// For the time being, let's keep some fsm scene edits here rather than in the SceneChanged function. // This way, they work even when the previous scene is a boss scene. public static void FsmSceneEdits(On.PlayMakerFSM.orig_OnEnable orig, PlayMakerFSM self) { EditStagStations(self); DisableInfectedCrossroads(self); // BossRewardReplacement.DestroyGruzmomGeo(self); Jiji.KillTuk(self); orig(self); }
public static void SceneChanged(Scene newScene) { RecalculateRandom(); // Critical changes for randomizer functionality { ApplyRandomizerChanges(newScene); BreakDiveFloors(newScene); ExtraPlatforms(newScene); // EditStagStations(newScene); EditCorniferAndIselda(newScene); DestroyLoreTablets(newScene); DeleteCollectorGrubs(newScene); DestroyMimicObjects(newScene); } // Transition fixes: critical changes for transition randomizer functionality, protected by bool checks so they can also be used for item randomizer if necessary // Control fixes: npc quests that could otherwise be broken with out-of-sequence rooms { ApplyTransitionFixes(newScene); ApplyControlFixes(newScene); } // QoL Fixes - hints of all types, lemm sell all, fast grubfather, fast dream nail cutscene, etc { MiscQoLChanges(newScene); ApplyHintChanges(newScene); Jiji.JijiSceneEdits(newScene); AddWaterSpawns(newScene); } // Mainly restores pogos, etc., that were removed by TC { FixMiscSkips(newScene); } { DreamPlantEdits.ReplaceDreamPlantOrbs(newScene); } // make sure log is regularly updated with game info // do not destroy helper log on game end or quitout if (newScene.name != SceneNames.Menu_Title) { RandoLogger.UpdateHelperLog(); } }