public static string get_personal_image_address(Guid?applicationId, Guid?userId, bool networkAddress = false, bool highQuality = false) { if (RaaiVanSettings.SAASBasedMultiTenancy) { applicationId = null; } if (!userId.HasValue || userId == Guid.Empty) { string addr = PublicConsts.DefaultProfileImageURL; return(highQuality ? string.Empty : (networkAddress ? addr.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : addr)); } FolderNames folderName = highQuality ? FolderNames.HighQualityProfileImage : FolderNames.ProfileImages; DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = userId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = folderName }; string address = !fi.exists(applicationId) ? (highQuality ? string.Empty : PublicConsts.DefaultProfileImageURL) : fi.url(applicationId); return(networkAddress ? address.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : address); }
public TextExtractionResult Extract(Guid applicationId, DocFileInfo file, ref bool succeed, ref string errorText) { try { AutoDetectParser parser = new AutoDetectParser(); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); ParseContext parseContext = new ParseContext(); Class parserClass = parser.GetType(); parseContext.set(parserClass, parser); byte[] fileContent = file.toByteArray(applicationId); using (InputStream inputStream = TikaInputStream.get(fileContent, metadata)) { parser.parse(inputStream, getTransformerHandler(), metadata, parseContext); inputStream.close(); } return(assembleExtractionResult(_outputWriter.toString(), metadata)); } catch (Exception ex) { errorText = ex.StackTrace.ToString(); succeed = false; return(null); } }
public static string get_application_icon_url(Guid?applicationId, bool highQuality = false, bool networkAddress = false) { FolderNames folderName = highQuality ? FolderNames.HighQualityApplicationIcon : FolderNames.ApplicationIcons; if (!applicationId.HasValue || applicationId == Guid.Empty) { string addr = RaaiVanSettings.LogoMiniURL; return(highQuality ? string.Empty : (networkAddress ? addr.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : addr)); } DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = applicationId, OwnerID = applicationId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = folderName }; string retUrl = fi.exists(applicationId) ? fi.url(applicationId) : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl) && !highQuality) { retUrl = RaaiVanSettings.LogoMiniURL; } return(networkAddress ? retUrl.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : retUrl); }
public static string get_cover_photo_url(Guid?applicationId, Guid?ownerId, bool networkAddress = false, bool highQuality = false) { if (RaaiVanSettings.SAASBasedMultiTenancy) { applicationId = null; } if (!ownerId.HasValue || ownerId == Guid.Empty) { string addr = PublicConsts.DefaultCoverPhotoURL; return(highQuality ? string.Empty : (networkAddress ? addr.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : addr)); } FolderNames folderName = highQuality ? FolderNames.HighQualityCoverPhoto : FolderNames.CoverPhoto; DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = ownerId, OwnerID = ownerId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = folderName }; string retUrl = fi.exists(applicationId) ? fi.url(applicationId) : string.Empty; return(networkAddress ? retUrl.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : retUrl); }
public static bool create_icon(Guid?applicationId, Guid iconId, IconType iconType, byte[] fileContent, ref string errorMessage, ref IconMeta meta) { int width = 100, height = 100, highQualityWidth = 600, highQualityHeight = 600; FolderNames imageFolder = FolderNames.ProfileImages, highQualityImageFolder = FolderNames.HighQualityProfileImage; bool isValid = DocumentUtilities.get_icon_parameters(applicationId, iconType, ref width, ref height, ref highQualityWidth, ref highQualityHeight, ref imageFolder, ref highQualityImageFolder); if (!isValid) { return(false); } DocFileInfo highQualityFile = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = iconId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = highQualityImageFolder }; DocFileInfo file = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = iconId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = imageFolder }; byte[] hqContent = new byte[0]; bool succeed = RVGraphics.make_thumbnail(applicationId, fileContent, highQualityFile, ref hqContent, highQualityWidth, highQualityHeight, width, height, ref errorMessage, highQualityFile.Extension, dontStore: false); return(succeed && hqContent != null && hqContent.Length > 0 && RVGraphics.extract_thumbnail(applicationId, highQualityFile, hqContent, file, -1, -1, -1, -1, width, height, ref errorMessage, ref meta)); }
public static string get_icon_url(Guid applicationId, Guid ownerId, DefaultIconTypes defaultIcon = DefaultIconTypes.Node, Guid?alternateOwnerId = null, bool networkAddress = false) { if (ownerId == Guid.Empty) { return(string.Empty); } DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = ownerId, OwnerID = ownerId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = FolderNames.Icons }; string retUrl = fi.exists(applicationId) ? fi.url(applicationId) : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl) && alternateOwnerId.HasValue) { fi.FileID = alternateOwnerId; retUrl = fi.exists(applicationId) ? fi.url(applicationId) : string.Empty; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl) && defaultIcon != DefaultIconTypes.None) { retUrl = get_icon_url(applicationId, defaultIcon); } return(networkAddress ? retUrl.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : retUrl); }
public static string ExtractFileContent(Guid applicationId, DocFileInfo file, ref string errorText) { bool succeed = true; TextExtractor textExtractor = new TextExtractor(); TextExtractionResult result = textExtractor.Extract(applicationId, file, ref succeed, ref errorText); if (!succeed) { return(string.Empty); } if (result.ContentType == "application/pdf") { string text = result.Text.ToString(); text = text.Replace(')', ' '); text = text.Replace('(', ' '); text = text.Replace('.', ' '); text = text.Replace(',', ' '); text = text.Replace('?', ' '); text = text.Replace('\n', ' '); text = text.Replace('\r', ' '); string[] words = text.ToString().Split(' '); text = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { if (words[i].Length > 1) { if ((words[i][0] >= 'A' && words[i][0] <= 'Z') || (words[i][0] >= 'a' && words[i][0] <= 'z') || (words[i][0] >= '0' && words[i][0] <= '9')) { char[] cArray = words[i].ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(cArray); text += (new string(cArray) + " "); } else { text += (words[i] + " "); } } else { text += (words[i] + " "); } } return(text.Trim()); } else { return(result.Text.Trim()); } }
public static bool extract_thumbnail(Guid?applicationId, DocFileInfo sourceFile, byte[] sourceContent, DocFileInfo destFile, int x, int y, int width, int height, int thumbnailWidth, int thumbnailHeight, ref string message, ref IconMeta meta) { try { if (sourceFile == null || sourceContent == null || sourceContent.Length == 0) { return(false); } destFile.Extension = "jpg"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFile.Extension) && sourceFile.Extension != "jpg") { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(sourceContent)) using (MemoryStream newSt = new MemoryStream()) using (Image img = Bitmap.FromStream(stream)) { img.Save(newSt, ImageFormat.Jpeg); img.Dispose(); //sourceFile.delete(applicationId); sourceFile.Extension = "jpg"; sourceContent = newSt.ToArray(); //, newSt.ToArray()); } } Image retImage = null; if (extract_thumbnail(applicationId, sourceFile, sourceContent, destFile, x, y, width, height, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, ref retImage, ref message, ref meta)) { using (MemoryStream st = new MemoryStream()) { retImage.Save(st, ImageFormat.Jpeg); retImage.Dispose();, st.ToArray()); } } return(true); } catch { message = "{\"ErrorText\":\"" + Messages.OperationFailed.ToString() + "\"}"; return(false); } }
public static bool picture_exists(Guid applicationId, Guid pictureId) { if (pictureId == Guid.Empty) { return(false); } DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = pictureId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = FolderNames.Pictures }; return(fi.exists(applicationId)); }
private static string _get_email_template(Guid?applicationId, string templateType) { if (RaaiVanSettings.SAASBasedMultiTenancy) { applicationId = null; } DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileName = templateType, Extension = "txt", FolderName = FolderNames.EmailTemplates }; return(fi.exists(applicationId) ? fi.get_text_content(applicationId) : (applicationId.HasValue ? _get_email_template(null, templateType) : string.Empty)); }
public static bool icon_exists(Guid applicationId, Guid ownerId) { if (ownerId == Guid.Empty) { return(false); } DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = ownerId, OwnerID = ownerId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = FolderNames.Icons }; return(fi.exists(applicationId)); }
public static List <DocFileInfo> get_files_info(string strFiles) { List <DocFileInfo> retList = new List <DocFileInfo>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFiles)) { return(retList); } Dictionary <string, object> dic = PublicMethods.fromJSON("{\"Items\":" + Base64.decode(strFiles) + "}"); if (!dic.ContainsKey("Items")) { return(retList); } if (dic["Items"].GetType() == typeof(Dictionary <string, object>)) { DocFileInfo fi = _get_file_info((Dictionary <string, object>)dic["Items"]); if (fi != null) { retList.Add(fi); } } else if (dic["Items"].GetType() == typeof(ArrayList)) { foreach (object obj in (ArrayList)dic["Items"]) { Dictionary <string, object> f = obj.GetType() == typeof(string) ? PublicMethods.fromJSON((string)obj) : (obj.GetType() == typeof(Dictionary <string, object>) ? (Dictionary <string, object>)obj : null); DocFileInfo fi = f == null ? null : _get_file_info(f); if (fi != null) { retList.Add(fi); } } } return(retList); }
protected static DocFileInfo _get_file_info(Dictionary <string, object> dic) { if (dic == null) { return(null); } Guid? fileId = !dic.ContainsKey("FileID") ? null : PublicMethods.parse_guid(dic["FileID"].ToString()); string extension = !dic.ContainsKey("Extension") ? null : PublicMethods.parse_string(dic["Extension"].ToString()); string fileName = !dic.ContainsKey("FileName") ? null : PublicMethods.parse_string(dic["FileName"].ToString()); long? size = !dic.ContainsKey("Size") ? null : PublicMethods.parse_long(dic["Size"].ToString()); Guid? ownerId = !dic.ContainsKey("OwnerID") ? null : PublicMethods.parse_guid(dic["OwnerID"].ToString()); FileOwnerTypes ownerType = FileOwnerTypes.None; if (dic.ContainsKey("OwnerType")) { Enum.TryParse <FileOwnerTypes>(dic["OwnerType"].ToString(), true, out ownerType); } DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = fileId, FileName = fileName, Extension = extension, Size = size }; if (ownerId.HasValue && ownerId != Guid.Empty) { fi.OwnerID = ownerId; } if (ownerType != FileOwnerTypes.None) { fi.OwnerType = ownerType; } return(!fileId.HasValue ? null : fi); }
public static string get_icon_url(Guid applicationId, Guid ownerId, string extension, bool highQuality = false, bool networkAddress = false) { if (ownerId == Guid.Empty) { return(string.Empty); } FolderNames folderName = highQuality ? FolderNames.HighQualityIcon : FolderNames.Icons; DocFileInfo fi = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = ownerId, OwnerID = ownerId, Extension = "jpg", FolderName = folderName }; string retUrl = fi.exists(applicationId) ? fi.url(applicationId) : (highQuality ? string.Empty : get_icon_url(applicationId, DefaultIconTypes.Extension, extension)); return(networkAddress ? retUrl.Replace("../..", RaaiVanSettings.RaaiVanURL(applicationId)) : retUrl); }
public static bool make_thumbnail(Guid?applicationId, byte[] sourceContent, DocFileInfo destFile, ref byte[] destContent, int width, int height, int minWidth, int minHeight, ref string errorMessage, string forceExtension = null, bool stretch = false, bool dontStore = false) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forceExtension)) { destFile.Extension = forceExtension; } if (sourceContent == null || sourceContent.Length == 0) { return(false); } Image retImage = null; try { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(sourceContent)) using (Image img = Bitmap.FromStream(stream)) { bool result = make_thumbnail(img, width, height, minWidth, minHeight, ref retImage, ref errorMessage, stretch); if (img != null) { img.Dispose(); } if (!result) { if (retImage != null) { retImage.Dispose(); } if (img != null) { retImage.Dispose(); } return(false); } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { retImage.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg); retImage.Dispose(); img.Dispose(); destContent = ms.ToArray(); if (!dontStore) {, destContent); } } return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public static DocFileInfo decode_base64_file_content(Guid applicationId, Guid?ownerId, string base64FileContent, FileOwnerTypes ownerType) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64FileContent)) { return(null); } byte[] theData = null; try { theData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64FileContent); } catch { return(null); } int FIXED_HEADER = 16; DocFileInfo ret = new DocFileInfo() { FileID = Guid.NewGuid(), OwnerID = ownerId, OwnerType = ownerType, FolderName = FolderNames.TemporaryFiles }; try { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(theData)) { using (BinaryReader theReader = new BinaryReader(ms)) { //Position the reader to get the file size. byte[] headerData = new byte[FIXED_HEADER]; headerData = theReader.ReadBytes(headerData.Length); ret.Size = (int)theReader.ReadUInt32(); int fileNameLength = (int)theReader.ReadUInt32() * 2; if (fileNameLength <= 0 || fileNameLength > 255) { throw new Exception("what the fuzz!!"); } byte[] fileNameBytes = theReader.ReadBytes(fileNameLength); //InfoPath uses UTF8 encoding. Encoding enc = Encoding.Unicode; string fullFileName = enc.GetString(fileNameBytes, 0, fileNameLength - 2); int dotIndex = fullFileName.LastIndexOf("."); if (dotIndex > 0 && dotIndex < (fullFileName.Length - 1)) { ret.Extension = fullFileName.Substring(dotIndex + 1); } ret.FileName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret.Extension) ? fullFileName : fullFileName.Substring(0, dotIndex); byte[] fileBytes = theReader.ReadBytes((int)ret.Size.Value); if (!, fileBytes)) { return(null); } } } return(ret); } catch (Exception ex) { //maybe the file is a base64 image!! try { Image img = PublicMethods.image_from_byte_array(theData); if (img == null) { return(null); } byte[] imageBytes = PublicMethods.image_to_byte_array(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); if (imageBytes == null || imageBytes.Length == 0) { return(null); } ret.Size = imageBytes.Length; ret.FileName = "img"; ret.Extension = "jpg"; if (!, imageBytes)) { return(null); } return(ret); } catch { return(null); } } }
public static bool extract_thumbnail(Guid?applicationId, DocFileInfo sourceFile, byte[] sourceContent, DocFileInfo destFile, int x, int y, int width, int height, int thumbnailWidth, int thumbnailHeight, ref Image retImage, ref string message, ref IconMeta meta) { try { if (sourceContent == null || sourceContent.Length == 0) { return(false); } bool result = true; using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(sourceContent)) using (Bitmap image = Bitmap.FromStream(stream) as Bitmap) { if (image.Width < thumbnailWidth || image.Height < thumbnailHeight) { message = "{\"ErrorText\":\"" + Messages.ImageSizeIsNotValid.ToString() + "\"}"; image.Dispose(); return(false); } if (x < 0 || y < 0 || width <= 0 || height <= 0) { double aspectRatio = (double)thumbnailWidth / (double)thumbnailHeight; int min = ((double)image.Width / (double)thumbnailWidth) < ((double)image.Height / (double)thumbnailHeight) ? image.Width : image.Height; if (min == image.Width) { width = image.Width; height = (int)Math.Floor((double)width / aspectRatio); } else { height = image.Height; width = (int)Math.Floor((double)height * aspectRatio); } x = (image.Width - width) / 2; y = (image.Height - height) / 2; } meta = new IconMeta() { X = x, Y = y, Width = width, Height = height, Icon = destFile, HighQualityIcon = sourceFile }; message = meta.toJson(applicationId); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); using (Bitmap target = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height)) { Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target); g.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height), rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); result = make_thumbnail(target as Image, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, 0, 0, ref retImage, ref message, true); } if (!result) { message = "{\"ErrorText\":\"" + Messages.OperationFailed + "\"}"; } return(result); } } catch { message = "{\"ErrorText\":\"" + Messages.OperationFailed + "\"}"; return(false); } }