private void Charging() { if (rpgCharacterWeaponController != null) { if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.HasShield()) { GUI.Button(new Rect(500, 55, 100, 30), "Charge"); charge = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(500, 45, 100, 30), charge, 0.0F, 1f); rpgCharacterController.animator.SetFloat("Charge", charge); } } }
private void OnGUI() { //General. if (!rpgCharacterController.isDead && rpgCharacterMovementController.rpgCharacterState != RPGCharacterState.ClimbLadder && rpgCharacterMovementController.rpgCharacterState != RPGCharacterState.Swim) { //Stop Casting. if (rpgCharacterController.isCasting) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 330, 100, 30), "Stop Casting")) { rpgCharacterController.Cast(0, "attack"); } } //Actions. if (rpgCharacterController.canAction) { //Character is on the ground. if (rpgCharacterMovementController.MaintainingGround()) { //If not Blocking. if (!blockGui) { if (rpgCharacterMovementController.navMeshAgent != null) { useNavAgent = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(500, 15, 100, 30), useNavAgent, "Use NavAgent"); if (useNavAgent) { rpgCharacterMovementController.useMeshNav = true; rpgCharacterMovementController.navMeshAgent.enabled = true; rpgCharacterController.rpgCharacterInputController.allowedInput = false; } else { rpgCharacterMovementController.useMeshNav = false; rpgCharacterMovementController.navMeshAgent.enabled = false; rpgCharacterController.rpgCharacterInputController.allowedInput = true; } } else { rpgCharacterMovementController.useMeshNav = false; rpgCharacterController.rpgCharacterInputController.allowedInput = true; } //Crouch. useCrouch = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(510, 95, 100, 30), useCrouch, "Crouch"); if (useCrouch) { rpgCharacterMovementController.crouch = true; rpgCharacterController.animator.SetBool("Crouch", true); } else { rpgCharacterMovementController.crouch = false; rpgCharacterController.animator.SetBool("Crouch", false); } useSprint = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(510, 115, 100, 30), useSprint, "Sprint"); if (useSprint) { rpgCharacterMovementController.isSprinting = true; } else { rpgCharacterMovementController.isSprinting = false; } //Charging. if (rpgCharacterWeaponController != null) { if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.HasShield()) { GUI.Button(new Rect(500, 55, 100, 30), "Charge"); charge = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(500, 45, 100, 30), charge, 0.0F, 1f); rpgCharacterController.animator.SetFloat("Charge", charge); } } } //Blocking. blockGui = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(25, 215, 100, 30), blockGui, "Block"); if (blockGui) { if (!blockToggle) { blockToggle = true; rpgCharacterController.canBlock = false; rpgCharacterController.isBlocking = true; rpgCharacterController.animator.SetBool("Blocking", true); rpgCharacterMovementController.canMove = false; rpgCharacterController.animator.SetTrigger("BlockTrigger"); } } if (!blockGui) { if (blockToggle) { rpgCharacterController.isBlocking = false; rpgCharacterController.animator.SetBool("Blocking", false); rpgCharacterMovementController.canMove = true; blockToggle = false; rpgCharacterController.canBlock = true; } } //Blocking. if (blockGui) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 240, 100, 30), "Get Hit")) { rpgCharacterController.GetHit(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 270, 100, 30), "Block Break")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterController._BlockBreak()); } } //Not Blocking. else if (!rpgCharacterController.isBlocking) { //Rolling. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 15, 100, 30), "Roll Forward")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterMovementController._Roll(1)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 15, 100, 30), "Roll Backward")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterMovementController._Roll(3)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 45, 100, 30), "Roll Left")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterMovementController._Roll(4)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 45, 100, 30), "Roll Right")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterMovementController._Roll(2)); } //Dodging. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 15, 100, 30), "Dodge Left")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterController._Dodge(1)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 45, 100, 30), "Dodge Right")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterController._Dodge(2)); } //Turning. if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.RELAX || rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.ARMED || rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.ARMEDSHIELD) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(340, 15, 100, 30), "Turn Left")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterController._Turning(1)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(340, 45, 100, 30), "Turn Right")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterController._Turning(2)); } } //Boost - Victory if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.RELAX) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(480, 650, 100, 30), "Boost")) { rpgCharacterController.Boost(); } } //ATTACK LEFT. if (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.SHIELD || rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.ARMED || (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.ARMED && rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 0) && rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 7) { if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.RIFLE) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 85, 100, 30), "Attack L")) { rpgCharacterController.Attack(1); } } } //ATTACK RIGHT. if (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.RIFLE || rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.ARMED || (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.ARMED && rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") != 0) || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.ARMEDSHIELD) { if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.SHIELD) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 85, 100, 30), "Attack R")) { rpgCharacterController.Attack(2); } } } //ATTACK DUAL. if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon > 7 && rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") > 7 && rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 14) { if (rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") != 15) { if ((rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 16 && rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") != 17)) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 85, 100, 30), "Attack Dual")) { rpgCharacterController.Attack(3); } } else if ((rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon == 16 && rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") == 17)) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 85, 100, 30), "Attack Dual")) { rpgCharacterController.Attack(3); } } } } //Special Attack. if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.RELAX && rpgCharacterMovementController.MaintainingGround()) { if (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.TWOHANDSWORD || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.TWOHANDAXE || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.TWOHANDSPEAR || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.STAFF) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 85, 100, 30), "Special Attack1")) { rpgCharacterController.Special(1); } } else if (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.ARMED) { if ((rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon == 8 || rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon == 10) && (rpgCharacterWeaponController.rightWeapon == 9 || rpgCharacterWeaponController.rightWeapon == 11)) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(340, 85, 100, 30), "Special Attack1")) { rpgCharacterController.Special(1); } } } } //Kicking. if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 115, 100, 30), "Left Kick")) { rpgCharacterController.AttackKick(1); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 145, 100, 30), "Left Kick2")) { rpgCharacterController.AttackKick(2); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 115, 100, 30), "Right Kick")) { rpgCharacterController.AttackKick(3); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 145, 100, 30), "Right Kick2")) { rpgCharacterController.AttackKick(4); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 240, 100, 30), "Get Hit")) { rpgCharacterController.GetHit(); } //Weapon Switching. if (!rpgCharacterMovementController.isMoving) { if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.RELAX) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 265, 100, 30), "Relax")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(-1)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.UNARMED) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 310, 100, 30), "Unarmed")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(0)); rpgCharacterController.canAction = true; } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.TWOHANDSWORD) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 340, 100, 30), "2 Hand Sword")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(1)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.TWOHANDSPEAR) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 370, 100, 30), "2 Hand Spear")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(2)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.TWOHANDAXE) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 400, 100, 30), "2 Hand Axe")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(3)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.TWOHANDBOW) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 430, 100, 30), "2 Hand Bow")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(4)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.TWOHANDCROSSBOW) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 460, 100, 30), "Crossbow")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(5)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.RIFLE) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1000, 460, 100, 30), "Rifle")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(18)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.STAFF) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 490, 100, 30), "Staff")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(6)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 7) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1115, 685, 100, 30), "Shield")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(7)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 8) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1065, 530, 100, 30), "Left Sword")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(8)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") != 9) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1165, 530, 100, 30), "Right Sword")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(9)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 10) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1065, 560, 100, 30), "Left Mace")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(10)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") != 11) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1165, 560, 100, 30), "Right Mace")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(11)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 12) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1065, 590, 100, 30), "Left Dagger")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(12)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.rightWeapon != 13) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1165, 590, 100, 30), "Right Dagger")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(13)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 14) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1065, 620, 100, 30), "Left Item")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(14)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.rightWeapon != 15) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1165, 620, 100, 30), "Right Item")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(15)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 16) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1065, 650, 100, 30), "Left Pistol")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(16)); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.rightWeapon != 17) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1165, 650, 100, 30), "Right Pistol")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(17)); } } if (rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") != 19) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1000, 370, 100, 30), "1 Hand Spear")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterWeaponController._SwitchWeapon(19)); } } //Sheath/Unsheath Hips. useHips = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(1025, 260, 100, 30), useHips, "Hips"); if (useHips) { if (hipsToggle == false) { rpgCharacterController.animator.SetInteger("SheathLocation", 1); hipsToggle = true; } } else { rpgCharacterController.animator.SetInteger("SheathLocation", 0); hipsToggle = false; } //Sheath/Unsheath Dual. useDual = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(1025, 285, 100, 30), useDual, "Dual"); if (useDual) { if (dualToggle == false) { rpgCharacterWeaponController.dualSwitch = true; dualToggle = true; } } else { dualToggle = false; rpgCharacterWeaponController.dualSwitch = false; } //Instant weapon toggle. useInstant = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(1025, 310, 100, 30), useInstant, "Instant"); if (useInstant) { if (instantToggle == false) { rpgCharacterWeaponController.instantWeaponSwitch = true; instantToggle = true; } } else { instantToggle = false; rpgCharacterWeaponController.instantWeaponSwitch = false; } } } } //Jump / Double Jump. if ((rpgCharacterMovementController.canJump || rpgCharacterMovementController.canDoubleJump) && !blockGui && rpgCharacterController.canAction) { if (rpgCharacterMovementController.MaintainingGround()) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 175, 100, 30), "Jump")) { if (rpgCharacterMovementController.canJump) { rpgCharacterMovementController.currentState = RPGCharacterState.Jump; rpgCharacterMovementController.rpgCharacterState = RPGCharacterState.Jump; } } } if (rpgCharacterMovementController.canDoubleJump) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 175, 100, 30), "Jump Flip")) { rpgCharacterMovementController.currentState = RPGCharacterState.DoubleJump; rpgCharacterMovementController.rpgCharacterState = RPGCharacterState.DoubleJump; } } } //Death Pickup Activate. if (!blockGui && !rpgCharacterController.isBlocking && rpgCharacterMovementController.MaintainingGround() && rpgCharacterController.canAction) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 270, 100, 30), "Death")) { rpgCharacterController.Death(); } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.ARMED) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 175, 100, 30), "Pickup")) { rpgCharacterController.Pickup(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 175, 100, 30), "Activate")) { rpgCharacterController.Activate(); } } else if (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.ARMED) { if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon != 0 && rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") != 0) { } else { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 165, 100, 30), "Pickup")) { rpgCharacterController.Pickup(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 165, 100, 30), "Activate")) { rpgCharacterController.Activate(); } } } } //Casting Armed and Staff. if ((rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.ARMED || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.STAFF || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.UNARMED) && !blockGui && rpgCharacterMovementController.MaintainingGround()) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 330, 100, 30), "Cast Atk Left")) { if (!rpgCharacterController.isCasting) { rpgCharacterController.Cast(1, "attack"); } else { rpgCharacterController.Cast(0, "attack"); } } if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.STAFF) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 330, 100, 30), "Cast Atk Right")) { if (!rpgCharacterController.isCasting) { rpgCharacterController.Cast(2, "attack"); } else { rpgCharacterController.Cast(0, "attack"); } } if (rpgCharacterWeaponController.leftWeapon == 0 && rpgCharacterController.animator.GetInteger("RightWeapon") == 0) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(80, 365, 100, 30), "Cast Atk Dual")) { if (!rpgCharacterController.isCasting) { rpgCharacterController.Cast(3, "attack"); } else { rpgCharacterController.Cast(0, "attack"); } } } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 425, 100, 30), "Cast AOE")) { if (!rpgCharacterController.isCasting) { rpgCharacterController.Cast(4, "AOE"); } else { rpgCharacterController.Cast(0, "AOE"); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 400, 100, 30), "Cast Buff")) { if (!rpgCharacterController.isCasting) { rpgCharacterController.Cast(4, "buff"); } else { rpgCharacterController.Cast(0, "buff"); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 450, 100, 30), "Cast Summon")) { if (!rpgCharacterController.isCasting) { rpgCharacterController.Cast(4, "summon"); } else { rpgCharacterController.Cast(0, "summon"); } } } } //Idle Actions. //Sit = 0 //Laydown = 1 //Pickup = 2 //Activate = 3 //Drink = 4 if (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.RELAX && !rpgCharacterMovementController.isMoving) { if (!rpgCharacterController.isSitting) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(900, 680, 100, 30), "Sit")) { rpgCharacterController.Sit(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(795, 680, 100, 30), "Sleep")) { rpgCharacterController.Sleep(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(900, 650, 100, 30), "Drink")) { rpgCharacterController.Drink(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(795, 650, 100, 30), "Bow")) { rpgCharacterController.Bow(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(690, 680, 100, 30), "Start Talking")) { rpgCharacterController.StartConversation(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(585, 680, 100, 30), "Stop Talking")) { rpgCharacterController.StopConversation(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(690, 650, 100, 30), "Yes")) { rpgCharacterController.Yes(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(585, 650, 100, 30), "No")) { rpgCharacterController.No(); } } if (rpgCharacterController.isSitting) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(795, 680, 100, 30), "Stand")) { rpgCharacterController.Stand(); } } } //Special Attack End. if (rpgCharacterController.weapon != Weapon.RELAX && !rpgCharacterController.canAction) { if (rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.TWOHANDSWORD || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.TWOHANDAXE || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.TWOHANDSPEAR || rpgCharacterController.weapon == Weapon.STAFF) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(235, 85, 100, 30), "End Special")) { rpgCharacterController.Special(1); } } } //Climbing. if (!blockGui && !rpgCharacterController.isBlocking && rpgCharacterMovementController.MaintainingGround() && rpgCharacterController.rpgCharacterMovementController.rpgCharacterState != RPGCharacterState.ClimbLadder && rpgCharacterController.isNearLadder) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(640, 360, 100, 30), "Climb Ladder")) { StartCoroutine(rpgCharacterController._ClimbLadder()); } } } //Swimming. if (rpgCharacterMovementController.rpgCharacterState == RPGCharacterState.Swim) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 175, 100, 30), "Swim Up")) { rpgCharacterMovementController.SwimAscend(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(25, 225, 100, 30), "Swim Down")) { rpgCharacterMovementController.SwimDescent(); } } /// <param name="Climb-Up">1</param> //// <param name="Climb-Down">2</param> //// <param name="Climb-Off-Top">3</param> //// <param name="Climb-Off-Bottom">4</param> //// <param name="Climb-On-Top">5</param> //// <param name="Climb-On-Bottom">6</param> if (rpgCharacterController.rpgCharacterMovementController.rpgCharacterState == RPGCharacterState.ClimbLadder) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 200, 100, 30), "Climb Off Top")) { rpgCharacterController.animator.SetInteger("Action", 3); rpgCharacterController.animator.SetTrigger("ClimbLadderTrigger"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 235, 100, 30), "Climb Up")) { rpgCharacterController.animator.SetInteger("Action", 1); rpgCharacterController.animator.SetTrigger("ClimbLadderTrigger"); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(130, 270, 100, 30), "Climb Down")) { rpgCharacterController.animator.SetInteger("Action", 2); rpgCharacterController.animator.SetTrigger("ClimbLadderTrigger"); } } //Revive. if (rpgCharacterController.isDead) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(30, 270, 100, 30), "Revive")) { rpgCharacterController.Revive(); } } }