예제 #1
        static Vector2 GetTexCoord(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int index)
            int     iF, iI;
            Vector2 res = new Vector2();

            IndexToData(out iF, out iI, index);
            res = context.m_pInterface.m_getTexCoord(ref context, iF, iI);
예제 #2
        static Vector3 GetNormal(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int index)
            int     iF, iI;
            Vector3 res = new Vector3();

            IndexToData(out iF, out iI, index);
            res = context.m_pInterface.m_getNormal(ref context, iF, iI);
예제 #3
        public static void GenTangents(Mesh m)
            SMikkTSpaceContext ctx = new SMikkTSpaceContext()
                m_pInterface = new SMikkTSpaceInterface(),
                m_pUserdata  = m

            genTangSpaceDefault(ref ctx);
예제 #4
        public static void GenTangents(Mesh m, float angularThreshold)
            SMikkTSpaceContext ctx = new SMikkTSpaceContext()
                m_pInterface = new SMikkTSpaceInterface(),
                m_pUserdata  = m

            genTangSpace(ref ctx, angularThreshold);
예제 #5
        static float CalcTexArea(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int[] indices, int offset)
            Vector2 t1 = GetTexCoord(ref context, indices[offset + 0]);
            Vector2 t2 = GetTexCoord(ref context, indices[offset + 1]);
            Vector2 t3 = GetTexCoord(ref context, indices[offset + 2]);

            Vector2 t2x = t2 - t1;
            Vector2 t3x = t3 - t1;

            float fSignedAreaSTx2 = t2x.X * t3x.Y - t2x.Y * t3x.X;

            return(fSignedAreaSTx2 < 0 ? (-fSignedAreaSTx2) : fSignedAreaSTx2);
예제 #6
        static void InitTriInfo(ref STriInfo[] pTriInfos, int[] pTriListIn, ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int iNrTrianglesIn)
            int f = 0, i = 0;

            for (f = 0; f < iNrTrianglesIn; ++f)
                pTriInfos[f].faceNeighbors = new int[3];
                pTriInfos[f].AssignedGroup = new SGroup[3];

                for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    pTriInfos[f].faceNeighbors[i] = -1;
                    pTriInfos[f].iFlag           |= GROUP_WITH_ANY;

            for (f = 0; f < iNrTrianglesIn; ++f)
                Vector3 v1 = GetPosition(ref context, pTriListIn[f * 3]);
                Vector3 v2 = GetPosition(ref context, pTriListIn[f * 3 + 1]);
                Vector3 v3 = GetPosition(ref context, pTriListIn[f * 3 + 2]);
                Vector2 t1 = GetTexCoord(ref context, pTriListIn[f * 3]);
                Vector2 t2 = GetTexCoord(ref context, pTriListIn[f * 3 + 1]);
                Vector2 t3 = GetTexCoord(ref context, pTriListIn[f * 3 + 2]);

                Vector2 t2x = t2 - t1;
                Vector2 t3x = t3 - t1;

                Vector3 d1 = v2 - v1;
                Vector3 d2 = v3 - v1;

                float signedAreasSTx2 = t2x.X * t3x.Y - t2x.Y * t3x.X;

                Vector3 vOs = d1 * t3x.Y - d2 * t2x.Y;
                Vector3 vOt = d1 * -t3x.X - d2 * t2x.X;

                pTriInfos[f].iFlag |= (signedAreasSTx2 > 0 ? ORIENT_PRESERVING : 0);

                if (NotZero(signedAreasSTx2))
                    float fAbsArea = Math.Abs(signedAreasSTx2);
                    float fLenOs   = vOs.Length;
                    float fLenOt   = vOt.Length;
                    float fS       = ((pTriInfos[f].iFlag & ORIENT_PRESERVING) == 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
                    if (NotZero(fLenOs))
                        pTriInfos[f].vOs = fS / fLenOs * vOs;
                    if (NotZero(fLenOt))
                        pTriInfos[f].vOt = fS / fLenOt * vOt;

                    pTriInfos[f].fMagS = fLenOs / fAbsArea;
                    pTriInfos[f].fMagT = fLenOt / fAbsArea;

                    if (NotZero(pTriInfos[f].fMagS) && NotZero(pTriInfos[f].fMagT))
                        pTriInfos[f].iFlag &= (~GROUP_WITH_ANY);
                SEdge[] pEdges = new SEdge[iNrTrianglesIn * 3];
                //build neighbors fast
                BuildNeighborsFast(ref pTriInfos, ref pEdges, pTriListIn, iNrTrianglesIn);
예제 #7
        public Vector3 m_getNormal(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int iFace, int iVert)
            Mesh m = context.m_pUserdata as Mesh;

            return(m.GetNormal(iFace, iVert));
예제 #8
        static bool GenerateTSpaces(ref STSpace[] psTspace, ref STriInfo[] pTriInfos, SGroup[] pGroups, int iNrActiveGroups, int[] piTriListIn, int[] pGroupTriangleBuffer, float fThresCos, ref SMikkTSpaceContext context)
            STSpace[]   pSubGroupTSpace = null;
            SSubGroup[] pUniSubGroups = null;
            int[]       pTmpMembers = null;
            int         iMaxNrFaces = 0, iUniqueTSpaces = 0, g = 0, i = 0;

            for (g = 0; g < iNrActiveGroups; ++g)
                if (iMaxNrFaces < pGroups[g].iNrFaces)
                    iMaxNrFaces = pGroups[g].iNrFaces;

            if (iMaxNrFaces == 0)

            pSubGroupTSpace = new STSpace[iMaxNrFaces];
            pUniSubGroups   = new SSubGroup[iMaxNrFaces];
            pTmpMembers     = new int[iMaxNrFaces];

            iUniqueTSpaces = 0;
            for (g = 0; g < iNrActiveGroups; ++g)
                int iUniqueSubGroups = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < pGroups[g].iNrFaces; ++i)
                    int       f = pGroupTriangleBuffer[pGroups[g].faceOffset];
                    int       index = -1, iVertIndex = -1, iOF_1 = -1, iMembers = 0, j = 0, l = 0;
                    SSubGroup tmp_group;
                    bool      bFound = false;
                    Vector3   n = Vector3.Zero, vOs = Vector3.Zero, vOt = Vector3.Zero;
                    if (pTriInfos[f].AssignedGroup[0] == pGroups[g])
                        index = 0;
                    else if (pTriInfos[f].AssignedGroup[1] == pGroups[g])
                        index = 1;
                    else if (pTriInfos[f].AssignedGroup[2] == pGroups[g])
                        index = 2;

                    iVertIndex = piTriListIn[f * 3 + index];

                    n = GetNormal(ref context, iVertIndex);

                    vOs = pTriInfos[f].vOs - (Vector3.Dot(n, pTriInfos[f].vOs) * n);
                    vOt = pTriInfos[f].vOt - (Vector3.Dot(n, pTriInfos[f].vOt) * n);
                    if (VNotZero(ref vOs))
                    if (VNotZero(ref vOt))

                    iOF_1 = pTriInfos[f].iOrgFaceNumber;

                    iMembers = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < pGroups[g].iNrFaces; ++j)
                        int t     = pGroupTriangleBuffer[pGroups[g].faceOffset + j];
                        int iOf_2 = pTriInfos[t].iOrgFaceNumber;

                        Vector3 vOs2 = (pTriInfos[t].vOs - (Vector3.Dot(n, pTriInfos[t].vOs) * n));
                        Vector3 vOt2 = (pTriInfos[t].vOt - (Vector3.Dot(n, pTriInfos[t].vOt) * n));

                        if (VNotZero(ref vOs2))
                        if (VNotZero(ref vOt2))

                            bool bAny         = ((pTriInfos[f].iFlag | pTriInfos[t].iFlag) & GROUP_WITH_ANY) != 0;
                            bool bSameOrgFace = iOF_1 == iOf_2;

                            float fCosS = Vector3.Dot(vOs, vOs2);
                            float fCosT = Vector3.Dot(vOt, vOt2);

                            if (bAny || bSameOrgFace || (fCosS > fThresCos && fCosT > fThresCos))
                                pTmpMembers[iMembers++] = t;

                    tmp_group.iNrFaces   = iMembers;
                    tmp_group.triMembers = new List <int>(pTmpMembers);
                    if (iMembers > 1)

                    bFound = false;
                    l      = 0;
                    while (l < iUniqueSubGroups && !bFound)
                        bFound = CompareSubGroups(ref tmp_group, ref pUniSubGroups[l]);
                        if (!bFound)

                    if (!bFound)
                        pUniSubGroups[iUniqueSubGroups].iNrFaces   = iMembers;
                        pUniSubGroups[iUniqueSubGroups].triMembers = new List <int>(tmp_group.triMembers);
                        pSubGroupTSpace[iUniqueSubGroups]          = EvalTspace(tmp_group.triMembers, iMembers, piTriListIn, ref pTriInfos, ref context, pGroups[g].iVertex);

                        int iOffs = pTriInfos[f].iTSpacesOffs;
                        int iVert = pTriInfos[f].vert_num[index];
                        if (psTspace[iOffs + iVert].iCounter == 1)
                            psTspace[iOffs + iVert]          = AvgTSpace(ref psTspace[iOffs + iVert], ref pSubGroupTSpace[l]);
                            psTspace[iOffs + iVert].iCounter = 2;
                            psTspace[iOffs + iVert].bOrient  = pGroups[g].bOrientPreservering;
                            psTspace[iOffs + iVert]          = pSubGroupTSpace[l];
                            psTspace[iOffs + iVert].iCounter = 1;
                            psTspace[iOffs + iVert].bOrient  = pGroups[g].bOrientPreservering;

                iUniqueTSpaces += iUniqueSubGroups;

예제 #9
        public int m_getNumFaces(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context)
            Mesh m = context.m_pUserdata as Mesh;

예제 #10
        static void MergeVertsFast(int[] piTriList_in_and_out, ref STmpVert[] pTmpVert, ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int iL_in, int iR_in)
            int c = 0, l = 0, channel = 0;

            float[] fvMin = new float[3], fvMax = new float[3];
            float   dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = 0, fSep = 0;

            for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                fvMin[c] = pTmpVert[iL_in].vert[c]; fvMax[c] = fvMin[c];
            for (l = (iL_in + 1); l <= iR_in; l++)
                for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                    if (fvMin[c] > pTmpVert[l].vert[c])
                        fvMin[c] = pTmpVert[l].vert[c];
                    else if (fvMax[c] < pTmpVert[l].vert[c])
                        fvMax[c] = pTmpVert[l].vert[c];

            dx = fvMax[0] - fvMin[0];
            dy = fvMax[1] - fvMin[1];
            dz = fvMax[2] - fvMin[2];

            channel = 0;
            if (dy > dx && dy > dz)
                channel = 1;
            else if (dz > dx)
                channel = 2;

            fSep = 0.5f * (fvMax[channel] + fvMin[channel]);

            if (fSep >= fvMax[channel] || fSep <= fvMin[channel])
                for (l = iL_in; l <= iR_in; l++)
                    int     i     = pTmpVert[l].index;
                    int     index = piTriList_in_and_out[i];
                    Vector3 vP    = GetPosition(ref context, index);
                    Vector3 vN    = GetNormal(ref context, index);
                    Vector2 vT    = GetTexCoord(ref context, index);

                    bool bNotFound = true;
                    int  l2 = iL_in, i2rec = -1;

                    while (l2 < l && bNotFound)
                        int     i2     = pTmpVert[l2].index;
                        int     index2 = piTriList_in_and_out[i2];
                        Vector3 vP2    = GetPosition(ref context, index2);
                        Vector3 vN2    = GetNormal(ref context, index2);
                        Vector2 vT2    = GetTexCoord(ref context, index2);
                        i2rec = i2;

                        if (vP.Equals(vP2) && vN.Equals(vN2) && vT.Equals(vT2))
                            bNotFound = false;

                    if (!bNotFound)
                        piTriList_in_and_out[i] = piTriList_in_and_out[i2rec];
                int iL = iL_in, iR = iR = iR_in;

                while (iL < iR)
                    bool bReadyLeftSwap = false, bReadyRightSwap = false;
                    while ((!bReadyLeftSwap) && iL < iR)
                        bReadyLeftSwap = !(pTmpVert[iL].vert[channel] < fSep);
                        if (!bReadyLeftSwap)
                    while ((!bReadyRightSwap) && iL < iR)
                        bReadyRightSwap = pTmpVert[iR].vert[channel] < fSep;
                        if (!bReadyRightSwap)

                    if (bReadyLeftSwap && bReadyRightSwap)
                        STmpVert sTmp = pTmpVert[iL];
                        pTmpVert[iL] = pTmpVert[iR];
                        pTmpVert[iR] = sTmp;
                        ++iL; --iR;

                if (iL == iR)
                    bool bReadyRightSwap = pTmpVert[iR].vert[channel] < fSep;
                    if (bReadyRightSwap)

                if (iL_in < iR)
                    MergeVertsFast(piTriList_in_and_out, ref pTmpVert, ref context, iL_in, iR);
                if (iL < iR_in)
                    MergeVertsFast(piTriList_in_and_out, ref pTmpVert, ref context, iL, iR_in);
예제 #11
        static void GenerateSharedVerticesIndexList(int[] piTriList_in_and_out, ref SMikkTSpaceContext pContext, int iNrTrianglesIn)
            int[]      piHashTable = null, piHashCount = null, piHashOffsets = null, piHashCount2 = null;
            STmpVert[] pTmpVer = null;
            int        i = 0, iChannel = 0, k = 0, e = 0;
            int        iMaxCount = 0;
            Vector3    vMin = GetPosition(ref pContext, 0), vMax = vMin, vDim = new Vector3();
            float      fMin, fMax;

            for (i = 1; i < (iNrTrianglesIn * 3); ++i)
                int     index = piTriList_in_and_out[i];
                Vector3 vP    = GetPosition(ref pContext, index);
                if (vMin.X > vP.X)
                    vMin.X = vP.X;
                else if (vMax.X < vP.X)
                    vMax.X = vP.X;
                if (vMin.Y > vP.Y)
                    vMin.Y = vP.Y;
                else if (vMax.Y < vP.Y)
                    vMax.Y = vP.Y;
                if (vMin.Z > vP.Z)
                    vMin.Z = vP.Z;
                else if (vMax.Z < vP.Z)
                    vMax.Z = vP.Z;

            vDim     = vMax - vMin;
            iChannel = 0;
            fMin     = vMin.X; fMax = vMax.X;
            if (vDim.Y > vDim.X && vDim.Y > vDim.Z)
                iChannel = 1;
                fMin     = vMin.Y; fMax = vMax.Y;
            else if (vDim.Z > vDim.X)
                iChannel = 2;
                fMin     = vMin.Z; fMax = vMax.Z;

            piHashTable   = new int[iNrTrianglesIn * 3];
            piHashCount   = new int[g_iCells];
            piHashOffsets = new int[g_iCells];
            piHashCount2  = new int[g_iCells];

                for (i = 0; i < iNrTrianglesIn * 3; ++i)
                    int     index = piTriList_in_and_out[i];
                    Vector3 vP    = GetPosition(ref pContext, index);
                    float   fVal  = iChannel == 0 ? vP.X : (iChannel == 1) ? vP.Y : vP.Z;
                    int     iCell = FindGridCell(fMin, fMax, fVal);
            catch (Exception ex)

            piHashOffsets[0] = 0;
            for (k = 1; k < g_iCells; ++k)
                piHashOffsets[k] = piHashOffsets[k - 1] + piHashCount[k - 1];

                for (i = 0; i < iNrTrianglesIn * 3; ++i)
                    int     index = piTriList_in_and_out[i];
                    Vector3 vP    = GetPosition(ref pContext, index);
                    float   fVal  = iChannel == 0 ? vP.X : (iChannel == 1) ? vP.Y : vP.Z;
                    int     iCell = FindGridCell(fMin, fMax, fVal);

                    piHashTable[piHashOffsets[iCell] + piHashCount2[iCell]] = i;
            catch (Exception ex)

            piHashCount2 = null;

            iMaxCount = piHashCount[0];
            for (k = 1; k < g_iCells; ++k)
                if (iMaxCount < piHashCount[k])
                    iMaxCount = piHashCount[k];

            pTmpVer = new STmpVert[iMaxCount];

                for (k = 0; k < g_iCells; ++k)
                    int entries = piHashCount[k];
                    if (entries < 2)

                    for (e = 0; e < entries; e++)
                        pTmpVer[e].vert = new float[3];
                        int     iv = piHashTable[piHashOffsets[k] + e];
                        Vector3 vP = GetPosition(ref pContext, piTriList_in_and_out[iv]);
                        pTmpVer[e].vert[0] = vP.X; pTmpVer[e].vert[1] = vP.Y; pTmpVer[e].vert[2] = vP.Z;
                        pTmpVer[e].index   = iv;

                    //merge verts fast here
                    MergeVertsFast(piTriList_in_and_out, ref pTmpVer, ref pContext, 0, entries - 1);
            catch (Exception ex)

            pTmpVer = null;
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// this version of Mikktspace only deals with triangles
        /// in order to save sometime in moving the code over to c#
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool genTangSpace(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, float fAngularThreshold)
            int[]      piTriListIn            = null;
            int[]      piGroupTrianglesBuffer = null;
            STriInfo[] pTriInfos = null;
            SGroup[]   pGroups   = null;
            STSpace[]  psTspace  = null;

            int   iNrTrianglesIn = 0, f = 0, t = 0, i = 0;
            int   iNrTSPaces = 0, iNrMaxGroups = 0;
            int   iNrActiveGroups = 0, index = 0;
            int   iNrFaces  = context.m_pInterface.m_getNumFaces(ref context);
            float fThresCos = (float)Math.Cos((fAngularThreshold * ((float)Math.PI / 180.0f)));

            for (f = 0; f < iNrFaces; f++)
                int verts = context.m_pInterface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace(ref context, f);
                if (verts == 3)
            if (iNrTrianglesIn <= 0)

            piTriListIn = new int[3 * iNrTrianglesIn];
            pTriInfos   = new STriInfo[iNrTrianglesIn];

            iNrTSPaces = GenerateInitialVerticesIndexList(ref pTriInfos, piTriListIn, ref context, iNrTrianglesIn);

            GenerateSharedVerticesIndexList(piTriListIn, ref context, iNrTrianglesIn);

            InitTriInfo(ref pTriInfos, piTriListIn, ref context, iNrTrianglesIn);

            iNrMaxGroups = iNrTrianglesIn * 3;
            pGroups      = new SGroup[iNrMaxGroups];

            for (f = 0; f < iNrMaxGroups; f++)
                pGroups[f] = new SGroup();

            piGroupTrianglesBuffer = new int[iNrTrianglesIn * 3];

                iNrActiveGroups = Build4RuleGroups(ref pTriInfos, ref pGroups, piGroupTrianglesBuffer, piTriListIn, iNrTrianglesIn);

                psTspace = new STSpace[iNrTSPaces];
                for (t = 0; t < iNrTSPaces; t++)
                    psTspace[t].vOs.X = 1.0f;
                    psTspace[t].fMagS = 1.0f;
                    psTspace[t].vOt.Y = 1.0f;
                    psTspace[t].fMagT = 1.0f;

                GenerateTSpaces(ref psTspace, ref pTriInfos, pGroups, iNrActiveGroups, piTriListIn, piGroupTrianglesBuffer, fThresCos, ref context);

                index = 0;
                for (f = 0; f < iNrFaces; f++)
                    int verts = context.m_pInterface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace(ref context, f);
                    if (verts != 3)

                    for (i = 0; i < verts; ++i)
                        var     pSpace = psTspace[index];
                        float[] tang   = new float[] { pSpace.vOs.X, pSpace.vOs.Y, pSpace.vOs.Z };
                        float[] bitang = new float[] { pSpace.vOt.X, pSpace.vOt.Y, pSpace.vOt.Z };
                        context.m_pInterface.m_setTSpace(ref context, tang, bitang, pSpace.fMagS, pSpace.fMagT, pSpace.bOrient, f, i);
                        context.m_pInterface.m_setTSpaceBasic(ref context, tang, pSpace.bOrient ? 1 : -1, f, i);
            catch (Exception e)

예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// this version of Mikktspace only deals with triangles
 /// in order to save sometime in moving the code over to c#
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool genTangSpaceDefault(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context)
     return(genTangSpace(ref context, 180.0f));
예제 #14
        public Vector2 m_getTexCoord(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int iFace, int iVert)
            Mesh m = context.m_pUserdata as Mesh;

            return(m.GetUV(iFace, iVert));
예제 #15
 //we return 3 because we triangulate the mesh before we put it through here
 public int m_getNumVerticesOfFace(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int iFace)
예제 #16
        public void m_setTSpaceBasic(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, float[] fvTangent, float fSign, int iFace, int iVert)
            Mesh m = context.m_pUserdata as Mesh;

            m.SetTangent(fvTangent, fSign, iFace, iVert);
예제 #17
        static int GenerateInitialVerticesIndexList(ref STriInfo[] pTriInfos, int[] piTriList_out, ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int iNrTrianglesIn)
            int iTSpacesOffs = 0, f = 0, t = 0;
            int iDstTriIndex = 0;

            for (f = 0; f < context.m_pInterface.m_getNumFaces(ref context); f++)
                int verts = context.m_pInterface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace(ref context, f);
                if (verts != 3 && verts != 4)

                pTriInfos[iDstTriIndex].iOrgFaceNumber = f;
                pTriInfos[iDstTriIndex].iTSpacesOffs   = iTSpacesOffs;

                if (verts == 3)
                    if (pTriInfos[iDstTriIndex].vert_num == null)
                        pTriInfos[iDstTriIndex].vert_num = new int[3];

                    int[] pVerts = pTriInfos[iDstTriIndex].vert_num;
                    pVerts[0] = 0; pVerts[1] = 1; pVerts[2] = 2;
                    piTriList_out[iDstTriIndex * 3]     = MakeIndex(f, 0);
                    piTriList_out[iDstTriIndex * 3 + 1] = MakeIndex(f, 1);
                    piTriList_out[iDstTriIndex * 3 + 2] = MakeIndex(f, 2);

                iTSpacesOffs += verts;

            for (t = 0; t < iNrTrianglesIn; t++)
                pTriInfos[t].iFlag = 0;

예제 #18
 public void m_setTSpace(ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, float[] fvTangent, float[] fvBiTangent, float fMagS, float fMagT, bool bIsOrientationPreserving, int iFace, int iVert)
예제 #19
        static STSpace EvalTspace(List <int> face_indices, int iFaces, int[] piTriListIn, ref STriInfo[] pTriInfos, ref SMikkTSpaceContext context, int iVertexRepresentitive)
            STSpace res       = new STSpace();
            float   fAngleSum = 0;
            int     face      = 0;

            res.vOs   = Vector3.Zero;
            res.vOt   = Vector3.Zero;
            res.fMagS = 0; res.fMagT = 0;

            for (face = 0; face < iFaces; face++)
                int f = face_indices[face];

                if ((pTriInfos[f].iFlag & GROUP_WITH_ANY) == 0)
                    Vector3 n, vOs, vOt, p0, p1, p2, v1, v2;
                    float   fCos, fAngle, fMagS, fMagT;
                    int     i = -1, index = -1, i0 = -1, i1 = -1, i2 = -1;
                    if (piTriListIn[3 * f] == iVertexRepresentitive)
                        i = 0;
                    else if (piTriListIn[3 * f + 1] == iVertexRepresentitive)
                        i = 1;
                    else if (piTriListIn[3 * f + 2] == iVertexRepresentitive)
                        i = 2;

                    index = piTriListIn[3 * f + i];

                    n   = GetNormal(ref context, index);
                    vOs = pTriInfos[f].vOs - (Vector3.Dot(n, pTriInfos[f].vOs) * n);
                    vOt = pTriInfos[f].vOt - (Vector3.Dot(n, pTriInfos[f].vOt) * n);
                    if (VNotZero(ref vOs))
                    if (VNotZero(ref vOt))

                    i2 = piTriListIn[3 * f + (i < 2 ? (i + 1) : 0)];
                    i1 = piTriListIn[3 * f + i];
                    i0 = piTriListIn[3 * f + (i > 0 ? (i - 1) : 2)];

                    p0 = GetPosition(ref context, i0);
                    p1 = GetPosition(ref context, i1);
                    p2 = GetPosition(ref context, i2);

                    v1 = p0 - p1;
                    v2 = p2 - p1;

                    v1 = v1 - Vector3.Dot(n, v1) * n;
                    v2 = v2 - Vector3.Dot(n, v2) * n;
                    if (VNotZero(ref v1))
                    if (VNotZero(ref v2))

                    fCos   = Vector3.Dot(v1, v2); fCos = fCos > 1 ? 1 : (fCos < -1 ? -1 : fCos);
                    fAngle = (float)Math.Acos(fCos);
                    fMagS  = pTriInfos[f].fMagS;
                    fMagT  = pTriInfos[f].fMagT;

                    res.vOs    = res.vOs + vOs * fAngle;
                    res.vOt    = res.vOt + vOt * fAngle;
                    res.fMagS += (fAngle * fMagS);
                    res.fMagT += (fAngle * fMagT);

                    fAngleSum += fAngle;

            if (VNotZero(ref res.vOs))
            if (VNotZero(ref res.vOt))

            if (fAngleSum > 0)
                res.fMagS /= fAngleSum;
                res.fMagT /= fAngleSum;
