public override bool Target(Diceman user, Diceman target, Vector2 firedBoardLocation) { if (target != null && target.ownedByPlayer != user.ownedByPlayer && user.isAlive && BattleBoard.GetBlockDistanceBetweenDice(user, target) <= range) { return(true); } else { if (target != null) { String failString = ""; if (user.isAlive == false) { failString = " as " + + " is dead."; } else if (BattleBoard.GetBlockDistanceBetweenDice(user, target) > range) { failString = " as target is out of range."; } usageDescription = name + " failed" + failString; } return(false); } }
public bool Move(Vector2 targetBoardLocation) { if (BattleBoard.GetBoardTile((int)targetBoardLocation.X, (int)targetBoardLocation.Y) == null) { return(false); } if (BattleBoard.GetBoardTile((int)targetBoardLocation.X, (int)targetBoardLocation.Y).occupyingDiceman != null) { return(false); } if (BoardLocation.X != -1 && BoardLocation.Y != -1) { BattleBoard.board[BoardLocX, BoardLocY].occupyingDiceman = null; } else { isOnBoard = true; } Vector2 tempLoc = BoardLocation; BoardLocation = targetBoardLocation; if (BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(BoardLocX, BoardLocY) != null) { BattleBoard.board[BoardLocX, BoardLocY].occupyingDiceman = this; } else { BoardLocation = tempLoc; return(false); } return(true); }
public override void Use(Diceman user, Diceman target, Vector2 firedBoardLocation) { foreach (Effect debuff in user.activeEffects) { if (!debuff.AllowedDiceAbilities()[2]) { usageDescription = user.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " is disabled!"; return; } } if (target.isAlive) { float damageDealt = user.strength * damage; String damageDealtDescript = target.DamageDice(damageDealt); if (target.isAlive) { BattleBoard.AddEffect(new AbilityInput( user, new Stunned(0, Constant.e_stunDuration, 0, Constant.e_stunSpeed, Constant.e_stunIcon), target, Vector2.Zero)); usageDescription = damageDealtDescript + " and is STUNNED."; } else { usageDescription = damageDealtDescript + "."; } } else { usageDescription = "Target is already dead."; } }
public override void Use(Diceman user, Diceman target, Vector2 firedBoardLocation) { foreach (Effect debuff in user.activeEffects) { if (!debuff.AllowedDiceAbilities()[2]) { usageDescription = user.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " is disabled!"; return; } } for (int i = -range; i <= range; i++) { for (int j = -range; j <= range; j++) { if (BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(user.BoardLocX + i, user.BoardLocY + j) != null) { target = BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(user.BoardLocX + i, user.BoardLocY + j).occupyingDiceman; if (target != null && target.isAlive && target.ownedByPlayer != user.ownedByPlayer) { float damageDealt = user.strength * damage; usageDescription = target.DamageDice(damageDealt); user.Move(firedBoardLocation); usageDescription += " and \n" + user.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " vaulted away."; return; } } } } usageDescription = name + " failed as no enemies \nwere in range."; }
public override void Use(Diceman user, Diceman target, Vector2 firedBoardLocation) { foreach (Effect debuff in user.activeEffects) { if (!debuff.AllowedDiceAbilities()[2]) { usageDescription = user.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " is disabled!"; return; } } int hitsCount = Constant.a_multishotHits; List <Diceman> diceHit = new List <Diceman>(); if (target.isAlive && BattleBoard.GetBlockDistanceBetweenDice(user, target) <= range) { float damageDealt = user.strength * damage; usageDescription = target.DamageDice(damageDealt); hitsCount--; diceHit.Add(target); } for (int i = -range; i <= range; i++) { for (int j = -range; j <= range; j++) { if (BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(user.BoardLocX + i, user.BoardLocY + j) != null && hitsCount > 0) { target = BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(user.BoardLocX + i, user.BoardLocY + j).occupyingDiceman; foreach (Diceman dice in diceHit) { if (dice == target) { target = null; } } if (target != null && target.isAlive && target.ownedByPlayer != user.ownedByPlayer && BattleBoard.GetBlockDistanceBetweenDice(user, target) <= range) { float damageDealt = user.strength * damage; if (hitsCount == Constant.a_multishotHits) { usageDescription = ""; } usageDescription += target.DamageDice(damageDealt); hitsCount--; } } } } if (hitsCount == Constant.a_multishotHits) { usageDescription = name + " failed as no enemies \nwere in range."; } else { usageDescription += "."; } }
public override void Use(Diceman user, Diceman target, Vector2 firedBoardLocation) { foreach (Effect debuff in user.activeEffects) { if (!debuff.AllowedDiceAbilities()[2]) { usageDescription = user.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " is disabled!"; return; } } if (target.isAlive) { usageDescription = target.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " is now \n" + Constant.e_poisonName + "."; BattleBoard.AddEffect(new AbilityInput( user, new Poisoned(0, Constant.e_poisonDuration, Constant.a_poisonDamage, Constant.e_poisonSpeed, Constant.e_poisonIcon), target, Vector2.Zero)); } }
public override bool Target(Diceman user, Diceman target, Vector2 firedBoardLocation) { if (BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(firedBoardLocation) != null && BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(firedBoardLocation).occupyingDiceman == null && user.isAlive) { return(true); } String failString = ""; if (user.isAlive == false) { failString = " as " + + " is dead."; } else if (BattleBoard.GetBoardTile(firedBoardLocation).occupyingDiceman != null) { failString = " as position is occupied."; } usageDescription = name + " failed" + failString; return(false); }
public override void Use(Diceman user, Diceman target, Vector2 firedBoardLocation) { foreach (Effect debuff in user.activeEffects) { if (!debuff.AllowedDiceAbilities()[2]) { usageDescription = user.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " is disabled!"; return; } } if (target.isAlive) { Vector2 moveToLoc = Vector2.Zero; List <Vector2> locsNearTarget = new List <Vector2>(); for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { if (!(i == 0 && j == 0)) { locsNearTarget.Add(new Vector2(target.BoardLocX + i, target.BoardLocY + j)); } } } float minDist = BattleBoard.GetRealDistanceBetweenTileLocations(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(BattleBoard.board.GetLength(0), BattleBoard.board.GetLength(1))); for (int i = 0; i < locsNearTarget.Count; i++) { if (BattleBoard.GetRealDistanceBetweenTileLocations(user.BoardLocation, locsNearTarget[i]) < minDist) { minDist = BattleBoard.GetRealDistanceBetweenTileLocations(user.BoardLocation, locsNearTarget[i]); moveToLoc = locsNearTarget[i]; } } locsNearTarget.Remove(moveToLoc); while (user.BoardLocation != moveToLoc && !user.Move(moveToLoc)) { if (locsNearTarget.Count != 0) { minDist = BattleBoard.board.Length; for (int i = 0; i < locsNearTarget.Count; i++) { if (BattleBoard.GetRealDistanceBetweenTileLocations(user.BoardLocation, locsNearTarget[i]) < minDist) { minDist = BattleBoard.GetRealDistanceBetweenTileLocations(user.BoardLocation, locsNearTarget[i]); moveToLoc = locsNearTarget[i]; } } locsNearTarget.Remove(moveToLoc); } else { usageDescription = Constant.a_chargeTargetSurrounded; return; } } float damageDealt = user.strength * damage; usageDescription = user.ownedByPlayer.playerName + "'s " + + " charged and\n"; usageDescription += target.DamageDice(damageDealt); usageDescription += "."; } else { usageDescription = "Target is already dead."; } }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // Allows the game to exit if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) { this.Exit(); } InputManager.Update(gameTime); switch (currentGameState) { case GameState.MainMenu: if (InputManager.keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.H)) { host = new GameHost(); client = new GameClient("localhost", new Player("Host")); currentGameState = GameState.MultiplayerLobby; } else if (InputManager.keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.J)) { client = new GameClient("", new Player("Client")); currentGameState = GameState.MultiplayerLobby; } break; case GameState.MultiplayerLobby: if (client.IsGameJoined && InputManager.keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.S)) { if (host != null) { client.SendGameStartMsg(); } } if (client.isGameStarted) { opponentPlayer = client.OpponentPlayer; loggedInPlayer = client.LoggedInPlayer; board = new BattleBoard( boardTileTextures, mainUIFont, new Vector2(320, -192), Constant.o_boardSize, loggedInPlayer, opponentPlayer, client, new Vector2(this.Window.ClientBounds.Width, this.Window.ClientBounds.Height)); client.SendDiceConfiguration(new Diceman.Class[] { Diceman.Class.Bruiser, Diceman.Class.Bruiser, Diceman.Class.Bruiser, Diceman.Class.Ranger, Diceman.Class.Ranger }); currentGameState = GameState.Playing; } break; case GameState.Playing: if (client.IsGameJoined) { board.Update(gameTime); } else { if (host != null) { host.StopServer(); host = null; } client = null; board = null; opponentPlayer = null; loggedInPlayer = new Player(loggedInPlayer.playerName); currentGameState = GameState.MainMenu; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } break; } base.Update(gameTime); }