예제 #1
        // Create slices by mesh and pivots array
        public static List <RayfireRigid> CreateSlices(RayfireRigid scr)
            // Fragments list
            List <RayfireRigid> scrArray = new List <RayfireRigid>();

            // Stop if has no any meshes
            if (scr.meshes == null)

            // Create RayFire manager if not created

            // Create root object and parent

            // Vars
            int    baseLayer = scr.meshDemolition.GetLayer(scr);
            string baseTag   = scr.gameObject.tag;
            string baseName  = scr.gameObject.name + fragmentStr;

            // Get original mats
            Material[] mats = scr.skinnedMeshRend != null
                ? scr.skinnedMeshRend.sharedMaterials
                : scr.meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;

            // Create fragment objects
            for (int i = 0; i < scr.meshes.Length; ++i)
                // Get object from pool or create
                RayfireRigid rfScr = RayfireMan.inst == null
                    ? RFPoolingFragment.CreateRigidInstance()
                    : RayfireMan.inst.fragments.GetPoolObject(RayfireMan.inst.transForm);

                // Setup
                rfScr.transform.position = scr.transForm.position + scr.pivots[i];
                rfScr.transform.parent   = scr.rootChild;
                rfScr.name                  = baseName + i;
                rfScr.gameObject.tag        = baseTag;
                rfScr.gameObject.layer      = baseLayer;
                rfScr.meshFilter.sharedMesh = scr.meshes[i];
                rfScr.rootParent            = scr.rootChild;

                // Copy properties from parent to fragment node

                // Copy particles
                RFParticles.CopyParticles(scr, rfScr);

                // Set collider
                RFPhysic.SetFragmentMeshCollider(rfScr, scr.meshes[i]);

                // Shadow casting
                if (RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > 0 &&
                    RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > scr.meshes[i].bounds.size.magnitude)
                    rfScr.meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;

                // Turn on

                // Set multymaterial
                RFSurface.SetMaterial(scr.subIds, mats, scr.materials, rfScr.meshRenderer, i, scr.meshes.Length);

                // Update depth level and amount
                rfScr.limitations.currentDepth = scr.limitations.currentDepth + 1;
                //rfScr.meshDemolition.amount = (int)(rfScr.meshDemolition.amount * rfScr.meshDemolition.depthFade);
                //if (rfScr.meshDemolition.amount < 2)
                //    rfScr.meshDemolition.amount = 2;

                // Add in array

            // Empty lists

예제 #2
        // Create fragments by mesh and pivots array
        private List <GameObject> CreateFragments(GameObject lastRoot = null)
            // No mesh were cached
            if (meshes == null)

            // Clear array for new fragments
            GameObject[] fragArray = new GameObject[meshes.Length];

            // Vars
            string goName   = gameObject.name;
            string baseName = goName + "_sh_";

            // Create root object
            GameObject root = lastRoot;

            if (lastRoot == null)
                root = new GameObject(goName + "_root");
                root.transform.position = transForm.position;
                root.transform.rotation = transForm.rotation;
                root.transform.parent   = transForm.parent;

            // KEVINJ: when operating on project assets, causes the new root object to be in the scene rather than a child of the prefab
            // Use https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/PrefabUtility.LoadPrefabContents.html in order to be able to set the parent
            // PrefabMode prefabMode = GetPrefabMode(gameObject);
            // if ( prefabMode != PrefabMode.Scene)
            // {
            //  root.transform.parent = transForm;
            // }
            // else
            // {
            //  // ORIGINAL BEHAVIOR
            //  root.transform.parent = transForm.parent;
            // }

            // Create instance for fragments
            GameObject fragInstance;

            if (advanced.copyComponents == true)
                fragInstance = Instantiate(gameObject);
                fragInstance.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.identity;
                fragInstance.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

                // Destroy shatter
                DestroyImmediate(fragInstance.GetComponent <RayfireShatter>());
                fragInstance = new GameObject();
                fragInstance.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                fragInstance.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            // Get original mats
            Material[] mats = skinnedMeshRend != null
                ? skinnedMeshRend.sharedMaterials
                : meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;

            // Create fragment objects
            for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Length; ++i)
                // Rescale mesh
                if (rescaleFix != 1f)
                    RFFragment.RescaleMesh(meshes[i], rescaleFix);

                // Instantiate. IMPORTANT do not parent when Instantiate
                GameObject fragGo = Instantiate(fragInstance);
                fragGo.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

                // Set multymaterial
                MeshRenderer targetRend = fragGo.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                RFSurface.SetMaterial(origSubMeshIdsRF, mats, material, targetRend, i, meshes.Length);

                // Set fragment object name and tm
                fragGo.name = baseName + (i + 1);
                fragGo.transform.position = root.transform.position + (pivots[i] / rescaleFix);
                fragGo.transform.parent   = root.transform;

                // Set fragment mesh
                MeshFilter mf = fragGo.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

                /*// KevinJ:
                 #if UNITY_EDITOR
                 * // Up to the caller to use AssetDatabase.RemoveObjectFromAsset to remove meshes from any prior calls to CreateFragments()
                 * if (prefabMode == PrefabMode.Asset)
                 * {
                 *      AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(meshes[i], gameObject.scene.path);
                 * }
                 * else if (prefabMode == PrefabMode.PrefabEditingMode)
                 * {
                 *      //string assetPath = UnityEditor.Experimental.GetPrefabStage(gameObject).prefabAssetPath;
                 *      //AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(meshes[i], assetPath);
                 * }

                mf.sharedMesh      = meshes[i];
                mf.sharedMesh.name = fragGo.name;

                // Set mesh collider
                MeshCollider mc = fragGo.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
                if (mc != null)
                    mc.sharedMesh = meshes[i];

                // Add in array
                fragArray[i] = fragGo;

            // Destroy instance

            // Empty lists
            meshes           = null;
            pivots           = null;
            origSubMeshIdsRF = new List <RFDictionary>();

예제 #3
        // Create fragments by mesh and pivots array
        public static List <RayfireRigid> CreateFragments(RayfireRigid scr)
            // Fragments list
            List <RayfireRigid> scrArray = new List <RayfireRigid>();

            // Stop if has no any meshes
            if (scr.meshes == null)

            // Create RayFire manager if not created

            // Create root object and parent

            // Vars
            int    baseLayer = scr.meshDemolition.GetLayer(scr);
            string baseTag   = scr.gameObject.tag;
            string baseName  = scr.gameObject.name + fragmentStr;

            // Save original rotation
            // Quaternion originalRotation = rootChild.transform.rotation;

            // Set rotation to precache rotation
            if (scr.demolitionType == DemolitionType.AwakePrecache)
                scr.rootChild.transform.rotation = scr.cacheRotation;

            // Get original mats
            Material[] mats = scr.skinnedMeshRend != null
                ? scr.skinnedMeshRend.sharedMaterials
                : scr.meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;

            // Create fragment objects
            for (int i = 0; i < scr.meshes.Length; ++i)
                // Get object from pool or create
                RayfireRigid rfScr = RayfireMan.inst == null
                    ? RFPoolingFragment.CreateRigidInstance()
                    : RayfireMan.inst.fragments.GetPoolObject(RayfireMan.inst.transForm);

                // Setup
                rfScr.transform.position = scr.transForm.position + scr.pivots[i];
                rfScr.transform.parent   = scr.rootChild;
                rfScr.name                  = baseName + i;
                rfScr.gameObject.tag        = baseTag;
                rfScr.gameObject.layer      = baseLayer;
                rfScr.meshFilter.sharedMesh = scr.meshes[i];
                rfScr.rootParent            = scr.rootChild;

                // Copy properties from parent to fragment node

                // Copy particles
                RFParticles.CopyParticles(scr, rfScr);

                // Set collider
                RFPhysic.SetFragmentMeshCollider(rfScr, scr.meshes[i]);

                // Shadow casting
                if (RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > 0 &&
                    RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > scr.meshes[i].bounds.size.magnitude)
                    rfScr.meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;

                // Turn on

                // Set multymaterial
                RFSurface.SetMaterial(scr.subIds, mats, scr.materials, rfScr.meshRenderer, i, scr.meshes.Length);

                // Update depth level and amount
                rfScr.limitations.currentDepth = scr.limitations.currentDepth + 1;
                rfScr.meshDemolition.amount    = (int)(rfScr.meshDemolition.amount * rfScr.meshDemolition.depthFade);
                if (rfScr.meshDemolition.amount < 3)
                    rfScr.meshDemolition.amount = 3;

                // Add in array

                // Debug.Log (rfScr.rootParent);

            // Fix transform for precached fragments
            if (scr.demolitionType == DemolitionType.AwakePrecache)
                scr.rootChild.rotation = scr.transForm.rotation;

            // Fix runtime caching rotation difference. Get rotation difference and add to root
            if (scr.demolitionType == DemolitionType.Runtime && scr.meshDemolition.runtimeCaching.type != CachingType.Disable)
                Quaternion cacheRotationDif = scr.transForm.rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(scr.meshDemolition.cacheRotationStart);
                scr.rootChild.rotation = cacheRotationDif * scr.rootChild.rotation;

예제 #4
        // Create slices by mesh and pivots array
        List <RayfireRigid> CreateSlices()
            // Create root object

            // Clear array for new fragments
            List <RayfireRigid> scrArray = new List <RayfireRigid>();

            // Vars
            int    baseLayer = meshDemolition.GetLayer(this);
            string baseTag   = gameObject.tag;
            string baseName  = gameObject.name + "_sl_";

            // Create fragment objects
            for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Length; ++i)
                // Get object from pool or create
                RayfireRigid rfScr = RayfireMan.inst.GetPoolObject();

                // Setup
                rfScr.transform.position = transForm.position + pivots[i];
                rfScr.transform.parent   = rootChild;
                rfScr.name                       = baseName + i;
                rfScr.gameObject.tag             = baseTag;
                rfScr.gameObject.layer           = baseLayer;
                rfScr.meshFilter.sharedMesh      = meshes[i];
                rfScr.meshFilter.sharedMesh.name = baseName + i;
                rfScr.rootParent                 = rootChild;

                // Copy properties from parent to fragment node

                // Copy particles
                RFParticles.CopyParticles(this, rfScr);

                // Shadow casting
                if (RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > 0 &&
                    RayfireMan.inst.advancedDemolitionProperties.sizeThreshold > meshes[i].bounds.size.magnitude)
                    rfScr.meshRenderer.shadowCastingMode = ShadowCastingMode.Off;

                // Turn on

                // Set multymaterial
                RFSurface.SetMaterial(subIds, meshRenderer.sharedMaterials, materials, rfScr.meshRenderer, i, meshes.Length);

                // Inherit same current depth level
                rfScr.limitations.currentDepth = limitations.currentDepth + 1;

                // Set collider mesh
                MeshCollider mc = rfScr.physics.meshCollider as MeshCollider;
                if (mc != null)
                    mc.sharedMesh = meshes[i];
                    mc.name       = meshes[i].name;

                // Add in array

            // Empty lists
