public static Video SaveNewVideo(bool IsCoverVideo,int UserID,string UserEmail="") { try { Video NewVideo = new Video(); using (var context = new PostContext()) { // save New Video block ....... NewVideo.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; NewVideo.IsCoverVideo = IsCoverVideo; NewVideo.ModifiedOnDate = null; NewVideo.VideoID = CreateNewID(); NewVideo.UserEmail = UserEmail; NewVideo.VideoPath = UploadVideo(NewVideo); NewVideo.UserID = UserID; context.Videos.Add(NewVideo); context.SaveChanges(); } return NewVideo; } catch(Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static CoverPhoto SaveNewPhoto(int UserID,string UserEmail) { try { CoverPhoto NewPhoto = new CoverPhoto(); using (var context = new PostContext()) { // save New Video block ....... NewPhoto.UserID = UserID; NewPhoto.UserEmail = UserEmail; NewPhoto.PhotoPath = UploadPhoto(NewPhoto); context.Photos.Add(NewPhoto); context.SaveChanges(); } return NewPhoto; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static string SaveNewPost(AddPostDTO PostDTO) { Post NewPost = new Post(); //// save New Video block ....... NewPost.VideoID = SaveNewVideo(false, PostDTO.UserID).VideoID; using (var context=new PostContext()) { /// save new Post block .............. NewPost.PostID = CreateNewID(); NewPost.IsActive = true; NewPost.Description = PostDTO.Description; NewPost.CountryID = PostDTO.CountryID; NewPost.RoundID = PostDTO.RoundID; NewPost.Titel = PostDTO.Titel; NewPost.Place = PostDTO.Place; context.Posts.Add(NewPost); // save changes to the DB ........... context.SaveChanges(); } return ""; }