public void EnqueueSynchronization(string destination, SynchronizationWorkItem workItem)
			pendingRemoveLocks.GetOrAdd(destination, new ReaderWriterLockSlim()).EnterUpgradeableReadLock();

				var pendingForDestination = pendingSynchronizations.GetOrAdd(destination,
				                                                             new ConcurrentQueue<SynchronizationWorkItem>());

				// if delete work is enqueued and there are other synchronization works for a given file then remove them from a queue
				if (workItem.SynchronizationType == SynchronizationType.Delete &&
					    x => x.FileName == workItem.FileName && x.SynchronizationType != SynchronizationType.Delete))
					pendingRemoveLocks.GetOrAdd(destination, new ReaderWriterLockSlim()).EnterWriteLock();

						var modifiedQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<SynchronizationWorkItem>();

						foreach (var pendingWork in pendingForDestination)
							if (pendingWork.FileName != workItem.FileName)


						pendingForDestination = pendingSynchronizations.AddOrUpdate(destination, modifiedQueue,
						                                                            (key, value) => modifiedQueue);
						pendingRemoveLocks.GetOrAdd(destination, new ReaderWriterLockSlim()).ExitWriteLock();

				foreach (var pendingWork in pendingForDestination)
					// if there is a file in pending synchronizations do not add it again
					if (pendingWork.Equals(workItem))
						Log.Debug("{0} for a file {1} and a destination {2} was already existed in a pending queue",
						          workItem.GetType().Name, workItem.FileName, destination);

					// if there is a work for a file of the same type but with lower file ETag just refresh existing work metadata and do not enqueue again
					if (pendingWork.FileName == workItem.FileName &&
					    pendingWork.SynchronizationType == workItem.SynchronizationType &&
					    Buffers.Compare(workItem.FileETag.ToByteArray(), pendingWork.FileETag.ToByteArray()) > 0)
							"{0} for a file {1} and a destination {2} was already existed in a pending queue but with older ETag, it's metadata has been refreshed",
							workItem.GetType().Name, workItem.FileName, destination);

				var activeForDestination = activeSynchronizations.GetOrAdd(destination,
				                                                           new ConcurrentDictionary<string, SynchronizationWorkItem>

				// if there is a work in an active synchronizations do not add it again
				if (activeForDestination.ContainsKey(workItem.FileName) && activeForDestination[workItem.FileName].Equals(workItem))
					Log.Debug("{0} for a file {1} and a destination {2} was already existed in an active queue",
					          workItem.GetType().Name, workItem.FileName, destination);

				Log.Debug("{0} for a file {1} and a destination {2} was enqueued", workItem.GetType().Name, workItem.FileName,
				pendingRemoveLocks.GetOrAdd(destination, new ReaderWriterLockSlim()).ExitUpgradeableReadLock();
		private async Task<SynchronizationReport> PerformSynchronizationAsync(string destinationUrl,
		                                                                      SynchronizationWorkItem work)
			Log.Debug("Starting to perform {0} for a file '{1}' and a destination server {2}", work.GetType().Name, work.FileName,

			if (!CanSynchronizeTo(destinationUrl))
				Log.Debug("The limit of active synchronizations to {0} server has been achieved. Cannot process a file '{1}'.",
				          destinationUrl, work.FileName);

				synchronizationQueue.EnqueueSynchronization(destinationUrl, work);

				return new SynchronizationReport(work.FileName, work.FileETag, work.SynchronizationType)
						Exception = new SynchronizationException(string.Format(
							"The limit of active synchronizations to {0} server has been achieved. Cannot process a file '{1}'.",
							destinationUrl, work.FileName))

			string fileName = work.FileName;
			synchronizationQueue.SynchronizationStarted(work, destinationUrl);
			publisher.Publish(new SynchronizationUpdate
					FileName = work.FileName,
					DestinationServer = destinationUrl,
					SourceServerId = storage.Id,
					SourceServerUrl = ServerUrl,
					Type = work.SynchronizationType,
					Action = SynchronizationAction.Start,
					SynchronizationDirection = SynchronizationDirection.Outgoing

			SynchronizationReport report;

				report = await work.PerformAsync(destinationUrl);
			catch (Exception ex)
				report = new SynchronizationReport(work.FileName, work.FileETag, work.SynchronizationType)
						Exception = ex,

			var synchronizationCancelled = false;

			if (report.Exception == null)
				var moreDetails = string.Empty;

				if (work.SynchronizationType == SynchronizationType.ContentUpdate)
					moreDetails = string.Format(". {0} bytes were transfered and {1} bytes copied. Need list length was {2}",
					                            report.BytesTransfered, report.BytesCopied, report.NeedListLength);

				Log.Debug("{0} to {1} has finished successfully{2}", work.ToString(), destinationUrl, moreDetails);
				if (work.IsCancelled || report.Exception is TaskCanceledException)
					synchronizationCancelled = true;
					Log.DebugException(string.Format("{0} to {1} was cancelled", work, destinationUrl), report.Exception);
					Log.WarnException(string.Format("{0} to {1} has finished with the exception", work, destinationUrl),

			Queue.SynchronizationFinished(work, destinationUrl);

			if (!synchronizationCancelled)
				CreateSyncingConfiguration(fileName, work.FileETag, destinationUrl, work.SynchronizationType);

			publisher.Publish(new SynchronizationUpdate
					FileName = work.FileName,
					DestinationServer = destinationUrl,
					SourceServerId = storage.Id,
					SourceServerUrl = ServerUrl,
					Type = work.SynchronizationType,
					Action = SynchronizationAction.Finish,
					SynchronizationDirection = SynchronizationDirection.Outgoing

			return report;