private async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetQueriesResponse(bool isGet) { RavenJArray itemsToLoad; if (isGet == false) { itemsToLoad = await ReadJsonArrayAsync(); AddRequestTraceInfo(sb => { foreach (var item in itemsToLoad) { sb.Append("\t").Append(item).AppendLine(); } }); } else { itemsToLoad = new RavenJArray(GetQueryStringValues("id").Cast<object>()); } var result = new MultiLoadResult(); var loadedIds = new HashSet<string>(); var includedIds = new HashSet<string>(); var includes = GetQueryStringValues("include") ?? new string[0]; var transformer = GetQueryStringValue("transformer") ?? GetQueryStringValue("resultTransformer"); var queryInputs = ExtractQueryInputs(); var transactionInformation = GetRequestTransaction(); var includedEtags = new List<byte>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(transformer) == false) { var transformerDef = Database.IndexDefinitionStorage.GetTransformer(transformer); if (transformerDef == null) return GetMessageWithObject(new {Error = "No such transformer: " + transformer}, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); includedEtags.AddRange(transformerDef.GetHashCodeBytes()); } Database.TransactionalStorage.Batch(actions => { foreach (RavenJToken item in itemsToLoad) { var value = item.Value<string>(); if (loadedIds.Add(value) == false) continue; var documentByKey = string.IsNullOrEmpty(transformer) ? Database.Documents.Get(value, transactionInformation) : Database.Documents.GetWithTransformer(value, transformer, transactionInformation, queryInputs, out includedIds); if (documentByKey == null) { if(ClientIsV3OrHigher) result.Results.Add(null); continue; } result.Results.Add(documentByKey.ToJson()); if (documentByKey.Etag != null) includedEtags.AddRange(documentByKey.Etag.ToByteArray()); includedEtags.Add((documentByKey.NonAuthoritativeInformation ?? false) ? (byte)0 : (byte)1); } var addIncludesCommand = new AddIncludesCommand(Database, transactionInformation, (etag, includedDoc) => { includedEtags.AddRange(etag.ToByteArray()); result.Includes.Add(includedDoc); }, includes, loadedIds); foreach (var item in result.Results.Where(item => item != null)) { addIncludesCommand.Execute(item); } }); foreach (var includedId in includedIds) { var doc = Database.Documents.Get(includedId, transactionInformation); if (doc == null) { continue; } includedEtags.AddRange(doc.Etag.ToByteArray()); result.Includes.Add(doc.ToJson()); } var computeHash = Encryptor.Current.Hash.Compute16(includedEtags.ToArray()); Etag computedEtag = Etag.Parse(computeHash); if (MatchEtag(computedEtag)) { return GetEmptyMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotModified); } var msg = GetMessageWithObject(result); WriteETag(computedEtag, msg); AddRequestTraceInfo(sb => sb.Append("Results count: {0}, includes count: {1}", result.Results.Count, result.Includes.Count).AppendLine()); return msg; }
private HttpResponseMessage GetIndexQueryResult(string index, CancellationToken token) { Etag indexEtag; var msg = GetEmptyMessage(); var queryResult = ExecuteQuery(index, out indexEtag, msg, token); if (queryResult == null) return msg; var includes = GetQueryStringValues("include") ?? new string[0]; var loadedIds = new HashSet<string>( queryResult.Results .Where(x => x != null && x["@metadata"] != null) .Select(x => x["@metadata"].Value<string>("@id")) .Where(x => x != null) ); var command = new AddIncludesCommand(Database, GetRequestTransaction(), (etag, doc) => queryResult.Includes.Add(doc), includes, loadedIds); foreach (var result in queryResult.Results) { command.Execute(result); } command.AlsoInclude(queryResult.IdsToInclude); return GetMessageWithObject(queryResult, queryResult.NonAuthoritativeInformation ? HttpStatusCode.NonAuthoritativeInformation : HttpStatusCode.OK, indexEtag); }
public MoreLikeThisQueryResult ExecuteMoreLikeThisQuery(MoreLikeThisQuery query, TransactionInformation transactionInformation, int pageSize = 25, string[] include = null) { if (query == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("query"); var index = database.IndexStorage.GetIndexInstance(query.IndexName); if (index == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("The index " + query.IndexName + " cannot be found"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.DocumentId) && query.MapGroupFields.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("The document id or map group fields are mandatory"); IndexSearcher searcher; using (database.IndexStorage.GetCurrentIndexSearcher(index.indexId, out searcher)) { var documentQuery = new BooleanQuery(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.DocumentId) == false) { documentQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(Constants.DocumentIdFieldName, query.DocumentId.ToLowerInvariant())), Occur.MUST); } foreach (string key in query.MapGroupFields.Keys) { documentQuery.Add(new TermQuery(new Term(key, query.MapGroupFields[key])), Occur.MUST); } var td = searcher.Search(documentQuery, 1); // get the current Lucene docid for the given RavenDB doc ID if (td.ScoreDocs.Length == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Document " + query.DocumentId + " could not be found"); var ir = searcher.IndexReader; var mlt = new RavenMoreLikeThis(ir); AssignParameters(mlt, query); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.StopWordsDocumentId) == false) { var stopWordsDoc = database.Documents.Get(query.StopWordsDocumentId, null); if (stopWordsDoc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Stop words document " + query.StopWordsDocumentId + " could not be found"); var stopWordsSetup = stopWordsDoc.DataAsJson.JsonDeserialization<StopWordsSetup>(); if (stopWordsSetup.StopWords != null) { var stopWords = stopWordsSetup.StopWords; var ht = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (var stopWord in stopWords) { ht.Add(stopWord); } mlt.SetStopWords(ht); } } var fieldNames = query.Fields ?? GetFieldNames(ir); mlt.SetFieldNames(fieldNames); var toDispose = new List<Action>(); RavenPerFieldAnalyzerWrapper perFieldAnalyzerWrapper = null; try { perFieldAnalyzerWrapper = index.CreateAnalyzer(new LowerCaseKeywordAnalyzer(), toDispose, true); mlt.Analyzer = perFieldAnalyzerWrapper; var mltQuery = mlt.Like(td.ScoreDocs[0].Doc); var tsdc = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(pageSize, true); searcher.Search(mltQuery, tsdc); var hits = tsdc.TopDocs().ScoreDocs; var jsonDocuments = GetJsonDocuments(query, searcher, index, query.IndexName, hits, td.ScoreDocs[0].Doc); var result = new MultiLoadResult(); var includedEtags = new List<byte>(jsonDocuments.SelectMany(x => x.Etag.ToByteArray())); includedEtags.AddRange(database.Indexes.GetIndexEtag(query.IndexName, null).ToByteArray()); var loadedIds = new HashSet<string>(jsonDocuments.Select(x => x.Key)); var addIncludesCommand = new AddIncludesCommand(database, transactionInformation, (etag, includedDoc) => { includedEtags.AddRange(etag.ToByteArray()); result.Includes.Add(includedDoc); }, include ?? new string[0], loadedIds); foreach (var jsonDocument in jsonDocuments) { result.Results.Add(jsonDocument.ToJson()); addIncludesCommand.Execute(jsonDocument.DataAsJson); } Etag computedEtag; using (var md5 = MD5.Create()) { var computeHash = md5.ComputeHash(includedEtags.ToArray()); computedEtag = Etag.Parse(computeHash); } return new MoreLikeThisQueryResult { Etag = computedEtag, Result = result, }; } finally { if (perFieldAnalyzerWrapper != null) perFieldAnalyzerWrapper.Close(); foreach (var action in toDispose) { action(); } } } }