public static bool ClearCommand(string[] args) { if (args[0] == "help") { Console.WriteLine("Usage: clear"); Console.WriteLine("Clears console."); return(true); } RConsoleBase.Clear(); return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RConsoleBase console = new RConsoleBase(); if (args.Length > 0) { console.TempRun(args); } else { console.Run(); } }
/* * private static TextWriter writer; * private static TextReader reader; */ /////////////////////////////////////// public RConsoleBase() { console = this; RConsoleBaseHelper.console = console; cHandler = new CommandHandler(); bManager = new BluetoothManager(console); serial = new SerialCommunication(console); serial.Run(); context = new Context(); }
public SerialCommunication(RConsoleBase console) { this.console = console; }
// Handles command inputs and makes sure everything gets handled properly. public bool Handle(string[] args) { // If no args, return false if (args.Length == 0) { return(false); } bool result; // Run commands for instance if current instance isn't base instance if (RConsoleBase.GetInstance() != "base") { if (args[0] == "quit") { RConsoleBase.ResetInstance(); return(true); } else { result = commands[RConsoleBase.GetInstance()].Execute(args); if (!result) { // Calls commands with "help" argument commands[RConsoleBase.GetInstance()].Execute(new string[] { "help" }); return(false); } return(true); } } Command command; if (commands.ContainsKey(args[0])) { // Get Command object from dictionary by passing the "command name" by string. command = commands[args[0]]; } else { // No command of name args[0] return(false); } // Throwing out the command name from the input arguments args = args.Skip(1).ToArray(); if (args.Length == 0) { // if command can be an instance and current instance is not command, set current instance to command if (command.IsInstance && RConsoleBase.GetInstance() != command.Name) { RConsoleBase.SetInstance(command.Name); return(true); } else { // place holder args = new string[1]; } } // finally, execute command with args in the normal fashion result = command.Execute(args); if (!result) { // Calls command with "help" argument command.Execute(new string[] { "help" }); return(false); } return(true); }
public BluetoothManager(RConsoleBase console) { this.console = console; }