예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// MoveToTree moves files in fromDir to a directory structure created in toDirRoot
        /// using the file's name as names for the folders in the directory structure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromDir">original directory</param>
        /// <param name="toDirRoot">root of the new directory structure </param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <param name="remove"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int MoveToTree(string fromDir, string toDirRoot, string filter = "*.jpg", string remove = "")
            ImageTreeFile dest;
            RaiFile       source;
            int           count = 0;

            foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(new RaiFile(fromDir).FullName, filter))
                dest      = new ImageTreeFile(file.Replace(remove, ""));
                dest.Path = new RaiFile(toDirRoot).FullName;
                source    = new RaiFile(file);
                Console.WriteLine($"{source.FullName} moved to {dest.FullName}");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>get first file that is a match in the filesystem</summary>
        /// <param name="extensions">comma seperated string with extensions</param>
        /// <param name="colorInfo">null by default; will be wildcarded if null</param>
        /// <returns>false if no file exists for any passed-in extensions - extends the ImageTreeFile accordingly otherwise and returns true</returns>
        public bool ExtendToFirstExistingFile(string extensions, ColorInfo colorInfo = null)
            var itf = new ImageTreeFile(FullName);

            itf.Color = colorInfo ?? new ColorInfo("#0DEAD0");
            itf.Ext   = "*";
            var searchPattern = colorInfo == null?itf.NameWithExtension.Replace("_0DEAD0", "*") : itf.NameWithExtension;

            string[] dirEntries = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(Path, searchPattern);
            string[] extArray   = extensions.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (extArray.Length > 0)
                foreach (var dirEntry in dirEntries)
                    itf = new ImageTreeFile(dirEntry);
                    foreach (string extension in extArray)
                        if (extension == itf.Ext)
                            Ext   = extension;
                            Color = itf.Color;
                            if (ImageNumber == NoImageNumber)   // BildInArbeit.tiff requested; BildInArbeit_01.tiff exists => take it
                                ImageNumber = new ImageTreeFile(dirEntry).ImageNumber;
            //catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { }
            //catch (FileNotFoundException) { }
            //catch (Exception) { }
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// creates tiles from a master image; master image stays unaffected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="master">full qualifying name with path</param>
        /// <param name="tileWidth">width of a tile in permille to cut out of the master; 0..1000</param>
        /// <param name="tileHeight">hight of a tile in permille to cut out of the master; 0..1000</param>
        /// <param name="resizeWidth">0 if no resize requested; in px</param>
        /// <param name="resizeHeight">0 if no resize requested; in px</param>
        /// <param name="adaptive">true|false</param>
        /// <param name="quality">ie "95%"</param>
        /// <param name="strip">remove metainfo from tiles if true</param>
        /// <param name="sharpen"></param>
        /// <param name="asharpen"></param>
        /// <param name="unsharp">unsharpmask if sharpening is requested or else null; ie "1.2x0.9+1.5+0.04"</param>
        /// <param name="destFiles">complete path of destination file; has to contain %d</param>
        /// <param name="deleteFirst">true|false</param>
        /// <returns>0 if IM call was successful; else errorcode</returns>
        public int CreateTiles(ImageTreeFile master, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int resizeWidth, int resizeHeight, bool adaptive,
                               string quality, bool strip, string sharpen, string asharpen, string unsharp, ImageTreeFile destFiles, bool deleteFirst)
            System.Drawing.Size size = default(System.Drawing.Size);
            #region delete old tiles if necessary
            if (deleteFirst)
                #region assume that file pattern has to be updated if resizeWidth or resizeHeight are set to 0 (autocalc)
                // code duplication (see below) tolerated as trade-off for better performance
                if (resizeWidth == 0 || resizeHeight == 0)
                    size = GetSize(master.FullName);
                    #region handle no resize requested
                    // this can fail, e.g. if the image size is not integer-dividable by 8 and tile width is requested as 0.125
                    if (resizeWidth == 0)
                        resizeWidth = size.Width / (int)(Math.Round(1000 / (float)tileWidth, 0));
                    if (resizeHeight == 0)
                        resizeHeight = size.Height / (int)(Math.Round(1000 / (float)tileHeight, 0));
                    destFiles.NameExt = resizeWidth.ToString() + "x" + resizeHeight.ToString();
                string[] oldFiles = Directory.GetFiles(destFiles.Path, destFiles.NameWithExtension.Replace("%d", "*"));
                foreach (string oldFile in oldFiles)
                    #region robust delete
#pragma warning disable 0168
                    catch (Exception fileInUse)
                        catch (Exception fileStillInUse)
                            catch (Exception giveItUp)
#pragma warning restore 0168
            else if (File.Exists(destFiles.FullName.Replace("%d", "0"))) // destFiles.NameExt is taken as is - no correction applied if necessary
                return(0);                                               // sb created it before; don't do it again
            if (size.IsEmpty)                                            // otherwise: was done above already (deleteFirst branch); duplicate code tolerated
                size = GetSize(master.FullName);
                #region handle no resize requested
                // this can fail, e.g. if the image size is not integer-dividable by 8 and tile width is requested as 0.125
                if (resizeWidth == 0)
                    resizeWidth = size.Width / (int)(Math.Round(1000 / (float)tileWidth, 0));
                if (resizeHeight == 0)
                    resizeHeight = size.Height / (int)(Math.Round(1000 / (float)tileHeight, 0));
                destFiles.NameExt = resizeWidth.ToString() + "x" + resizeHeight.ToString();
            #region create new fullsize image in the requested size from master and scale up to the implicitely requested total size if necessary
            int    totalWidth  = (int)(Math.Round(1000 / (float)tileWidth, 0) * resizeWidth);
            int    totalHeight = (int)(Math.Round(1000 / (float)tileHeight, 0) * resizeHeight);
            string options     = "";
            //if (totalWidth == 480 && totalHeight == 600 && size.Width == 2080 && size.Height == 2600)   // combination known to create moirees
            //	options += "-filter Mitchell";														  // fixed: don't use -adaptive-resize; configure in template
            if (totalWidth != size.Width || totalHeight != size.Height)
                // scaling of master is necessary - upscaling causes loss of quality
                if (adaptive)
                    options = options + " -adaptive-resize " + totalWidth.ToString() + "x" + totalHeight.ToString();
                    options = options + " -resize " + totalWidth.ToString() + "x" + totalHeight.ToString();
            if (asharpen != null && asharpen.Length > 0)
                options = options + " -adaptive-sharpen " + asharpen;
            else if (sharpen != null && sharpen.Length > 0)
                options = options + " -sharpen " + sharpen;
            else if (unsharp != null && unsharp.Length > 0)
                options = options + " -unsharp " + unsharp;
            if (strip)
                options = "-strip " + options;
            ImageTreeFile total = new ImageTreeFile(destFiles.FullName);
            total.Ext        = "png"; // important decision: tiles go via png (png is under suspicion to have a problem with some red levels)
            total.TileNumber = "all";
            int rc = Convert(options, master.FullName, total.FullName, true);
            #region cut tiles
            if (rc == 0)
                options = "-crop " + resizeWidth.ToString() + "x" + resizeHeight.ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(quality))
                    options = "-quality " + quality + "% " + options;
                rc = Convert(options, total.FullName, destFiles.FullName, true);
            #region clean up
            #region old solution
            // options = "-crop " + w.ToString() + "x" + h.ToString();
            //if (resizeWidth > 0 && resizeHeight > 0)
            //	if (adaptive)
            //		options = options + " -adaptive-resize " + resizeWidth.ToString() + "x" + resizeHeight.ToString();
            //	else options = options + " -resize " + resizeWidth.ToString() + "x" + resizeHeight.ToString();
            //if (asharpen != null && asharpen.Length > 0)
            //	options = options + " -adaptive-sharpen " + asharpen;
            //else if (sharpen != null && sharpen.Length > 0)
            //	options = options + " -sharpen " + sharpen;
            //else if (unsharp != null && unsharp.Length > 0)
            //	options = options + " -unsharp " + unsharp;
            //if (strip)
            //	options = "-strip " + options;
            //if (quality != null && quality.Length > 0)
            //	options = "-quality " + quality + "% " + options;

            //return Convert(options, master, destFiles.FullName, true);
            #region optimization for png images - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
            //idea: apply to all png files in this directory ... or use the same searchPattern as for delete old tiles above
            //if (tSet.Ext == "png" && tSet.Compress)
            //	rc = rc & new ImageMagick().Optipng(dest.FullName);