예제 #1
        public static BruiseBash GetBruiseBashItem(Guid idOfBruise)
                var dc = new ManagementContext();
                var bruise = dc.BruiseBashItem.Where(x => x.BruiseBashId == idOfBruise).FirstOrDefault();

                BruiseBash bashObject = new BruiseBash();
                bashObject.Story = bruise.Story;
                bashObject.Title = bruise.Title;
                bashObject.File = bruise.Image.ImageUrl;
                bashObject.BruiseId = bruise.BruiseBashId;

                foreach (var comment in bruise.Comments)
                    BruiseBashComment comTemp = new BruiseBashComment();
                    comTemp.Comment = comment.Comment;
                    comTemp.CommentId = comment.CommentId;
                    comTemp.Created = comment.Created;
                    if (comment.Owner != null)
                        comTemp.OwnerId = comment.Owner.MemberId;
                foreach (var rating in bruise.Ratings)
                    BruiseBashRatings ratTemp = new BruiseBashRatings();
                    ratTemp.Created = rating.Created;
                    if (rating.Rater != null)
                        ratTemp.RaterId = rating.Rater.MemberId;
                    ratTemp.RatingId = rating.RatingId;

                    if (rating.Loser != null)
                        BruiseBash loserBash = new BruiseBash();
                        loserBash.Story = rating.Loser.Story;
                        loserBash.Title = rating.Loser.Title;
                        loserBash.File = rating.Loser.Image.ImageUrl;
                        loserBash.BruiseId = rating.Loser.BruiseBashId;
                        ratTemp.Loser = loserBash;

                    if (rating.Winner != null)
                        BruiseBash winnerBash = new BruiseBash();
                        winnerBash.Story = rating.Winner.Story;
                        winnerBash.Title = rating.Winner.Title;
                        winnerBash.File = rating.Winner.Image.ImageUrl;
                        winnerBash.BruiseId = rating.Winner.BruiseBashId;
                        ratTemp.Winner = winnerBash;
                return bashObject;
            catch (Exception exception)
                ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType());
            return null;
        public ActionResult Add(BruiseBashAddModel model, HttpPostedFileBase file)

            BruiseBash car = new BruiseBash();
            car.Title = model.Title;
            car.Story = model.Story;
            car.File = file.FileName;

            Guid memberId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId();

            Guid BruiseBashItemId = BruiseBash.SaveBruiseBashItem(car, file.InputStream, memberId);

            return Redirect(Url.Content("~/bruisebash/bruise/" + BruiseBashItemId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + model.Title));

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// saves the image to botht the database and the directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bashItem"></param>
        /// <param name="fileStream"></param>
        /// <param name="MemberId"></param>
        public static Guid SaveBruiseBashItem(BruiseBash bashItem, Stream fileStream, Guid MemberId)
                var dc = new ManagementContext();
                BruiseBashItem item = new BruiseBashItem();
                item.Story = bashItem.Story;
                item.Title = bashItem.Title;
                //time stamp for the save location
                DateTime timeOfSave = DateTime.UtcNow;

                FileInfo info = new FileInfo(bashItem.File);

                //the file name when we save it
                string fileName = "roller_derby_bruise_" + timeOfSave.ToFileTimeUtc() + info.Extension;

                string url = "http://images.rdnation.com/bruise/" + timeOfSave.Year + "/" + timeOfSave.Month + "/" + timeOfSave.Day + "/";
                string imageLocationToSave = @"C:\WebSites\images.rdnation.com\bruise\" + timeOfSave.Year + @"\" + timeOfSave.Month + @"\" + timeOfSave.Day + @"\";
                //creates the directory for the image
                if (!Directory.Exists(imageLocationToSave))

                url += fileName;
                imageLocationToSave += fileName;

                BruiseBashImage image = new BruiseBashImage();
                image.ImageUrl = url;
                image.Name = fileName;
                image.SaveLocation = imageLocationToSave;
                item.Image = image;
                //sets owner of the image
                item.Owner = dc.Members.Where(x => x.MemberId == MemberId).FirstOrDefault();

                using (var newfileStream = new FileStream(imageLocationToSave, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                //saves the image to the db
                return item.BruiseBashId;
            catch (Exception exception)
                ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType());
            return new Guid();
