public BattleFormPvP(PlayerFighter p1, PlayerFighter p2) { InitializeComponent(); pf1 = p1; pf2 = p2; currbattle = new Battle(p1, p2); atcat.Click += action; dodge.Click += action; block.Click += action; atcat2.Click += action; dodge2.Click += action; block2.Click += action; namlvlai.Text = pf2.Name + "\nLevel " + pf2.Level; namelvl.Text = pf1.Name + "\nLevel " + pf1.Level; pturn = currbattle.BattleStart(); changeturn(pturn); string fm = "`s speed allows him to attack first!"; if (pturn == 2) { fm = pf1.Name + fm; } else { fm = pf2.Name + fm; } battlelog.Text = currbattle.Message; battlelog.Text += DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": " + fm + Environment.NewLine; battlelog.TextChanged += tb_scrldwn; }
public BattleForm(PlayerFighter c) { InitializeComponent(); currplayer1 = c; aif = new AIFighter(currplayer1.Level); currbattle = new Battle(currplayer1, aif); atcat.Click += action; dodge.Click += action; block.Click += action; namlvlai.Text = aif.Name + "\nLevel " + aif.Level; namelvl.Text = currplayer1.Name + "\nLevel " + currplayer1.Level; pturn = currbattle.BattleStart(); changeturn(pturn); string fm = "`s speed allows him to attack first!"; if (pturn == 2) { fm = currplayer1.Name + fm; } else { fm = aif.Name + fm; } battlelog.Text = currbattle.Message; battlelog.Text += DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": " + fm + Environment.NewLine; battlelog.TextChanged += tb_scrldwn; }
public int BattleEnd(PlayerFighter player) { message = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "BattleEnded\n" + Environment.NewLine; bool win = true; if (fp.Durability <= 0) { win = false; } int win2 = 1; if (fp.Durability <= 0) { win2 = 2; if (sp.Durability <= 0) { message = message + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": It`s a draw!" + Environment.NewLine; win2 = 3; } else { message = message + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": Winner is " + sp.Name + Environment.NewLine; } } else { message = message + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": Winner is " + fp.Name + Environment.NewLine; } int z = player.expgot(win, sp.Level, durp2 - sp.Durability, durp1 - fp.Durability); player.statist_change(win2); return(z); }
static public PlayerFighter load(string nam)//zagruzka { string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Save"; DataContractJsonSerializer loader = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(PlayerFighter)); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream((path + @"\" + nam + ".json"), FileMode.Open)) { PlayerFighter loaded = (PlayerFighter)loader.ReadObject(fs); return(loaded); } }
public Battle(PlayerFighter p, AIFighter a) { fp = new PlayerFighter(p); sp = a; speeddif = 0; prevturn = 0; durp1 = fp.Durability; durp2 = sp.Durability; battleend = false; message = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + ": Battle starts: " + fp.Name + " vs " + sp.Name + Environment.NewLine; }
public PlayerFighter(PlayerFighter other) { this.expcur = other.expcur; =; this.level = other.level; this.strenght = other.strenght; this.speed = other.speed; this.agility = other.agility; this.durability = other.durability; this.luck = other.luck; this.explvlup = other.explvlup; }
private void Loading(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button b = sender as Button; PlayerFighter currentplayer = PlayerFighter.load(b.Name); GameMain f1 = new GameMain(); f1.Owner = this.Owner; f1.Show(); f1.currplayer = currentplayer; this.Close(); }
private void Select(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button b = sender as Button; if (b.Parent.Name == "panel1") { p1 = PlayerFighter.load(b.Name); selectp(panel1, p1); } else { p2 = PlayerFighter.load(b.Name); selectp(panel2, p2); } }
public void save(PlayerFighter pers)//sohranenie { string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Save"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } DataContractJsonSerializer saver = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(PlayerFighter)); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream((path + @"\" + pers.Name + ".json"), FileMode.Create)) { saver.WriteObject(fs, pers); } }
private void selectp(Panel p, PlayerFighter cp) { p.Controls.Clear(); Label namelvl = new Label(); namelvl.AutoSize = true; namelvl.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 16F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(204))); namelvl.Location = new Point(20, 10); namelvl.Text = "Name: " + cp.Name + " level " + cp.Level; p.Controls.Add(namelvl); Label str = new Label(); str.AutoSize = true; str.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(204))); str.Location = new Point(20, 60); str.Text = "Strenght: " + cp.Str; p.Controls.Add(str); Label speed = new Label(); speed.AutoSize = true; speed.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(204))); speed.Location = new Point(20, 100); speed.Text = "Speed: " + cp.Speed; p.Controls.Add(speed); Label agil = new Label(); agil.AutoSize = true; agil.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(204))); agil.Location = new Point(20, 140); agil.Text = "Agility: " + cp.Agility; p.Controls.Add(agil); Label durab = new Label(); durab.AutoSize = true; durab.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(204))); durab.Location = new Point(20, 180); durab.Text = "Durability: " + cp.Durability; p.Controls.Add(durab); Label luck = new Label(); luck.AutoSize = true; luck.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(204))); luck.Location = new Point(20, 220); luck.Text = "Luck: " + cp.Luck; p.Controls.Add(luck); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PlayerFighter currentplayer = new PlayerFighter(textBox1.Text, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Save\" + textBox1.Text + ".json"; if (!File.Exists(path)) {; GameMain f1 = new GameMain(); f1.Owner = this.Owner; f1.Show(); f1.currplayer = currentplayer; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("This name is already taken. Choose a different one, or delete existing character throught Load menu"); } }