttpChunk(chunkSizeLine, null);
			// change state to processing chunk data
			_state = Processing.ChunkData;

			return true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to parse a header line for the message
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool TryAndParseHeaderLine(ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// try and parse a token from the data
			HttpByteParserToken token = _parser.GetNextToken();						
			if (token == null)
				return false;
			// the first line of any message is never empty
			if (token.IsEmpty)
				// save the offset into the data where the headers end
				_headerOffsetEnd = _parser.Index;

				// determine if the body is chunked, as we have all the headers now we can determine how the message is going to come in
				if (message.IsChunked)
					// change state to processing a chunk size line
					_state = Processing.ChunkSizeLine;
					// change state to processing the body
					_state = Processing.Body;

				// notify the callback that we have received the headers
				this.OnProgress(onProgress, this, new HttpMessageProgressEventArgs(message, true, new byte[] {}, _receivedBytes.Length, stateObject));							
				// we're done with the headers
				return true; 

			// success! this line is a header
			string line = token.ToString(HttpUtils.Encoding);

			// parse the line into a new header
			HttpHeader header = HttpHeader.Parse(line);

			// save the header

			return true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to parse the first line for the message
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool TryAndParseFirstLine(ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			// try and parse a token from the data
			HttpByteParserToken token = _parser.GetNextToken();						
			if (token == null)
				return false;
			// the first line of any message is never empty
			if (token.IsEmpty)
				return false; 

			// success! store the first line of the message
			message._firstLine = token.ToString(HttpUtils.Encoding);

			// save the offset into the data where the headers start
			_headerOffsetStart = _parser.Index;

			// change state to processing headers!
			_state = Processing.HeaderLine;
			return true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpMessageWriterAbortedException class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		public HttpMessageReaderAbortedException(HttpMessage message) : base(string.Format("The reader was aborted while receiving the message '{0}'.", message.ToString(false)))
			_message = message;
		/// <summary>
		/// Waits for data to become available for reading on the socket, then reads it into the main buffer for processing
		/// </summary>
		private void ReceiveData(Socket socket, ManualResetEvent abortEvent, ref HttpMessage message, HttpMessageProgressEventHandler onProgress, object stateObject)
			 * Data Receiving Phase
			 * This will receive data from the socket until we have enough data to process.
			 * */

			// wait for some bytes to become available
			int bytesAvailable = 0;
			byte[] bytesReceived = new byte[0];

			// if we don't have data left over from last time try and go with just that first
			if (_previouslyReceivedBytes == null)
				// ok there was nothing left over, so we're back to receiving again
				bytesAvailable = HttpUtils.WaitForAvailableBytes(socket, abortEvent);
				// receive as many bytes as we can (a chunk as it were)
				bytesReceived = HttpUtils.ReceiveBytes(socket, bytesAvailable, MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH);
			// if there was anything left over from last time
			if (_previouslyReceivedBytes != null)
				// combine the previous with this chunk
				bytesReceived = HttpUtils.Combine(_previouslyReceivedBytes, bytesReceived);					
				Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Retaining '{0}' bytes from last message.", bytesReceived.Length));

				// reset the previous buffer
				_previouslyReceivedBytes = null;

			// if we have a previous message buffer
			if (_receivedBytes != null)
				// combine what we had, with what we just received
				byte[] buffer = HttpUtils.Combine(_receivedBytes, bytesReceived);
				_receivedBytes = buffer;			
				 * this is the first part of a new message
				 * */
				// otherwise just start with the chunk
				_receivedBytes = bytesReceived;				

			// if we have received the headers
			if (this.IsPastHeaders())
				// notify the callback that data has been received
				this.OnProgress(onProgress, this, new HttpMessageProgressEventArgs(message, false, bytesReceived, _receivedBytes.Length, stateObject));							
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpMessageEventArgs class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message">The message context</param>
		public HttpMessageEventArgs(HttpMessage message) : base()
			_context = message;
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpMessageCancelEventArgs class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message">The message context</param>
		/// <param name="cancel">A flag that indicates whether this event will be cancelled</param>
		public HttpMessageCancelEventArgs(HttpMessage message, bool cancel) : base(message)
			_cancel = cancel;
예제 #25
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpRequest class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message">The incoming message that will construct this request</param>
		public HttpRequest(HttpMessage message) : base(message)
			_requestLine = HttpRequestLine.Parse(base.FirstLine);
예제 #26
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the HttpResponse class
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="message"></param>
		public HttpResponse(HttpMessage message) : base(message)
			_statusLine = HttpStatusLine.Parse(base.FirstLine);
//			this.InitHeaders(); // no very bad!!! using a message as a constructor means we've received a message and we're creating a response around it, so it will already have headers!!!