public CorruptCloudGameData(StashKey key) { PathEntry pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[Global.Game.System, "Savestates"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[Global.Game.System, "Base"]; fileHash = Global.Game.Hash; originalFileName = GlobalWin.MainForm.CurrentlyOpenRom; if (originalFileName.IndexOf("\\") != -1) { originalFileName = originalFileName.Substring(originalFileName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); } originalGameName = PathManager.FilesystemSafeName(Global.Game); originalGameSystem = RTC_Core.EmuFolderCheck(pathEntry.SystemDisplayName); if (key.ParentKey == null) { originalKey = key.Key; } else { originalKey = key.ParentKey; } string originalSavestateFilename = key.GameName + "." + key.ParentKey + ".timejump.State"; // get savestate name originalSavestate = File.ReadAllBytes(RTC_Core.bizhawkDir + "\\" + key.GameSystem + "\\State\\" + originalSavestateFilename); originalKey = RTC_Core.GetRandomKey(); }
public static void RenameVMD(string vmdName) { if (!RTC_MemoryDomains.VmdPool.ContainsKey(vmdName)) { return; } RTC_Core.StopSound(); string Name = ""; string value = ""; if (RTC_Extensions.getInputBox("BlastLayer to VMD", "Enter the new VMD name:", ref value) == DialogResult.OK) { Name = value.Trim(); RTC_Core.StartSound(); } else { RTC_Core.StartSound(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name)) { Name = RTC_Core.GetRandomKey(); } VirtualMemoryDomain VMD = (VirtualMemoryDomain)RTC_MemoryDomains.VmdPool[vmdName]; RemoveVMD(VMD); = Name; VMD.proto.VmdName = Name; AddVMD(VMD); }
public void StartRender() { if (!rbRenderNone.Checked) // Render Output { string Key = "RENDER_"; if (cbRenderAtLoad.Checked && RTC_Core.currentStashkey != null) { Key += RTC_Core.currentStashkey.Alias; } else { Key += RTC_Core.GetRandomKey(); } if (rbRenderWAV.Checked) { GlobalWin.MainForm._RecordAv("wave", RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\RENDEROUTPUT\\" + Key + ".wav", true); } if (rbRenderAVI.Checked) { GlobalWin.MainForm._RecordAv("vfwavi", RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\RENDEROUTPUT\\" + Key + ".avi", true); } if (rbRenderMPEG.Checked) { GlobalWin.MainForm._RecordAv("ffmpeg", RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\RENDEROUTPUT/" + Key + ".mpg", true); } btnStopRender.Visible = true; btnStartRender.Visible = false; } }
public static void AddDump() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); if (ActiveTableDumps == null) { return; } List <byte> newDump = new List <byte>(); for (long i = 0; i < RTC_Core.hexeditor._domain.Size; i++) { newDump.Add(RTC_Core.hexeditor._domain.PeekByte(i)); } string key = RTC_Core.GetRandomKey(); File.WriteAllBytes(RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\MEMORYDUMPS\\" + key + ".dmp", newDump.ToArray()); ActiveTableDumps.Add(key); RTC_Core.coreForm.lbFreezeEngineNbDumps.Text = "Memory dumps collected: " + ActiveTableDumps.Count.ToString(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); }
public static BlastCheat GenerateUnit(string _domain, long _address) { try { BizHawk.Client.Common.DisplayType _displaytype = BizHawk.Client.Common.DisplayType.Unsigned; bool _bigEndian = false; int _value = 0; long Address = 0; if (RTC_Core.coreForm.cbFreezeEngineActive.Checked && ActiveTableReady) { Address = GetAdressFromActiveTable(); } else { Address = RTC_Core.LongRandom(RTC_Core.hexeditor._domain.Size); } return(new BlastCheat(_domain, Address, _displaytype, _bigEndian, _value, true, true)); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong in the RTC Freeze Engine. \n" + "This is not a BizHawk error so you should probably send a screenshot of this to the devs\n\n" + ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
private void RTC_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnLogo.Text = " Version " + RTC_Core.RtcVersion; if (!RTC_Params.IsParamSet("DISCLAIMER_READ")) { MessageBox.Show(File.ReadAllText(RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\LICENSES\\DISCLAIMER.TXT").Replace("[ver]", RTC_Core.RtcVersion), "RTC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); RTC_Params.SetParam("DISCLAIMER_READ"); } RTC_Core.CheckForProblematicProcesses(); if (RTC_Core.isStandalone) { GhostBoxInvisible(btnEasyMode); GhostBoxInvisible(btnEngineConfig); GhostBoxInvisible(btnGlitchHarvester); GhostBoxInvisible(btnStockpilePlayer); GhostBoxInvisible(btnRTCMultiplayer); GhostBoxInvisible(btnManualBlast); GhostBoxInvisible(btnAutoCorrupt); GhostBoxInvisible(pnCrashProtection); } else { btnEngineConfig_Click(sender, e); pnCrashProtectionUnavailable.Visible = true; } }
private void RTC_Form_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (!RTC_Core.isStandalone && e.CloseReason != CloseReason.FormOwnerClosing) { e.Cancel = true; this.Hide(); return; } else if (RTC_Core.isStandalone) { if (RTC_StockpileManager.unsavedEdits && !RTC_Core.isClosing && MessageBox.Show("You have unsaved edits in the Glitch Harvester Stockpile. \n\n Are you sure you want to close RTC without saving?", "Unsaved edits in Stockpile", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { e.Cancel = true; return; } if (RTC_Core.RemoteRTC_SupposedToBeConnected) { RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_EVENT_CLOSEBIZHAWK)); Thread.Sleep(1000); } RTC_Core.CloseAllRtcForms(); } }
public static bool ApplyStashkey(StashKey sk, bool _loadBeforeOperation = true) { PreApplyStashkey(); var token = RTC_NetCore.HugeOperationStart("LAZY"); if (loadBeforeOperation && _loadBeforeOperation) { if (!LoadStateAndBlastLayer(sk)) { RTC_NetCore.HugeOperationEnd(token); return(isCorruptionApplied); } } else { RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.BLAST) { blastlayer = sk.BlastLayer, isReplay = true }); } RTC_NetCore.HugeOperationEnd(token); isCorruptionApplied = (sk.BlastLayer != null && sk.BlastLayer.Layer.Count > 0); PostApplyStashkey(); return(isCorruptionApplied); }
private void cbBlastRadius_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (cbBlastRadius.SelectedItem.ToString()) { case "SPREAD": RTC_Core.Radius = BlastRadius.SPREAD; break; case "CHUNK": RTC_Core.Radius = BlastRadius.CHUNK; break; case "BURST": RTC_Core.Radius = BlastRadius.BURST; break; case "NORMALIZED": RTC_Core.Radius = BlastRadius.NORMALIZED; break; case "PROPORTIONAL": RTC_Core.Radius = BlastRadius.PROPORTIONAL; break; case "EVEN": RTC_Core.Radius = BlastRadius.EVEN; break; } RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_BLASTRADIUS) { objectValue = RTC_Core.Radius }); }
public static void ClearPipes(bool sync = false) { if (!LockPipes) { RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_PIPE_CLEARPIPES), sync); } }
public static void LoadDefaultRom() { //Loads a NES-based title screen. //Can be overriden by putting a file named "overridedefault.nes" in the ASSETS folder int newNumber = lastLoaderRom; while (newNumber == lastLoaderRom) { newNumber = RTC_Core.RND.Next(1, 17); if (newNumber != lastLoaderRom) { if (File.Exists(RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\ASSETS\\" + "overridedefault.nes")) { RTC_Core.LoadRom(RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\ASSETS\\" + "overridedefault.nes"); } else { RTC_Core.LoadRom(RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\ASSETS\\" + newNumber.ToString() + "default.nes"); } lastLoaderRom = newNumber; break; } } }
static void STEP_CORRUPT(bool _isRewinding, bool _isFastForwarding, bool _isPaused) { if (DisableRTC) { return; } if (!_isRewinding && !_isPaused) { if (RTC_PipeEngine.ProcessOnStep) { RTC_PipeEngine.ExecutePipes(); } } if (_isRewinding || _isFastForwarding || _isPaused) { return; } CPU_STEP_Count++; if (RTC_Core.AutoCorrupt && CPU_STEP_Count >= RTC_Core.ErrorDelay) { CPU_STEP_Count = 0; BlastLayer bl = RTC_Core.Blast(null, RTC_MemoryDomains.SelectedDomains); if (bl != null) { bl.Apply(); } } }
public static void StartRender_NET() { isRendering = true; if (lastType == RENDERTYPE.NONE) { return; } string Key = "RENDER_" + (RTC_Core.GetRandomKey()); if (lastType == RENDERTYPE.WAV) { GlobalWin.MainForm.RecordAvBase("wave", RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\RENDEROUTPUT\\" + Key + ".wav", true); } else if (lastType == RENDERTYPE.AVI) { try { GlobalWin.MainForm.RecordAvBase("vfwavi", RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\RENDEROUTPUT\\" + Key + ".avi", true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Rendering AVI Failed. \nIf you haven't already, you need to set a codec in bizhawk before starting an AVI Render. \nThe menu for config is at: File -> AVI/WAV -> Config.\n\n" + ex.ToString()); } } else if (lastType == RENDERTYPE.MPEG) { GlobalWin.MainForm.RecordAvBase("ffmpeg", RTC_Core.rtcDir + "\\RENDEROUTPUT\\" + Key + ".mpg", true); } RTC_Core.SendCommandToRTC(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_RENDER_STARTED)); }
private void cbCustomPrecision_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cbCustomPrecision.SelectedIndex != -1) { cbUseCustomPrecision.Checked = true; switch (cbCustomPrecision.SelectedIndex) { case 0: RTC_Core.CustomPrecision = 1; break; case 1: RTC_Core.CustomPrecision = 2; break; case 2: RTC_Core.CustomPrecision = 4; break; } RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_CUSTOMPRECISION) { objectValue = RTC_Core.CustomPrecision }); } }
public static object GetValue(Guid WatchedGuid, CommandType type) { //await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => WaitForValue(WatchedGuid)); Console.WriteLine("GetValue:Awaiting -> " + type.ToString()); maxtries = 0; while (!SyncReturns.ContainsKey(WatchedGuid) && maxtries < RTC_NetCore.DefaultMaxRetries) { maxtries++; //WaitMiliseconds(2); if (maxtries % 100 == 0) { RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.BOOP)); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } Thread.Sleep(2); } if (maxtries >= RTC_NetCore.DefaultMaxRetries) { //MessageBox.Show("An inter-thread synchronous method has timed before a response arrived. Aborting current procedure."); return(null); } object ret = SyncReturns[WatchedGuid]; SyncReturns.Remove(WatchedGuid); Console.WriteLine("GetValue:Returned -> " + type.ToString()); return(ret); }
public static StashKey SaveState(bool SendToStashDico, StashKey _sk = null, bool sync = true) { return((StashKey)RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SAVESTATE) { objectValue = new object[] { SendToStashDico, _sk } }, sync)); }
public static bool LoadState(StashKey sk, bool ReloadRom = true, bool applyBlastLayer = true) { return((bool)RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_LOADSTATE) { objectValue = new object[] { sk, ReloadRom, false, applyBlastLayer } }, true)); }
public static void LoadRom_NET(string RomFile) { // -> EmuHawk Process only //Loads a rom inside Bizhawk from a Filename. RTC_Core.StopSound(); var args = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.LoadRomArgs(); if (RomFile == null) { RomFile = GlobalWin.MainForm.CurrentlyOpenRom; } var lra = new BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.LoadRomArgs { OpenAdvanced = new OpenAdvanced_OpenRom { Path = RomFile } }; RTC_Hooks.AllowCaptureRewindState = false; GlobalWin.MainForm.LoadRom(RomFile, lra); RTC_Hooks.AllowCaptureRewindState = true; RTC_Core.StartSound(); }
public static void CLOSE_GAME(bool loadDefault = false) { if (DisableRTC) { return; } if (CLOSE_GAME_loop_flag == true) { return; } CLOSE_GAME_loop_flag = true; //RTC_Core.AutoCorrupt = false; RTC_PipeEngine.ClearPipes(); RTC_MemoryDomains.Clear(); RTC_Core.lastOpenRom = null; if (loadDefault) { RTC_Core.LoadDefaultRom(); } //RTC_RPC.SendToKillSwitch("UNFREEZE"); CLOSE_GAME_loop_flag = false; }
private void nmMaxPipes_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RTC_PipeEngine.MaxPipes = Convert.ToInt32(nmMaxPipes.Value); RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_PIPE_MAXPIPES) { objectValue = RTC_PipeEngine.MaxPipes }); }
private void cbGenerateChainedPipes_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RTC_PipeEngine.ChainedPipes = cbGenerateChainedPipes.Checked; RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_PIPE_CHAINEDPIPES) { objectValue = RTC_PipeEngine.ChainedPipes }); }
private void cbProcessOnStep_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RTC_PipeEngine.ProcessOnStep = cbProcessOnStep.Checked; RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_PIPE_PROCESSONSTEP) { objectValue = RTC_PipeEngine.ProcessOnStep }); }
private void nmDistortionDelay_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RTC_DistortionEngine.MaxAge = Convert.ToInt32(nmDistortionDelay.Value); RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_DISTORTION_DELAY) { objectValue = RTC_DistortionEngine.MaxAge }); }
private void cbLockPipes_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RTC_PipeEngine.LockPipes = cbLockPipes.Checked; RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_PIPE_LOCKPIPES) { objectValue = RTC_PipeEngine.LockPipes }); }
private void nmTiltPipeValue_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RTC_PipeEngine.tiltValue = Convert.ToInt32(nmTiltPipeValue.Value); RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_PIPE_TILTVALUE) { objectValue = RTC_PipeEngine.tiltValue }); }
private void cbClearPipesOnRewind_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RTC_Core.ClearPipesOnRewind = cbClearPipesOnRewind.Checked; RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_SET_PIPE_CLEARPIPESREWIND) { objectValue = RTC_Core.ClearPipesOnRewind }); }
public static bool LoadStateAndBlastLayer(StashKey sk, bool ReloadRom = true) { object returnValue = RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_LOADSTATE) { objectValue = new object[] { sk, ReloadRom, (sk.BlastLayer != null && sk.BlastLayer.Layer.Count > 0) } }, true); return(returnValue != null ? (bool)returnValue : false); }
public static void MAINFORM_CLOSING() { if (DisableRTC) { return; } RTC_Core.CloseAllRtcForms(); }
public void RunOriginal() { if (RTC_Core.currentGameSystem != RTC_Core.currentStashkey.GameSystem || RTC_Core.currentGameName != RTC_Core.currentStashkey.GameName) { RTC_Core.LoadRom(RTC_Core.currentStashkey.RomFile); } RTC_Core.ghForm.LoadState(ParentKey, RTC_Core.currentStashkey.GameSystem, RTC_Core.currentStashkey.GameName); }
public static void BIZHAWK_SAVE_CONFIG() { if (DisableRTC) { return; } RTC_Core.SendCommandToBizhawk(new RTC_Command(CommandType.REMOTE_EVENT_SAVEBIZHAWKCONFIG)); }