예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Player> players = new List <Player>();
            List <Game>   games   = new List <Game>();
            List <Round>  rounds  = new List <Round>();
            int           choice;
            Player        computer = new Player()
                Name = "Computer"
            };                                                   //instantiate a Player and give a value to the Name all at once.

            int gameCounter = 1;

            do//begin game loop
                System.Console.WriteLine($"\n\t\tThis is game #{gameCounter++}\n\n");

                //get a choice from the user (play or quit)
                choice = RPSMethods.GetMenuChoice();
                if (choice == 2)

                //get the player name
                string playerName = RPSMethods.GetPlayerName();
                Player p1         = new Player();//p1 is set to null here.
                p1 = RPSMethods.PlayerVerify(players, playerName);

                Game game = new Game();     // create a new game
                game.Player1  = p1;         // set p1 as the player in the game
                game.Computer = computer;   // and comp as the 2nd player

                Random rand = new Random();

                //play rounds till one player has 2 wins
                //assign the winner to the game and check that property to break out of the loop.
                while (game.winner.Name == "null")
                    Round round = new Round(); //declare a round for this iteration
                    round.game     = game;     // add the game to this round
                    round.player1  = p1;       // add user (p1) to this round
                    round.Computer = computer; // add computer to this round

                    //get the choices for the 2 players
                    //insert the players choices directly into the round
                    round.p1Choice       = RPSMethods.GetPlayerChoice();
                    round.ComputerChoice = RPSMethods.GetCompChoice();

                    //find round winner
                    //add this round to the games List of rounds

                    //search the game.rounds List<> to see if one player has 2 wins, if so return from func,
                    //if not loop to another round
                    int Winner = RPSMethods.WhoWon(game);
                    //assign the winner to the game and increment wins and losses for both
                    if (Winner == 1)
                        game.winner = p1;
                        p1.record["wins"]++;         //increments wins and losses.
                        computer.record["losses"]++; //increments wins and losses.
                        Console.WriteLine("\t--You won! It totally wasn't blind luck!--");
                    else if (Winner == 2)
                        game.winner = computer;
                        p1.record["losses"]++;     //increments wins and losses.
                        computer.record["wins"]++; //increments wins and losses.
                        Console.WriteLine("\t--You lost! Sucks to be you!--");
                }//end of rounds loop
                //Add this game to the list of games
            } while (choice != 2);//end of game loop
            //Once the player chooses to leave, print the data
            RPSMethods.PrintAllData(games, players, rounds);
        } //end of main
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Player> players = new List <Player>();
            List <Game>   games   = new List <Game>();
            List <Round>  rounds  = new List <Round>();
            int           choice;
            Player        computer = new Player()
                Name = "Computer"
            };                                                   //instantiate a Player and give a value to the Name all at once.

            int gameCounter = 1;

            do//game loop
                //get a choice from the user (play or quit)
                bool inputInt;
                do//prompt loop
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\nPlease choose 1 for Play or 2 for Quit");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    inputInt = int.TryParse(input, out choice);
                    System.Console.WriteLine($"\n\tThis is game #{gameCounter++}\n");
                } while (!inputInt || choice <= 0 || choice >= 3); //end of promt loop

                if (choice == 2)                                   //if the user chose 2, break out of the game.
                //System.Console.WriteLine("made it out of the loop");

                //get the player name
                System.Console.WriteLine("\nWhat is your name?");
                string playerName = Console.ReadLine();
                Player p1         = new Player();//p1 is null here.

                // check the list of players to see if this payer is a returning player.
                foreach (Player item in players)
                    if (item.Name == playerName)
                        p1 = item;
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\nYou are a returning player");
                        break;//end the foreach loop

                if (p1.Name == "null")//means the players name was not found above
                    p1.Name = playerName;

                Game game = new Game();   // create a game
                game.Player1  = p1;       //
                game.Computer = computer; //

                Random rand = new Random();

                //play rounds till one player has 2 wins
                //assign the winner to the game and check that property to break out of the loop.
                while (game.winner.Name == "null")
                    Round round = new Round(); //declare a round for this iteration
                    round.game     = game;     // add the game to this round
                    round.player1  = p1;       // add user (p1) to this round
                    round.Computer = computer; // add computer to this round

                    //get the choices for the 2 players
                    string input;
                    int    p1choice;
                    bool   isNum;
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\nPlease pick Rock(0), Paper(1), or Scissors(3) - enter a number");
                        input = System.Console.ReadLine();
                        isNum = int.TryParse(input, out p1choice);
                        if (!isNum || p1choice < 0 || p1choice > 3)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("\nYou must select enter either 0, 1, or 2.\n");
                    }while(!isNum || p1choice < 0 || p1choice > 3);

                    round.p1Choice = (Choice)p1choice;
                    //insert the players choices directly into the round
                    // round.p1Choice = (Choice)rand.Next(3);//this will give a random number starting at 0 to arg-1;
                    round.ComputerChoice = (Choice)rand.Next(3);

                    //check the choices to see who won.
                    System.Console.WriteLine("\n------------------ ROUND RESULTS ------------------");
                    if (round.p1Choice == round.ComputerChoice)
                        round.Outcome = 0; // it’s a tie . the default is 0 so this line is unnecessary.
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\tThis round was a tie");
                    else if ((int)round.p1Choice == ((int)round.ComputerChoice + 1) % 3)
                    { //If users pick is one more than the computer’s, user wins
                        round.Outcome = 1;
                        System.Console.WriteLine($"\t{p1.Name} wins!");
                    { //If it’s not a tie and p1 didn’t win, then computer wins.
                        round.Outcome = 2;
                        System.Console.WriteLine("\tThe Computer wins!");

                    game.rounds.Add(round);//add this round to the games List of rounds

                    //search the game.rounds List<> to see if one player has 2 wins
                    //if not loop to another round
                    int numP1Wins       = game.rounds.Count(x => x.Outcome == 1); //get nhow many rounds p1 has won.
                    int numComputerWins = game.rounds.Count(x => x.Outcome == 2); //get nhow many rounds p1 has won.

                    //assign the winner to the game and increment wins and losses for both
                    System.Console.WriteLine($"{p1.Name}'s wins => {numP1Wins} \tComputer's wins {numComputerWins}");
                    if (numP1Wins == 2)
                        game.winner = p1;
                        p1.record["wins"]++;         //increments wins and losses.
                        computer.record["losses"]++; //increments wins and losses.
                    else if (numComputerWins == 2)
                        game.winner = computer;
                        p1.record["losses"]++;     //increments wins and losses.
                        computer.record["wins"]++; //increments wins and losses.

                    //game.winner.Name = "mark";//placeholder to escape loop during testing.
                }//end of rounds loop


                //play rounds till one player has 2 wins
                //record each round into the game

                //record the game

                //increment wins/losses for each player

                //print out the game results - rounds data
            } while (choice != 2);//end of game loop

            PrintAllCurrentData(games, players, rounds);

            //on quitting....
            //print out the win.loss record for all players
        }//end of main
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Player> players = new List <Player>();
            List <Game>   games   = new List <Game>();
            List <Round>  rounds  = new List <Round>();
            int           choice;

            do//game loop
                //get a choice from the user (play or quit)
                bool inputInt;
                do//prompt loop
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Please choose 1 for Play or 2 for Quit");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    inputInt = int.TryParse(input, out choice);
                } while (!inputInt || choice <= 0 || choice >= 3); //end of promt loop

                if (choice == 2)                                   //if the user chose 2, break out of the game.
                //System.Console.WriteLine("made it out of the loop");

                //get the player name
                System.Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
                string playerName = Console.ReadLine();
                Player p1         = new Player();//p1 is null here.

                Player computer = new Player()
                    Name = "Computer"
                };                                                   //instantiate a Player and give a value to the Name all at once.

                // check the list of players to see if this payer is a returning player.
                foreach (Player item in players)
                    if (item.Name == playerName)
                        p1 = item;
                        System.Console.WriteLine("You are a returning player");

                if (p1.Name == "null")
                    p1.Name = playerName;

                Game game = new Game();
                game.Player1  = p1;
                game.Computer = computer;

                Random rand = new Random();

                //play rounds till one player has 2 wins
                //assign the winner to the game and check that property to break out of the loop.
                while (game.winner.Name == "null")
                    Round round = new Round();//declare a round for this iteration
                    round.game = game;

                    //get the choices for the 2 players
                    Choice p1Choice       = (Choice)rand.Next(3);//this will give a randonm number starting at 0 to arg-1;
                    Choice computerChoice = (Choice)rand.Next(3);

                    if (p1Choice == computerChoice)
                    else if ((int)computerChoice == ((int)p1Choice + 1 % 3))//Alex will show this method after 2.
                        // Rock,//can be accessed with a 0
                        // Paper,//can be accessed with a 1
                        // Scissors//can be accessed with a 2

                    // (round.PlayerChoice == Choice.ROCK && round.ComputerChoice == Choice.SCISSORS
                    // || round.PlayerChoice == Choice.PAPER && round.ComputerChoice == Choice.ROCK
                    // || round.PlayerChoice == Choice.SCISSORS && round.ComputerChoice == Choice.PAPER)

                    game.winner.Name = "mark";

                    //evaluate a winner of the round

                    //set the outcome variable to 1(player1 wins), or 2(player2 wins) or leave it at 0.

                    //add the round to the List<> of rounds

                    //add the round to the game.

                    //search the game.rounds List<> to see if one player has 2 wins
                    //if not loop to another round

                //create a game

                //play rounds till one player has 2 wins
                //record each round into the game

                //record the game

                //increment wins/losses for each player

                //print out the game results - rounds data
            } while (choice != 2);//end of game loop

            //on quitting....
            //print out the win.loss record for all players