public static bool SameAmount(this Resources res, Resources other) { if (other == null) { return(false); } return(res.Wood == other.Wood && res.Ore == other.Ore && res.Fish == other.Fish && res.Magic == other.Magic && res.Wheat == other.Wheat && res.Arrows == other.Arrows && res.Coins == other.Coins); }
public static decimal[] ToList(this Resources res) { return(new[] { res.Wood, res.Fish, res.Ore, res.Wheat, res.Coins, res.Magic, res.Arrows }); }
public async Task SaveResourcesAsync() { var result = await gameManager.RavenNest.Players.UpdateResourcesAsync(UserId, Resources.GetResourceList()); if (result) { Debug.Log("Resources for " + this.PlayerName + " saved."); } else { Debug.LogError("Resources for " + this.PlayerName + " failed to save!"); } lastSavedResources = DataMapper.Map <Resources, Resources>(this.Resources); }
public void SetPlayer(RavenNest.Models.Player player) { = player.Name; if (!gameManager) { gameManager = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>(); } if (!playerAppearance) { playerAppearance = GetComponent <PlayerAppearance>(); } if (playerAppearance) { playerAppearance.SetAppearance(player.Appearance); } UserId = player.UserId; PlayerName = player.Name; Stats = new Skills(player.Skills); Resources = player.Resources; Statistics = player.Statistics; ExpOverTime = 1m; // P... Inventory.Create(player.InventoryItems, gameManager.Items.GetItems()); lastSavedExperienceTotal = Stats.TotalExperience; // remove after all players have been fixed ;o or make a repository fixer or whatever. if (!nameTagManager) { nameTagManager = GameObject.Find("NameTags").GetComponent <NameTagManager>(); } if (nameTagManager) { nameTagManager.Add(this); } Stats.Health.Reset(); Inventory.EquipBestItems(); Equipment.HideEquipments(); // don't show sword on join }