public static Result <R1Employee> Get(this R1Employee from) { var result = Result <R1Employee> .Success(); try { using (var db = new RSMLubrizolDataModelDataContext()) { var row = from.Select(db); if (row == null) { return(result.Fail("R1Employee not found", "NotFound")); } result.Entity = row; } } catch (Exception e) { return(result.Set(ResultType.TechnicalError, e, "Get R1Employee failed. {0}", e.ToString())); } return(result); }
public static bool SameAs(this R1Employee from, R1Employee to) { try { return(to.FirstName == from.FirstName && to.LastName == from.LastName && to.MiddleName == from.MiddleName && to.Company == from.Company && to.Country == from.Country && to.Department == from.Department && to.DepartmentName == from.DepartmentName && to.Division == from.Division && to.EmployeeClassDesc == from.EmployeeClassDesc && to.EmployeeStatus == from.EmployeeStatus && to.EmployeeStatusDesc == from.EmployeeStatusDesc && to.Initials == from.Initials && to.JobDescr == from.JobDescr && to.LegalEntity == from.LegalEntity && to.Name == from.Name && to.PhysicalLocation == from.PhysicalLocation && to.PhysicalLocationName == from.PhysicalLocationName && to.ReportingLocation == from.ReportingLocation && to.ReportingLocationName == from.ReportingLocationName && to.SupervisorID == from.SupervisorID && to.SupervisorInitials == from.SupervisorInitials && to.SupervisorName == from.SupervisorName); } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
public static R1Employee Insert(this R1Employee entity, RSMLubrizolDataModelDataContext context) { context.Lubrizol_Employees.InsertOnSubmit(entity); context.SubmitChanges(); return(entity); }
public Result <R1Employee> GetEmployee(string id, bool internalLookup = false) { var result = Result <R1Employee> .Success(); if (internalLookup) { using (var context = new RSMLubrizolDataModelDataContext()) { var entity = context.Lubrizol_Employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == id); if (entity == null) { return(result.Fail(string.Format("Unable to locate Employee id ({0})", id), "NotFound")); } result.Entity = entity; } } else { var connectionName = ImportConfig.ConnectionString; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionName)) { return(result.Fail(string.Format("Unable to reach the database for Employee id ({0})", id), "NotFound")); } using (var context = new LubrizolDataModelDataContext(connectionName)) { var entity = context.tblzILMDatas.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == id); if (entity == null) { return(result.Fail(string.Format("Unable to locate Employee id ({0})", id), "NotFound")); } var employee = new R1Employee(entity); result.Entity = employee; } } return(result); }
public static Result <R1Employee> Add(this R1Employee from) { var result = Result <R1Employee> .Success(); var exists = from.Get(); if (exists.Succeeded) { exists.Set(ResultType.Warning, "R1Employee already exists {0}", from.EmployeeID); return(exists); } try { using (var db = new RSMLubrizolDataModelDataContext()) { using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, TransactionTimeout)) { var row = from.Insert(db); if (row == null) { return(result.Fail("Add R1Employee failed")); } result.Entity = row; transaction.Complete(); } } } catch (Exception e) { return(result.Set(ResultType.TechnicalError, e, "Add R1Employee failed {0}", e.ToString())); } return(result); }
partial void DeleteLubrizol_Employee(Lubrizol_Employee instance);
partial void UpdateLubrizol_Employee(Lubrizol_Employee instance);
partial void InsertLubrizol_Employee(Lubrizol_Employee instance);
public static Result <R1Employee> Update(this R1Employee from, ModelMapper <R1Employee> mapper = null) { var result = Result <R1Employee> .Success(); try { using (var db = new RSMLubrizolDataModelDataContext()) { using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, TransactionTimeout)) { var row = DataExtensions.Select(from, db); if (row == null) { return(result.Fail("Update R1Employee failed")); } if (!row.SameAs(from)) { if (mapper != null) { mapper.MapProperties(from, row); } else { row.FirstName = from.FirstName; row.LastName = from.LastName; row.MiddleName = from.MiddleName; row.Company = from.Company; row.Country = from.Country; row.Department = from.Department; row.DepartmentName = from.DepartmentName; row.Division = from.Division; row.EmployeeClassDesc = from.EmployeeClassDesc; row.EmployeeStatus = from.EmployeeStatus; row.EmployeeStatusDesc = from.EmployeeStatusDesc; row.Initials = from.Initials; row.JobDescr = from.JobDescr; row.LastLoadDate = from.LastLoadDate; row.LegalEntity = from.LegalEntity; row.Name = from.Name; row.PhysicalLocation = from.PhysicalLocation; row.PhysicalLocationName = from.PhysicalLocationName; row.ReportingLocation = from.ReportingLocation; row.ReportingLocationName = from.ReportingLocationName; row.SupervisorID = from.SupervisorID; row.SupervisorInitials = from.SupervisorInitials; row.SupervisorName = from.SupervisorName; } row.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now; db.SubmitChanges(); transaction.Complete(); result.Entity = row; } else { result.Entity = from; } } } } catch (Exception e) { return(result.Set(ResultType.TechnicalError, e, "Update R1Employee failed {0}", e.ToString())); } return(result); }
private Result <Person> ExportPicture(Person entity, R1Employee employee) { var results = new Result <Person>(); if (entity == null) { return(results.Merge(new Result <Person>(ResultType.ValidationError, "Missing Person Data"))); } if (employee == null) { return(results.Merge(new Result <Person>(ResultType.ValidationError, "Missing Employee Data"))); } if (entity.Image == null) { return(results.Merge(new Result <Person>(ResultType.ValidationError, "Missing Person Image"))); } var libraryName = (employee.EmployeeStatus.Equals('T') || employee.EmployeeStatus.Equals('R')) ? ExportConfig.InactiveEmployeeLibrary.TrimEnd('/') : ExportConfig.ActiveEmployeeLibrary.TrimEnd('/'); var destinationFile = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}.jpg", ExportConfig.Link.TrimEnd('/'), Uri.EscapeDataString(libraryName), Uri.EscapeDataString(employee.Initials.Trim())); var destinationUrls = new[] { destinationFile }; #region SharePoint Fields //Author Single line of text //Comments Multiple lines of text Image //Company Single line of text Image //Copyright Single line of text Image //Country Single line of text Image //Date Picture Taken Date and Time Image //Department Single line of text Image //DepartmentName Single line of text Image //Division Single line of text Image //EmployeeClassDesc Single line of text Image //EmployeeID Single line of text Image //EmployeeStatus Single line of text Image //EmployeeStatusDesc Single line of text Image //FirstName Single line of text Image //FullName Single line of text Image //Initials Single line of text Image //JobDescr Single line of text Image //Keywords Multiple lines of text Image //LastName Single line of text Image //LegalEntity Single line of text Image //MiddleName Single line of text Image //PhysicalLocation Single line of text Image //PhysicalLocationName Single line of text Image //Preview Image URL Hyperlink or Picture //ReportingLocation Single line of text Image //ReportingLocationName Single line of text Image //Scheduling End Date Publishing Schedule End Date //Scheduling Start Date Publishing Schedule Start Date //SupervisorID Single line of text Image //SupervisorInitials Single line of text Image //SupervisorName Single line of text Image //Created By Person or Group //Modified By Person or Group //Checked Out To Person #endregion FieldInformation[] metaData = { ServiceField("Company", employee.Company), ServiceField("Country", employee.Country), ServiceField("Department", employee.Department), ServiceField("DepartmentName", employee.DepartmentName), ServiceField("Division", employee.Division), ServiceField("EmployeeClassDesc", employee.EmployeeClassDesc), ServiceField("EmployeeID", employee.EmployeeID), ServiceField("EmployeeStatus", employee.EmployeeStatus.ToString()), ServiceField("EmployeeStatusDesc", employee.EmployeeStatusDesc), ServiceField("FirstName", employee.FirstName), ServiceField("FullName", employee.Name), ServiceField("Initials", employee.Initials), ServiceField("JobDescr", employee.JobDescr), ServiceField("LastName", employee.LastName), ServiceField("LegalEntity", employee.LegalEntity), ServiceField("MiddleName", employee.MiddleName), ServiceField("PhysicalLocation", employee.PhysicalLocation), ServiceField("PhysicalLocationName", employee.PhysicalLocationName), ServiceField("ReportingLocation", employee.ReportingLocation), ServiceField("ReportingLocationName", employee.ReportingLocationName), ServiceField("SupervisorID", employee.SupervisorID), ServiceField("SupervisorInitials", employee.SupervisorInitials), ServiceField("SupervisorName", employee.SupervisorName), ServiceField("ImageCreateDate", entity.udf1) }; try { var proxyWs = new Copy { Url = string.Format("{0}/_vti_bin/copy.asmx", ExportConfig.Link.TrimEnd('/')) }; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ExportConfig.Username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ExportConfig.Password)) { proxyWs.UseDefaultCredentials = true; } else { proxyWs.UseDefaultCredentials = false; proxyWs.Credentials = CreateCredentials(ExportConfig.Username, ExportConfig.Password, true); } CopyResult[] result; proxyWs.CopyIntoItems("http://null", destinationUrls, metaData, entity.Image, out result); if (result != null) { var row = 0; foreach (var copyResult in result.Where(copyResult => copyResult.ErrorCode != CopyErrorCode.Success)) { results.Fail(copyResult.ErrorMessage, string.Format("E{0}", row)); row++; } } return(results); } catch (Exception ex) { var errors = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "StackTrace", ex.StackTrace } }; return(results.Merge(new Result <Person>(ResultType.TechnicalError, ex.Message, errors))); } }
public static R1Employee Select(this R1Employee entity, RSMLubrizolDataModelDataContext context) { return(context.Lubrizol_Employees.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeID == entity.EmployeeID)); }