public void DrawImplant() {// this.Pawn bool selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(this.Pawn); HediffComp_DrawImplant comp = this; string direction = ""; float angle = 0f; float offset = 0f; float yvalue = Pawn.Drawer.DrawPos.y; Vector3 drawPos = Pawn.Drawer.DrawPos; drawPos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor((AltitudeLayer)17); Vector3 s = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); PawnRenderer pawnRenderer = this.Pawn.Drawer.renderer; Rot4 rot = LayingFacing(); if (Pawn.CarriedBy != null) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0} carried by {1} drawpos {2} modified to {3}", Pawn.Name, Pawn.CarriedBy.Name, drawPos, Pawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos)); } #endif drawPos.z = Pawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos.z; drawPos.x = Pawn.CarriedBy.DrawPos.x; } if (Pawn.InBed()) { if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.South) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman())); } #endif drawPos -= pawnRenderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South); } else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.North) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman())); } #endif drawPos -= pawnRenderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.North); } else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.East) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman())); } #endif drawPos.x += 0.3f; } else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.West) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0}", Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.ToStringHuman())); } #endif drawPos.x -= 0.3f; } drawPos.y = yvalue; #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0} in bed {1} drawpos modified to {2}", Pawn.Name, Pawn.InBed(), drawPos)); } #endif } if (offset < 0) { drawPos.y -= offset; } else { drawPos.y += offset; } if (Pawn.Downed) { angle = pawnRenderer.wiggler.downedAngle; if (Pawn.CarriedBy != null) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0} carried by {1} angle {2} modified to {3}", Pawn.Name, Pawn.CarriedBy.Name, angle, Pawn.CarriedBy.carryTracker.CarriedThing.Rotation.AsAngle)); } #endif angle = Pawn.CarriedBy.carryTracker.CarriedThing.Rotation.AsAngle; } if (Pawn.InBed()) { if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.South) { angle = 0f; } else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.North) { angle = 180f; } else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.East) { angle = 270; } else if (Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.West) { angle = 90; } // angle = Pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation.AsAngle; } if (Pawn.kindDef.race == YautjaDefOf.RRY_Alien_Yautja) { s = new Vector3(2f, 1.5f, 2f); if (rot.ToStringHuman() == "West" || rot == Rot4.West) { //drawPos.z -= 0.15f; // drawPos.x += 0.25f; } else { // drawPos.x += 0.25f; } } } #if DEBUG if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0}'s {1}, Rot:{2}, offset:{3}, x:{4}, z:{5}", Pawn.Label, this.parent.def.label, rot, offset, drawPos.x, drawPos.z)); Log.Message(string.Format("Rot ToStringHuman:{1}, FacingCell:{2}, AsVector2:{3}, AsByte:{4}, AsAngle:{5}", rot, rot.ToStringHuman(), rot.FacingCell, rot.AsVector2, rot.AsByte, rot.AsAngle)); } #endif Material matSingle = comp.ImplantMaterial(Pawn, rot); Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4); matrix.SetTRS(drawPos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s); Graphics.DrawMesh(rot == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, matSingle, 0); }
static void DrawImplant(HediffComp_DrawImplant comp, PawnRenderer __instance, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump) {// this.Pawn Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); bool selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(pawn) && Prefs.DevMode; Rot4 rot = bodyFacing; Vector3 vector3 = pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing) : new Vector3(); Vector3 s = new Vector3(pawn.BodySize * 1.75f, pawn.BodySize * 1.75f, pawn.BodySize * 1.75f); GetAltitudeOffset(pawn, comp.parent, rot, out float X, out float Y, out float Z, out float DsX, out float DsZ, out float ang); vector3.x += X; vector3.y += Y; vector3.z += Z; angle += ang; s.x = DsX; s.z = DsZ; if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { vector3.x += 0.01f; vector3.z += -0.35f; } Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up); Vector3 b = quaternion * vector3; Vector3 vector = rootLoc; Vector3 a = rootLoc; if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North) { a.y += 0.02734375f; vector.y += 0.0234375f; } else { a.y += 0.0234375f; vector.y += 0.02734375f; } /* * Material material =, bodyDrawType, headStump); * if (material != null) * { * Mesh mesh2 = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing); * GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, a + b, quaternion, material, portrait); * } */ Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b; loc2.y += 0.03105f; bool flag = false; /* * if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap) * { * Mesh mesh3 =; * List<ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics =; * for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++) * { * if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead) * { * if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace) * { * flag = true; * Material material2 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null); * material2 =; * GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc2, quaternion, material2, portrait); * } * else * { * Material material3 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null); * material3 =; * Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b; * loc3.y += ((!(bodyFacing == Rot4.North)) ? 0.03515625f : 0.00390625f); * GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc3, quaternion, material3, portrait); * } * } * } * } */ if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated) { #if DEBUG if (selected) { // Log.Message(string.Format("{0}'s rootLoc: {1}, angle: {2}, renderBody: {3}, bodyFacing: {4}, headFacing: {5}, bodyDrawType: {6}, portrait: {7}", pawn.Label, rootLoc, angle, renderBody, bodyFacing.ToStringHuman(), headFacing.ToStringHuman(), bodyDrawType, portrait)); } #endif if (!portrait) { // Mesh mesh4 =; Material mat = comp.ImplantMaterial(pawn, pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? headFacing : bodyFacing); // GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headFacing == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, loc2, quaternion, mat, true); Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4); matrix.SetTRS(loc2, quaternion, s); Graphics.DrawMesh((pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? headFacing : bodyFacing) == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, mat, 0); // Graphics.DrawMesh((pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? headFacing : bodyFacing) == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, mat, 0); } } /* * Material matSingle = comp.ImplantMaterial(pawn, rot); * Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4); * matrix.SetTRS(drawPos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s); * Graphics.DrawMesh(rot == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, matSingle, 0); */ }
public void Draw() { HediffComp_DrawImplant comp = this.TryGetComp <HediffComp_DrawImplant>(); string direction = ""; float angle = 0f; float offset = 0f; Vector3 drawPos = pawn.Dead ? pawn.PositionHeld.ToVector3() : pawn.Drawer.DrawPos; drawPos.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor((AltitudeLayer)17); Vector3 s = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); PawnRenderer pawnRenderer = this.pawn.Drawer.renderer; Rot4 rot = LayingFacing(); bool selected = Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing == pawn; bool flag3 = pawn.Rotation == Rot4.North; if (flag3) { //offset = NorthOffset; // drawPos.x -= 0.1f; // drawPos.z -= (0.2f); direction = "North"; } else { bool flag4 = pawn.Rotation == Rot4.South; if (flag4) { //offset = SouthOffset; // drawPos.x += 0.1f; // drawPos.z -= (0.2f); direction = "South"; } else { bool flag5 = pawn.Rotation == Rot4.East; if (flag5) { //offset = EastOffset; // drawPos.z -= (0.2f); // angle = 22.5f; direction = "East"; } else { bool flag6 = pawn.Rotation == Rot4.West; if (flag6) { //offset = WestOffset; // drawPos.z -= (0.2f); // angle = 337.5f; direction = "West"; } } } } if (offset < 0) { drawPos.y -= offset; } else { drawPos.y += offset; } //Log.Message(string.Format("PauldronGraphic drawPos.y: {1}", PauldronGraphic.path, drawPos.y)); angle = pawnRenderer.wiggler.downedAngle; //Material mat = apparelGraphic.graphic.MatAt(rotation); if (selected) { Log.Message(string.Format("{0}'s {1} CompPauldronDrawer, {2} offset: {3}, drawPos.y:{4}", pawn.Label, this.def.label, direction, offset, drawPos.y)); } Material matSingle = comp.ImplantMaterial(pawn, rot); //.GetColoredVersion(ShaderDatabase.Cutout, this.mainColor, this.secondaryColor).MatAt(rotation); // Log.Message(string.Format("PauldronGraphic this.mainColor:{0}, this.secondaryColor: {1}", this.mainColor, this.secondaryColor)); Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4); matrix.SetTRS(drawPos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s); Graphics.DrawMesh(rot == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, matSingle, 0); }